chapter 2

chapter 2

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

The unfortunate tale continues with yet another nightmare.Maybe this one will prove more fruitful than the last.

Steven lay in his bed asleep and dreaming of nothing more than he normally would.But this time was different.This time it felt a lot more sinister, evil if you will.Steven was once again standing at the entrance to the tunnel, but there was a thick fog present.Not only that, Steven was holding a flashlight instead of having to find one.He had both flashlight and switchblade in both hands.
"Now where the hell am I?"Asked Steven, clearly confused.
A loud noise escaped from within the tunnel.It was the sound of metal scraping across concrete.The tone of it was ear piercing, going on the verge of deafening.There was little to go by this time.Steven didn't see any other way into town, all except for one.The tunnel.Again.So, Steven turned on the flashlight and shone the beam into the tunnel.From there he made his way inside.
"There's nothing to be afraid of.This is obviously another nightmare, otherwise why would I be back here?"
The noise seemed to get louder and louder as he marched forward into the tunnel.As he made it halfway, Steven saw something move off in the distance.It moved very quickly and made sure to stay out of the beam of light.What ever this thing was, was intelligent.Deliberately making sure it stayed well away from the light.Whenever Steven shone the light at it, it would scamper off and hide.
Steven eventually made it to the other end of the tunnel and felt a sense of accomplishment within himself.However, as Steven approached the exit, the creature decided to reveal itself.It came down from the ceiling and landed on the roof of a car, crushing the car in the process.The size of it wasn't as big as first thought but it nevertheless, it was still big.
"Jesus Christ!"Yelped Steven.
The creature was a very disfigured dog and was the size of a fully grown miniature horse.It had all of its skin,all of its limbs, and even its tail.But there was one major difference.When the dog opened its mouth, a large split ran horizontally down its throat until it reached the bottom.Its head actually split flatly instead of being sliced downwards.Also, the dog had four extra eyes.
"What the f**k are you?!"Yelled Steven.
The size of the dog meant that the little switchblade would do very little in ways of protecting.Steven knew this, choosing to turn and run instead.He sprinted for the entrance of the tunnel.The dog saw this attempt and immediately hopped from car to car, gaining incredible ground on Steven.By the time he had reached a good distance, the dog sped up and cut him off.
Steven was left with no other options which forced him to defend himself.He drew his switchblade forth, preparing himself for an attack.The dog lunged at him and pinned him to the ground, snapping and snarling at Steven's throat.Even though he was pinned, Steven wasn't going to go down without a fight.He used his legs to lift the dog up high enough to expose its underside, then took the blade and stabbed its chest repeatedly.
Letting out a terrifying sound, the dog fell onto the ground and writhed in pain.After a few seconds more it was dead.
"What the f**k was that thing?!"
The celebration was short lived.Steven got to his feet and turned towards the exit of the tunnel.At a moment notice, the same slime from the previous nightmare, oozed down over the exit and left behind a rust covered wall.There was now no other way to go.Not only that but a strange sound started to fill the tunnel.It sounded like a mixture between a fire alarm, rusty metal grinding together, and a woman screaming.
Steven's flashlight began to flicker as all traces of light started to fade away.The bulb inside of the flashlight exploded, shrouding Steven in the darkness.By the time the noise had stopped there was no light at all.The tunnel shook violently and sent debris falling down, narrowly missing Steven.Then, as fast as it had started, the tunnel fell silent.
"What the f**k is going on?"
Something moved among the cars and gently brushed against Steven.This frightened Steven, forcing him to swing the blade like madman.Although, just as things seemed they couldn't get any better, they did.The emergency lights came on in the tunnel.Each and every single one of them red.Scarier than the now red tunnel, a humanoid figure stood only a few feet away from Steven.Whoever or whatever it was, was letting out a soft cry.
"Hey...are you alright?"
The figures head spun round 180 degrees to face Steven.It was disfigured beyond recognition.It did look slightly familiar, though.So in an effort to try and avoid confronting the figure, Steven slowly crept backwards.This didn't work for very long.The figure hastily sped towards him without moving its legs, almost as if floating.It grabbed hold of him by his wrists and began to twist them.
"Let go of me!You're going to break my wrists!"
As unfortunate as it was, Steven's wrists snapped under pressure.They were then twisted right round until the skin began to rip.Steven was screaming in pain, begging to wake up.The figure pulled him closer to itself and whispered something in his ear.
Steven woke up in his bed with a pool of sweat surrounding him.While his wrists did hurt, Steven breathed a sigh of relief.But he did feel a sense of dread and didn't know why.Maybe it was the though of returning home.

© 2018 Rayner Ramsay

Author's Note

Rayner Ramsay
this work of fiction contains graphic and disturbing content.Please view at own risk.I hold no responsibility for any offense, painful memories,or feelings hurt.

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Added on August 22, 2018
Last Updated on August 22, 2018
Tags: Silent Hill, scary, horror, demons, monsters, creatures, nightmares


Rayner Ramsay
Rayner Ramsay

Hamilton, Enderley, New Zealand

I am a new father who is trying to keep everything in tact.While I tend to my baby,I also try to tend to my passion.Writing. more..

prologue prologue

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Rayner Ramsay