The face in the mirror

The face in the mirror

A Chapter by Leviathus Fortes

it is often said that if you want someone to change your life you need only look for a reflection in the mirror.
it's a question of will, of drive...passion.
a deeper understanding of one's own soul and for what it truly yearns.
this is such a story of that which is simply to be described as a matter of integrity
of course what this ultimately comes down to is whether a person can embrace their true self and love the person that they find themselves to be
will they be independent and dance to the rhythm of the music that they carry inside themselves or would they be another face that hides in the crowd
it's astounding really considering that by following the crowd you will go no further than the crowd
I myself prefer to see those who are lost in freedom
but what intrigues me the most is to find out who has the inner light inside them that tends to shine brightly for all to see
radiating yes always inspiring and somehow, not even I can explain the reason, this particular light brings forth a certain kind of liberation for others who desire to be themselves without judgement from the outside world
I openly admit to you that I do not have all of the answers nor would I dare even try to have them at any given point in time
To say that I did would be no better than boasting and to find myself captured in my own lie
I am little more than a player in this game just as anyone else, but I always keep a watchful eye for the something in particular that I am always seeking
I have no ulterior motive nor do I have a hidden agenda I merely for lack of better word am
I also do not claim to be the wisest, but after all that I have witnessed throughout my tenure is that the one absolute truth that exists in the universe is that there will always be a process of learning and of growing
some would say that would be described as the knowledge one could achieve through experience
I remain neutral on the subject in that respect as I am not one to judge nor shall I ever
Call me a spectator if you wish, but there is a special something that I too receive as well from temptation
and I am not sure if I can possibly explain its intricate nuances
the ones from which that I seem to find the most favorable pleasures hidden within
but I shall try to the best of my ability anyway
I find, coming down to the conclusion of whether this knowledge is self-taught or in the teaching of another, is actually quite irrelevant to me
I am more curious as to the outcome of choices made based upon sheer free will
such it is to me being an interesting process to observe yet I somehow always find a smile upon my face
It becomes simply a pure delight, that of which I feel no remorse for indulging
I myself am neither good nor bad
as such I am not one to judge either for I am only interested in the end result
but I often find that there is, as it always has been, one remaining constant of which I see has never altered
the journey itself
although I do find it rather amusing to watch those who are trying erratically to reach a destination, without first fully being enraptured by the miracles in the moments of everyday life,
I become amused at the astounding feats of what it takes for a mere mortal to reach such a said destination, if only done by the faith that they carry in themselves
I also find amusement in the vile acts most will perform to get to thier destination as quickly as they can no matter who they harm along the way
I have always questioned this principle and the logic behind it but to no avail have I found an answer
Thus the conclusion that I have come to is that it is more so about the journey and not quite so much about the destination reached
as it has always been and just as it always shall be
at least as far as I can recall in my observations
I find sometimes that I myself can too become surprised when watching the internal battle of a soul searching for its own synchronicity
this is the story of two such protagonists
two lost souls trying to find their way

© 2015 Leviathus Fortes

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Added on November 2, 2015
Last Updated on November 2, 2015


Leviathus Fortes
Leviathus Fortes


Be inspired by others and you will inspire yourself, which in turn WILL inspire others. - Hercule Will --- I've always felt the need to write. Even if, at times, it seems to myself tha.. more..

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A Poem by Leviathus Fortes