Voice of Reason

Voice of Reason

A Chapter by Leviathus Fortes

Voice of Reason

he entered the room to see an elderly woman before him.
she was relaxed, lounging in her recliner her eyes half closed. he began to clean the room. spraying cleaner onto a rag he wiped down the sink as well as the soap and towel dispensers.
he had a very different order then all of the others who cleaned. he began changing the trash in the bins that sat in the room.
as he neared the recliner he leaned down so that he could pick up the trash bin and fill it with bags

a hand reached out and grab his wrist
it was the old woman

she begins speaking to in in Monotomed voice

you work hard good heart always working hard smiles on everyone's faces you help she and the other one they he keeps her round clothing but they fight always fight and harm

the two of you together like this she said as she raised both hands to mimic two people fighting with each other

she needs you
he wants everyone to know he controls this place

her and the other girl

the other girl? Yes

she needs you

do I try to help? Do I go back to her?

no. She'll use you again

its all confusing

he comes in here he says you can't have him he's mine

the father will take care of it she's not with my son

And what of nikki? she's younger and I feel like I'm taking advantage. I know you sent Meer because of the feathers. but I wasn't sure if Nikki. I didn't know if you sent him or if he did. Is she only supposed to be a companion or more? or am I to inspire her to get out of situation that she is in? am I supposed to help her?

if you can

she's like me the same in here as he pointed to his head and in here as he pointed to his heart

the old woman smiled at him I know I sent her

if I keep my arrangement with Nikki I won't be able to do the book until December 11th. is that what I'm supposed to do?

the old woman smile grew larger as she nodded yes

her eyes shifted to the side oh there you are we were just talking about you

he turned his head to see a man and blue scrubs standing in the doorway with a gait belt

the old woman turned her head back to Jacob and smiled
As he raised from kneeling he turned his head

the old woman spoke time for exercise
Jacob replied yes we were just talking about that

the man in scrubs made his way towards the recliner as Jacob set the bin to the side and exited the room upon doing so he saw the old woman staring at him still smiling and with his right hand he formed across for head to heart shoulder to shoulder mouthing thank you real woman. In her head as if she were saying you're welcome without speaking any words

© 2015 Leviathus Fortes

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Wow, nice style of writing. I like how the woman's inner voice of gratitude was heard 'without speaking any words "

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 24, 2015
Last Updated on November 24, 2015


Leviathus Fortes
Leviathus Fortes


Be inspired by others and you will inspire yourself, which in turn WILL inspire others. - Hercule Will --- I've always felt the need to write. Even if, at times, it seems to myself tha.. more..

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A Poem by Leviathus Fortes