

A Story by Chloe..Across the Universe

Reading through old writings saw this and it is the reviews you should read. Many great ones and so many old friends no longer writing here. it was in defense of a review a friend got


So, you've come here to crucify me with your words for my words , thoughts, feelings that I write here with all the heart and soul inside me. Words that say, use me, write me, please, me.
Thoughts that say tell me, let them see me. Feelings that say release me, set me free.

You say my meter is off, put a disconnect notice on it.You say there is no rhythm, YOU have no rhythm..  perhaps it flows backward like the old timers said the mighty Mississip' flowed after the great earthquake on the New Madrid Fault.

You say there is no rhythm. So maybe I don't dance that well or to the same tune as you do besides that, I'm white.Know fact, we have little rhythm...

Oh, and the structure, bad. built this with my own two hands and I don't really want to tear it down for you. Thank you very much.

 So go ahead, crucify me. Place me on papyrus with pens of quill. I will tear myself down, pour my thoughts, words, feelings on this bloody papyrus.

MY Words, MY Thoughts , My Feelings, and perhaps if they should be deemed worthy of being featured by whoever it is that deems such, I will say Bravo for me , and to you I will say,"Thank you for the review, thanks very much, but I think I will write it, do it my way."

All grammatical and misspelled words you see are welcomed.

I came here because I was invited .. to write, read, share and learn.
The Cafe is kind, the people are kind. The review I read a few days ago WAS not kind.. it seemed as if the person reviewing was deliberately trying to make the writer feel bad.
I am not a writer, I have already stated that. Many I read are writers , writers I would aspire to be like. Some of the writers on this site are young, just getting their feet wet. Still they want to write and have something to say. The writing is a form of release and much better than drugs or alcohol or anything in that vein. I have see some reviews of theirs..cruel reviews. I would imagine many of the younger writers give up when all they needed, need is a bit of encouragement and a few tips, maybe by email as younger people are more sensitive usually.
 And the thing that helps most is reading the fine poetry and stories by the many talented writers here at the Cafe.

Peace and Love


© 2011 Chloe..Across the Universe

Author's Note

Chloe..Across the Universe
i think i said it all above in the rambling speech ...

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Bravo, Chloe! I read a very harsh review the other day (not my own) also. I was so annoyed because it was personally attacking the writer and not really the work, itself. I went and read the "critics" work and I had to say that I was unimpressed. I don't know who he thought he was. I've only had one non-constructive review and it's prompted me to write something as well. It's been bouncing around in my head.

By the way, favorite lines:

You say my meter is off, put a disconnect notice on it.

Hilarious since I happen to work for the local electric & gas company! That made my night. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 17 Years Ago

25 of 25 people found this review constructive.


There is a definite chasm between what is considered professional, or academic writing, and amateur for-fun writing. Work can border both, or be held directly in one circle. Neither way is it bad, really.

And criticism about rhythm, structure and meter should offer advice without trying to be a dick. Constructive criticism is the only way anyone will ever learn... especially around here.

Then again, I am a pretty mean reviewer but I try to be helpful still.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

hi chloe, this is brilliantly said, as you capture feelings that speak to the masses at heart,
as well, every poet/writer should be able to see truth in your passionate, touching words
that lend compassion with understanding to the artist's plight, and there is a fine line be-
tween positive critiquing ment to help and giving an opinionated statement which serves no
merit, i am glad that you reposted this, as this should be read by all, in saying the value
of inspiration is priceless, beautifully done, you certainly are a writer's writer, mike

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Glad to see you've reposted and I'm still glad it isn't about me. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Ahh, I like it. Bashing the bashers. Just keep in mind that if you plan to make a career out of writing, criticism is important.

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Well!! a good writer always have someone to pull them down, but one comment does not make a person, as one brick do not make a house. My dear, you are accomplished and I like you for that, keep penning those lovely thougts of yours and seduce me.

Im simple words, keep writing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

That was really good and it's almost too true. We always get both good and bad comments. Personally, I prefer both, that way, I'd like to know what went wrong,I know that there are no such thing as a perfect writer. On the other hand, don't mind the others that left you "negative comments", because, in my book, you're already a great writer...

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Haha, this is good. I've seen those 'cruel' comments around here. But I've seen more on the other site, which they Really critique, and could actually change the whole story of yours. Somehow, I doubted that their mind was working find; because they could think with a complicated mind on a very simple write. I wouldn't getting all those critiques, but if it got too harsh, that's my issue.

Thanks for sharing this, Chloe. You got a great write here.

EC :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

There is a big difference between helpful and critical. I think we all need to focus on being helpful. Thanks so much for writing this and putting a voice behind the thought.

Posted 16 Years Ago

5 of 5 people found this review constructive.

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Oh, Chloe, sweethaert!! This was so heartfelt and filled with anger!! I love your forwardness on this piece. I agree with you completely that people should only help in their reviews not just say how much something sucks!! Also I am a very wet footed writer so I can relate to how much it must hurt to have something you put so much heart and effort into treated as a piece of garbage. You are a great person to stand up and voice this. Great job. ::HUGS!!::

Posted 16 Years Ago

6 of 6 people found this review constructive.

Thank you, Chloe, for writing this. I've also noticed the harsh reviews and they're beginning to bother me...:) I agree with you completely--writers should be encouraged, not hurled insults at. I'm not sure if you meant this to be a rant but I really noticed (and appreciated :)) the anger and the passion flowing through this...especially liked the part about the Mississippi...:) I'm going to keep this in my Favs, just in case a particularly cruel reviewer pops up. :)

Thanks again for writing this,


Posted 16 Years Ago

7 of 7 people found this review constructive.

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87 Reviews
Added on February 13, 2008
Last Updated on March 2, 2011


Chloe..Across the Universe
Chloe..Across the Universe

Smalltown, USA, AR

Sometimes i feel like an alien in a strange land..can you relate? I love people and friends are just that to me , friends-if you request me as a friend it would be nice if you read something I have .. more..


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