Many A Time

Many A Time

A Poem by Priyanshi

Many a time you didn't come.

 Never your flaws, then did I count.

because when hopes began to fall,

all of sudden, you save them at all.


Many a time, blue devil belted your mind.

trailed each way, sadness from you to align.

though you never needed me, did expect the else

but my care wasn't less when the heart did melt.


Many a time, I wanted you,

to be in me, for me, to get a bit of hue.

When the stars weren't seen,

I wish to see the moon, for me, that was you.


Many a time, when I rang the blues

You forced me to smile, you got me those clues.

but today, am singing the blues,

in guilt though. But unknown flaws of whose?

© 2018 Priyanshi

My Review

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I love the texture of this piece. It's so moist yet so beautiful. Loved it.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Such a sad poem but so well expressed (in your English which is a little bit different to mine, but of course, equally valid.) Being in love with the wrong one is such a problem, and yes, it does bring guilt. But, perhaps, if one allows oneself to experience the pain, it will go away. Love this poem.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you so much Ma'am for the lovely review
Great Aunt Astri

6 Years Ago

You are welcome.
I love the flow, rhymes, rhythm and refrain.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your kind words
Very Difficult Language Used But Understandable And Nice Narration....

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

oh, next time I shall write in easy language,friend.
Thank you for the honest review
Hard hitting question, you expressed your emotions really well.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

True....sometimes only words on paper can catch our emotions...Thank you so much, for the lovely rei.. read more
Najam Us Saher

6 Years Ago

Exactly, you are most welcome :)
This feels like a tangled up story of unclear intentions between two people . . . that never-ending push-and-pull . . . wondering what's going on & what is the other one thinking or feeling. There are a few lines I don't understand but overall, the main message is coming thru. This phrase from 2nd stanza seems unclear to me: "did expect the else" . . . (???) The 3rd stanza really shines for me -- good imagery! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

"Did expect the else" actually means that the person expected someone else to help him, but in her p.. read more
Love doesn't hurt... loving the wrong one hurts...I like the poem..

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Exactly true,Farhan.
Thank you so much, for the review.:)
Najam Us Saher

6 Years Ago

Wrong ones lead us to the right places only if you give a chance. Trust me.
Farhan Shaikh

6 Years Ago

I agree...
singing the blues,wonder why love brings all this pain

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Yeah, true...
Thank you so much, for review,friend:)

6 Years Ago

no problem my friend
Very beautifully penned, Priya. They say Love is Pain. With love comes a lot of hurt and what not. But, that's what Love is. I have been there, but with times everything fades....
Cure for pain is in the pain - Rumi.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

True statement, it is.
Thank you so much, friend, for the review:)

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9 Reviews
Added on January 10, 2018
Last Updated on January 11, 2018




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A Poem by Priyanshi

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