Funniest Thing...

Funniest Thing...

A Poem by Rita L. Sev

...I have ever witnessed.


The elephant was hungry;

he walked up to his friend.

He took his trunk and put it

into his pal’s back end.


When he pulled it out again

he ate what he had found;

the newly cleaned-out elephant

uttered not a sound!


Now that’s the truest comrade

an elephant can find,

each helping out the other

in his own distinctive bind.

© 2013 Rita L. Sev

Author's Note

Rita L. Sev
July, 2006 - Oakland Park Zoo. My family and I had never laughed so hard in our lives... we dubbed the two elephants Phil and Doug... ;p

My Review

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I wish they still had elephants at the Philly Zoo. I was so bummed out when I went there last summer and they were gone. And that scene back in 06 must have truly been hilarious. If I had seen it, I probably would have been on the ground laughing.

This has a really nice and light tone here. The rhyme is well done and adds a nice dose of whimsy here. I like it :-)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Thank you! I haven't been to the Philly Zoo in a few years, when we took the middle school classes t.. read more
Ewwwwwwwww!!!! This is hilarious and gross all at once! Only you, my dear, only you! Hahaha.

~ noodle.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Not me - those elephants! They are the gross ones! (while I, of course, am the hilarious one...) ;).. read more
s y e

10 Years Ago

Yes you are hilarious, too! Haha!
EEEEEEWWWWW, gross!!!!!!
LOL, trust you to come up with something like that!! Hilarious..
and of course, I saved yours for last, so this is the image I'll be taking to bed with me tonight.
*rolls eyes*

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Ha! Thanks for reading - Pleasant dreams, Angel! :)
Very funny Rita :) I really enjoyed it. Never heard of it happening...!! But the photo is great too..!! Well done !!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Ha! Thank you, Maria! I promise, not all of my poems are quite so graphic! But many are just as sil.. read more
Maria Ni Mhurchu

10 Years Ago

Laughter is the best medicine for the soul :)
I believe in reciprocity...the other should have obliged and returned the favour! lol This amused me, thanks for sharing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Thanks, Rocans - glad to give a smile! The elephant on the "receiving end" just stood there - didn't.. read more
Good Gravy!! The elephant thought so.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

:P Apparently... Thanks for reading!
I'm just glad I didn't have dinner yet, most of the time your poetry is much more appetizing! Haha, my kids caught something similar but with gorillas...animals, what a hoot this is!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Gorillas do this too? What is up with the animal kingdom? Maybe they know something we don't... an.. read more
Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Ha no it wasn't that exactly, they were pleasuring each other, and my kids went ape shyte hahaha, t.. read more
That is absolutely hilarious Rita! It was so silly and the rhyming fit nicely. Great job and thank you for sharing :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Riley! This was a story I just had to share! :)
Nature is a marvelous, dumbfounding, and unique thing. This is one of the stranger things in nature, but hey, whatever works right? This one made me laugh, and the way you portrayed this was very humorous. Awesome rhyme and flow, funny piece. Nicely done, Rita.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I've seen it myself, you know. It was at the Philadelphia Zoo, and my little sister asked "Poppop [m.. read more
Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

Ha! That's great! It must be pretty common - we took pictures, but I got this image from Google. .. read more

10 Years Ago

Haha. The Philly Zoo is definitely my favorite. Always something good to see
okay, i am at a loss for words...that trunk just felt a bit too comfortable in my...oh, wait

i was just reading wasn't i?

if i had been there, i would have been laughing pretty heard too.

thanks for sharing...what those two shared.

that intimate moment that cleanses a need.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

10 Years Ago

LOL! Thank you for this hilarious review! I can tell you, my brother could hardly breathe from lau.. read more

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34 Reviews
Added on June 25, 2013
Last Updated on June 25, 2013
Tags: elephants, humor


Rita L. Sev
Rita L. Sev

Philadelphia, PA

PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE "FRIENDING" ME: I am happy to be sharing my poems (and occasional stories) and thrilled to be reading fellow authors. About Friend Requests - It is wise to READ some of .. more..


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