Punctuation … bah, who needs it!

Punctuation … bah, who needs it!

A Poem by Richard🖌

Synopsis: For those who think proper punctuation is useless and unnecessary.


When called-on in English class to explain how an ellipsis ( … ) is used,

a high school student (with poor grades) confronts the teacher:

“What is the big deal about punctuation?

I can write anything without it,

and anyone can tell what I wrote.”

So, the teacher scribbled on the blackboard,

“A woman without her man is nothing,”

and asked the class to copy and punctuate it properly.

All the boys wrote,

“A woman without her man, is nothing.”

All the girls wrote,

“A woman … without her, man is nothing.”

Punctuation can be powerful, indeed!

Let's go eat granny!

Let's go eat, Granny!


Richard W. Jenkins


© 2022 Richard🖌

Author's Note

There are fourteen punctuation marks commonly used in English grammar:
the period, question mark, exclamation point, comma, semicolon,
colon, dash, hyphen, parentheses, brackets, braces,
apostrophe, quotation marks, and ellipsis.
Following their correct usage will
make your writing easier to
read 'n more appealing.

I posted this mainly for interesting responses and feedback from my fellow poetesses, writers, and poets, and for a venue to express different points of view on this, often controversial, topic.
Feel free to comment under your own or anyone's review.

And remember, constructive critique is always welcome.😊

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VERY powerful example!!! it shows how everything is turned upside down with simple use of punctuation, in Arabic they are important as in English, at a young age children at schools learn them and they lose grades if they forget them, as for poetry as I know one must respect the rules of English and the professional poetry, still Poetry is about creativity and creating with no boundaries, one may use them for a purpose and might not for another one, as for me I am still confused by them when I "poet" my poetry lol

Posted 2 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago


Teaching requires so much time, it's difficult to read, review, and comment.. read more

1 Year Ago

Of course I do. Good Luck Always ☺️

1 Year Ago

Thanks for the "Good Luck Always" wishes. : )


Hello again Richard,
Just finished reading this.. Again, so clever to point out the differences..

Posted 2 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Thank you, Lisa,

For reading and commenting ⁓ Richard 🍃
I love logic, and I like the way you told this Great story-poem. Now if I can only figure out if I punctuated this answer correctly, probably not. :)

Posted 2 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

I love logic, and I like the way you told this Great story-poem.
Now, if I can only figure ou.. read more
JE Falcon

2 Years Ago

LOL, and thanks, should have done it, but the computer wanted more.
VERY powerful example!!! it shows how everything is turned upside down with simple use of punctuation, in Arabic they are important as in English, at a young age children at schools learn them and they lose grades if they forget them, as for poetry as I know one must respect the rules of English and the professional poetry, still Poetry is about creativity and creating with no boundaries, one may use them for a purpose and might not for another one, as for me I am still confused by them when I "poet" my poetry lol

Posted 2 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago


Teaching requires so much time, it's difficult to read, review, and comment.. read more

1 Year Ago

Of course I do. Good Luck Always ☺️

1 Year Ago

Thanks for the "Good Luck Always" wishes. : )
Said very poetically. The phrase that "a woman... without her man is nothing" really resonates with me, too. Punctuation plays a significant role in the semantic load of the text. On this site https://phdessay.com/, I sometimes read some free essays, and I am surprised at how correctly and in the right place is a comma or a period. I wish I could put punctuation correctly, too. So if you notice a mistake in my text, feel free to tell me about it.

Posted 2 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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2 Years Ago

Said very poetically:
The phrase, "A woman ... without her, man is nothing," really resonates.. read more
I am just the worst when it comes to punctuation, but I applaud this humorous truth telling piece. Job well done, sir, job well done.

Posted 2 Years Ago

May all the non-punctuators on this site (and there are many) read this.

Posted 2 Years Ago

"Let's eat grandma" versus "Let's eat, grandma", commas save lives. Umlauts are all required to learn CPR but I'm pretty sure semi-colons only thirst for the blood of the innocent. It was a fun read.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Hello dear Richard, your examples prove how important punctuation can be. The position of a comma can change the whole meaning of a sentence or paragraph entirely. I punctuate carefully when writing letters or stories. However, where poetry is concerned, I prefer to remove the punctuation altogether and let the reader pause where they want to. I hope all is good with you and yours and you are keeping happy, healthy and safe.


Posted 2 Years Ago

Wait, are we talking about punctuation or how important a woman is? Ha ha! Well, I get the point. Punctuation matters. :-)

Posted 2 Years Ago

Thank yo so much for writing this, It is so true

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Thanks for the review.

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 30, 2021
Last Updated on July 1, 2022
Tags: learning in a fun way



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