Ultimate Poetess⁓✨ (a salute to all our wonderful Lady-Poets)

Ultimate Poetess⁓✨ (a salute to all our wonderful Lady-Poets)

A Poem by Richard🖌

Quatrains in Iambic Hexameter, with an aabb, ccdd, etc; Rhyme Scheme.



 U l t i m a t e Po e t e s s


Her ink vibrates in universal amplitude,

with such sure vibrant force pure ecstasies exude …

releasing with each graceful sweep of every stroke,

her words resound upon the page, as tho’ they'd spoke.


Her flowing mane, as ebon as the Stygian night,

or golden as soft-textured braids, corn-silken bright.

I’ve seen her auburn waves, as hot as Hades’ fire;

or, lustrous brunette strands, that spark ardent desire.


Oh, passion’s touch, awake unto life’s fervent dreams,

that evermore, desires and wantings merge as streams.

From every heartsong pours her sweet elixir’s voice,

eternal rapture ~ captured … aye, you'll have no choice.


The shape she takes, it may be lithe or slightly slim …

might be, she’s strong or stout; perhaps, or fairly prim.

She’s every woman who has bravely shared her heart,

learned how to charm us with her wonders from the start.


Each smitten bard in every land and realm worldwide,

has surely yearned to have her writing by his side …

impressive with her graceful wisdom’s keen surprise,

indulge him with the magic in her spark’ling eyes.


If Free Verse, Sonnet, Villanelle, or lovely Prose,

it matters not what kind of poem she bestows;

for, when she blends her heart and soul into her ink,

it's hers you'll be ~ when she signs with a knowing wink*


Richard W. Jenkins


© 2022 Richard🖌

Author's Note

Artwork, from Wikimedia Illustrations.

Please, feel free to offer whatever advice or comments you think will help! : )

My Review

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Featured Review

This poem is so lovely it plays like a melody.
So tender and silky, it speaks to me.
How many hearts have you stolen or left throats swollen?
My dear man you are a rare gift with song,
Please don't keep me not waiting long
For another chance to hear your voice
Please understand I have no choice.
I'd love to dance to your tune
In the hour of midnights first June.
(Ok hardly is it advice to give or comment made. But I had to answer in this way, for to read your words is to dance in celebration to a man who celebrates women. Thank you for sharing

Posted 3 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

With a broad "Thank you" heart smile, Dear Audrey 🌸

Sighhh! Such a compellingly st.. read more


A mellifluous write which tumbles down the page like a rivulet rushing over rocks. The rhythm and rhyme are perfect, depiction is amazing as the poet expounds the mastery, expertise and talent of the poetess which makes itself known in whichever form she decides to write. An enchanting write so finely inked. Thank you for sharing, Richard...

Posted 1 Month Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Month Ago

Thank you, Dear Marie, ever-so warmly🍹

Your gracious word, "mellifluous", says so .. read more

1 Month Ago

Er … "Poetess!"
Never get old, Marie … it just ain't hardly worth it. 🤤

1 Month Ago

Hmmmm! Thought provoking words, Richard... Thank you for sharing with me! Wishing you a very nice, p.. read more
Oh wow,
what a brilliant poem, I LOVED this poem, something about it spoke to me deeply...

"If Free Verse, Sonnet, Villanelle, or lovely Prose,
it matters not what kind of poem she bestows;
for, when she blends her heart and soul into her ink,
it's hers you'll be ~ when she signs with a knowing wink*" the last stanza is my fav fav here.

You used such rich and evocative language throughout the poem to paint a vivid picture of the ultimate poetess. I admire this for sure.
Also your poem has a very flowing yet melodic rhythm. You always ACED poetry, hoping I can write more like you in the near future.

You used the ultimate poetess as a muse here, Thank you for sharing such magnificent work!
Keep well dear Richard!! 🤗🤗

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Months Ago

Gosh, Amy 🎶

How graciously enthralling your words fall upon my grateful ear … th.. read more
Amy R

2 Months Ago

I always enjoy seeing your response, because you put the same energy in as myself in them, thank you.. read more
Oh the love of a woman who write poetry in all its forms. Those of us that write seem to have feelings that run deeper and are more intense. All emotions not simply passion or love but sadness, anger, protectiveness. The full spectrum is felt quite deeply.

This sounds like many different types of woman writers in all their beauty and mystery. They can be compelling and bewitching with their alluring words on paper.

Stunning write with its description, emotions and the style in which it is written. Well done and beautifully captivating.

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Months Ago

Once again, Dear PB 🌺🐝

The warmly gentle impact of your sentiments, caressingly.. read more
Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

You are welcome. I simply say what a poem says and shows me as I read it. Some takes me on great jou.. read more

3 Months Ago

It's that way with me, too!
WOW!! This is really beautiful write here, love the form of your write as well.
I love rhyming poems. I love how you put a red mark after the word "Wink"
Nicely written

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Months Ago

Sooo, Dear JB, you've taken another bite of my poetic apple! 

How wonderful to be .. read more
Very well captured in this piece, is what we have all known deep down for so long but have confusion putting into words, that the "fairer sex" are far more than that thinnest of veneers can be looked beyond and seen for what they are...which is basically far more than the sum of "our" parts and muchbmore than simply a decoration waiting for males approval for being interesting.
I think that the reader, no matter what prefix they attach to themselves would no doubt see that we really should be ignored more than we are and that these females of the poetical species snd spectrum could size full control and banish us into non existence by simply having no more children.
But we think that because we've had it our own way for so long that they will just smile prettily and say things like gosh and shucks, when all they really want to do is slap some sense into us and size control from those big fat clumsy meat hands of ours and banish us finally into admitting that it is all an act and we just got so used to being in charge, that we'd actually be relieved if they took their rightful place as the goddesses they are and maybe finally we can admit that we are just little boys who grow up into being big little boys, hoping for a proper grown up to tell us what life is really about and make us feel all better ☺
I've long thought that the real differences between the semester is that they have better thesaurus', despite my valiant attempts at procuring the aforementioned lady thesaurus, only to be either sneered at or completely ignored.
I blame bookshop owners for all of this, because no matter how many I try, they all insist that there is no such thing as a lady thesaurus, but us men know they exist..where else would baby sayrus' come from.
Despite being told I'm just an idiot, the search continues! ☺
Now I best be off before I ruin all my good work by starting to talk about all their lovely ladybits snd how they curve in and out in all the right places. I mean, come on!....and oops, me bad! ☺

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Thank you, Lorry! 👍

I very much enjoyed your attentive, extensive, and fun review .. read more
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Hi Richard, I'm so happy I read this today, this is a very beautiful poem. Truly soul touching for any poetess that reads it. I do appreciate the glowing beauty of an intellectual woman. A poetess, even more so. A complete tribute to those very special ladies. Thank you for writing this poem. 💐💐💐

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Thank You, Dear Poetess 🥀

Your encouraging words of praise and expressed appreciat.. read more
Superb work Richard. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Thank you, Thomas, for your inspiring compliment.

I consider it a distinct privilege .. read more
My last great flame was a poetess herself, it didn't work out sadly. Wonderful rumination on poetry... and women...

Posted 6 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


6 Months Ago

Good morning, John ☕️

Sorry it didn't work out for thee 'n she.
You know w.. read more
John Sullivan

6 Months Ago

'Twas many years ago now, time heals, as they say... cheers, friend!

6 Months Ago

Dyma i chi! 🥂
your tribute to us poetesses is a gem
fetched by your feisty poetic verses

Posted 7 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Months Ago

Your concisely laid words in recognition and praise of this homage to You and akin both gratify and .. read more
On behalf of many poetesses, sir: many thanks for your generous and thoughtful Christmas gift!

Posted 7 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Months Ago

Thank you, Dear Em 🎀

Ever-so warmly for selecting this rather worshipful homage to.. read more

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116 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on November 30, 2019
Last Updated on April 10, 2022




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