The Puppetmaster

The Puppetmaster

A Poem by PandaPeaceful

Like a flash, he burned,
taking the world with him.
He smiled in utter amusement,
breathing in complete destruction.
His laughter faded and yet,
he felt the hole inside him ignite.
The pain he once felt, gone.
The love he once admired, 
banished from his heart.
But, the anger never vanished.
Like a forgotten candle,
he melted and boiled.
There wasn't a whimper,
Nor a scream, nor a cry.
He was fully happy.
But he cheated life.
The boy lifted his subjects,
And killed them in sight.
Like the puppet master he was,
He controlled and ravaged.
'Oh' he said, 'don't cry'
'For I am here to protect you all'
'From the suffering and the pain'
And so he did as he promised.
Like the naive people they were,
they complied.
The faint howls of agony,
resounded throughout the town.
'You may now rest' he cried out.
And so the town did.
Fleeting away in its own ashes.

© 2017 PandaPeaceful

My Review

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I found your write fascinatingly disquieting! Good structure, flow and poetically sound; but the imagery made me pause for a minute, as I had visions of an extremism suicide bomber sickeningly destroying his target. Just my cynical take - :-)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

I appreciate that. Your intake means a lot to me.
Have a lovely day!
Paints quite the picture in your mind, skillful poem for sure! The absolute ending of pain and suffering in the end. Kind of like killing a severely wounded animal... Got me thinking for sure thanks!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

I appreciate your comment!
Have a lovely day.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 30, 2017
Last Updated on June 30, 2017

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