Constructive criticism!? How could I possibly dare? This is a masterpiece. In my first read through this piece I was amazed at every turn. You strike me as a man that wouldn't appreciate pure fawning praise but I cannot come up with anything but praise. A master stroke of a true artist.
Posted 4 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
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4 Years Ago
Thank you most gratefully, Syr TS 🌿
I can conceive of nothing more graciously humb.. read moreThank you most gratefully, Syr TS 🌿
I can conceive of nothing more graciously humbling or genuinely rewarding than to receive such appreciative sincerity, praise, and accolades for one of my earnest Free Verse pieces.
Coming from a fellow-poet so highly accomplished, admired, and respected, as yourself, I am amply assured my hopeful efforts have proven worthwhile.
Well, a little fawning never hurt a thing. ; )
Bountifully overjoyed … your grateful friend ⁓ Richard 🍃
Hello Richard, I guess I find myself at the back of a long line of reviewers. It’s a wonderful poem. As I read on, I related more and more strongly. Finding it’s become as lonely today as every day is going to be. That slew me, because that is where I am. The last verse was great writing, but I can’t agree with the message. The seasons always turn round to spring and summer, but there come’s a time in real life when one’s life, one’s heart never does.
The life span of a leaf is the same as some relationships.
Some leaves even become mulch for farmers…but when love dies.
It’s remains are too painful to put to good use.
This piece is brilliant.
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
Ahhh, Titilayo 🍷
Your eloquent voice speaks not only of appreciation for my humble.. read moreAhhh, Titilayo 🍷
Your eloquent voice speaks not only of appreciation for my humble poetic efforts, but with the intellectual bouquet of a lifetime's wisened, vintage wine … no truer words spoken of love's painful demise.
In the glow of your encouraging praise, M'Lady, I sweep low my blushingly grateful chapeau!
Explaining to a leaf. A problem indeed. How would you explain to a leaf your troubles.
I liked it a lot.
And thank you for your critique of my short story.
I am a Navy veteran which is why I always try to use familiar terms in all of my 'nautical' stories. Many were in my first novel as well.
I truly appreciate your advice on my sentence structure. Never was good in any English class in school.
I'm getting better me thinks.
Thank you Richard, God Bless
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
Good morning, William 🌤
I'm so pleased you've dropped-in for a read and enlighteni.. read moreGood morning, William 🌤
I'm so pleased you've dropped-in for a read and enlightening commentary on this rather poignant Free Verse on loneliness. Yes, talking to leaves about one's troubles takes a desperate man, indeed.
Well, Dear Sir, your grammar might fall shy of perfection, but nothing will detract from your skill as an excitingly captivating raconteur. And, I look forward to enjoying more of your nautical tales.
My advice, you are always welcome to … I strive to give my fellow and lady Café friends the best I can. If you wish, tap my shoulder for a helpful hand, anytime.
like seasons …
share a kinship of change"?
No truer lines were ever penned than the closing lines of this classic write. Seasons change and people change and sometimes we find ourselves alone. Breaking up with a loved one is akin to death. It brings that same cold, lonesome feeling which penetrates to one's very bones. You have established the feeling through the most evocative visual detail and expressed it through your excellent choice of words. A very emotive graphic poem, hauntingly beautiful, emotionally moving and heart breaking to read! A warm HUG to dispel the cold feeling and praying the sun has come shining warmly and brightly through the cold grey forbidding clouds for you, dear poet. Thank you for sharing...
Posted 9 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Months Ago
Such a beautiful review, Dear Marie 🌾
Here you are again, touching deep moreSuch a beautiful review, Dear Marie 🌾
Here you are again, touching deep within.
Words, like a flame, calling out my name
to your fervent glow; wonders you bestow.
What can a poet say about your lurid way?
"Do keep coming, you have me thrumming!"
Thank you ever-so warmly and gratefully for blessing my humble efforts to write for and please those who come hoping for the pleasure of finding something meaningful, original, and worthwhile laid before them upon the urging page.
Marie, the encouragingly sweet caresses of your words' expressed appreciation, praise, and rapport speak to the core essence of my bardic heart and soul.
You are most gratefully welcome for my sharings, and I thank You for your lovely presence with Me!
Most warmly! ⁓ Richard🖌
"How do you explain to a shivering leaf
that the cold can’t be as bad
as waking up tomorrow,
finding it’s become
as lonely today as every day
is going to be,"
I LOVE this part, this is a wonderful write. I love this write a lot.
There is a lot of feeling in this write. Enjoyed.
Posted 10 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Months Ago
Thank you, Dear WG 🍂
Ever-so warmly for LOVING and enjoying anything about this po.. read moreThank you, Dear WG 🍂
Ever-so warmly for LOVING and enjoying anything about this poignantly humble poetic effort, that you think is wonderful.
The verse you've highlighted is also my favorite, as it's the poem's core essence.
May your days 'n nights nevermore be lonely! ⁓ Richard🖌
constructive criticism - Um I don't think so, This is amazing!
Your last stanza just stands out, love this write.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Another bite!? 🍎
Goodness-ME, Meg, how lucky can a bard get? Three reads and revie.. read moreAnother bite!? 🍎
Goodness-ME, Meg, how lucky can a bard get? Three reads and reviews in a row … I'm gobsmacked!
And, there you go again, loving something about my humble little efforts. I am sooo very pleased to have your attention, and to receive such graciously encouraging regard from an accomplished poetess.
I can only think of but one criticism of this. It was over too soon. Love, love, love it!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
A fine early morn to thee, Lady Lorena🌤️
Ya know? Nothing is more warmly gratify.. read moreA fine early morn to thee, Lady Lorena🌤️
Ya know? Nothing is more warmly gratifying for a humble bard than being gifted a poetesses' love of his ardent efforts … as you've so succinctly and appreciatively expressed for this rather poignantly rendered piece.
Twenty-eight lines of poetry would be enough for most, and You asking for more is the highest compliment of all.
Thank you, Lorena, ever-so delightfully for sharing your inspiringly gracious and welcome, poetic sentiments! ⁓ Richard 🍂
Okay, third read of this Free Verse poem of yours..
At first read I was sure that the loved person had died...but today as I reread this I am thinking...Wait a minute, did this person leave you!!!
Either way I felt the awful pain.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
LOL, Lisa!
You've about eaten the entire apple one bite at a time! ⁓ Richard🖌
Wonderful to first read back my review and then right away read your response...
Connected,read moreWonderful to first read back my review and then right away read your response...