

A Poem by Rita L. Sev



Celebrity depression

makes headlines

and facebook is rife

with armchair therapists


While reports of the plague

that will reach our community~

and every other ~

causes panic, until


The next fad demon,

disease, discomfort, difficulty

is tweeted over cyberspace

insisting that we are aware…


Not to worry;

awareness lasts but a splash

in the grand scheme of Time…


Like a bucket of ice water

dumped on your head.


© 2014 Rita L. Sev

Author's Note

Rita L. Sev
Nothing against people who have done the "ice water challenge", but I can't help think this whole thing is a fad, and those same people who are dumping buckets of water on themselves today will next month be trying to remember what "ALS" stands for. The news and social media seems to need for us to be in a righteous tizzy all the time...

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Maybe if Lucy had slugged Williams on the arm as she often did her brother Linus Williams would still be here.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Lucy did have a way of getting her point across... Thanks, Mark.
Very well said...its all a matter of time before something els makes the news....well done...

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Yep. Maybe next month we'll be rolling in mud for IBS awareness... Thanks, Fancyfati.
Reading it is like a bucket of ice water being dumped on your head ;) that sharp wit of yours Rita!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Well, it gets attention, doesn't it? :) Thanks, Frieda!
Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Yep, exactly why I have to take breaks from the news, I'm in a tizzy already, it makes me insane mos.. read more
Well played Rita. :)
Well said.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Ana!
This is so awesome...what a perfect commentary on the influence of social media, as perfect as any I've ever read...I owe you a big high-five for this one Rita...the first stanza was spot-on, and the last stanza could not have ended this piece any more perfectly...I actually took down the poem I wrote for Williams cuz it became a forum for social commentary, and if there's one thing I can't stand, it's when social commentaries break out on my pages...all I wanted to do was mourn a lost life, but that wasn't enough for people...most people just wanted to take the opportunity to spout off their personal opinions cuz it was a convenient time to do were one of the very few who saw the true sentiment in that poem, so it's perfectly fitting that you would write such a piece...I can't tell you how much i enjoyed this one, and how much satisfaction I got in realizing that i wasn't the only one who had these of my favourite Rita pieces for sure...awesome work :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Steve. I worry about posting pieces like this. I don't want to offend anyone, yet I just.. read more

9 Years Ago

Oh I know my friend, that's why I took my poem down...I didn't care about offending anyone, but they.. read more
There's alwasy something else,...if it isn't a new tragedy, it's a new disease, a new fad, anything, so long as it's new.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

That's right - and none of it ever gets fixed... Thanks, Marie.
Well said Rita....when did lifes true values wash away and nonsense step in.


Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Nonsense it certainly is... Thanks, Troy!
The great thing about the net it is a great place to gain information fast, but it is also a place to spread gossip quickly as well. Nice one Rita.

Love that opening stanza.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

That's so true, Dale. Everything is public, even the most private of tragedies...
Enough ice buckets eventually cause hypothermia. Causing numbness, and a lithium still death.

There are more words of philosophy in this piece than my last ethics class

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Cory. Yes, numbness indeed.
Oh yes, you have certainly gotten this in the right context! I think the "ice water challenge" is a joke even though it is for charity. Yes, if they only understood what it was all about. As you say, awareness lasts but a splash - excellent way to describe it! And remember when even "demons" were the fad? God help us!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Ha! Yes, I do recall the demon fad! I know ALS is an important cause - one among many - and I hope t.. read more

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22 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 18, 2014
Last Updated on August 18, 2014


Rita L. Sev
Rita L. Sev

Philadelphia, PA

PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE "FRIENDING" ME: I am happy to be sharing my poems (and occasional stories) and thrilled to be reading fellow authors. About Friend Requests - It is wise to READ some of .. more..


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