Chapter 6- Secret of the Stone Clan

Chapter 6- Secret of the Stone Clan

A Chapter by MirageDreamer

The next day, they all got up and Opal got one last thing from the Treasure room.  It was a small, black, velvet bag that had two of every stone in it.  Each stone was about two inches and they came in all sorts of shapes.  She tied the bag to her waist and then they left. 

Everyone had a pack that could hold twenty things �" their weapons, shields, and other thing they would need.  They went Luna towards the Cave of Union. 

“So do stones have powers here?” asked Sento when they were all on the sailboat. 

“All stones in every time and on every planet have powers,” said Opal. 

“Oh, so you are from the Stone Clan.  Was it… and you guys… can?” said Sento. 

Opal looked at him as Diamond came over and sat down next to Opal.  Topaz was resting on the chair that Opal was sitting on.  Lapis, Lazulite, and Lazuli were flying around the sail.  Every now and then, they went off and sometimes came back with something.  Whenever they found something, they put it in a trunk that was on top of the roof of the house  tied to the mast.  Ruby and Sthy were fishing off the side.  Flair and Chocolate were every now and then diving into the water, and Marshmallow was resting in the sun. 

“Well, the Stone Clan has learned to harness every stones’ powers.  We can use them for different things.  Also, we have learned the meaning of the stones.  We call it the language of the Stone and that is how we are named,” said Opal.  She paused and let Diamond continue.  

“That is how we are named.  The Prophets in our clan call upon the Stone of Life.  The Stone of Life has a bit of every stone in it.  The Prophets ask the stone, and the Stone of Life gives us our names,” said Diamond. 

Sento looked confused, so Opal explained.  “You see, the stone can see your Birth Stone.  That is the stone that you come from.  We are all born from stones.  For those of us who are Children of Light, our stone’s power is stronger and that is how we get different powers.  You see, there is a different stone for everyone who is alive.”

Again Diamond continued.  “The way the stone names us is it sees our Birth Stone and then that part of the Stone of Life starts to glow.” 

“So I guess that the Stone of Life is really big,” said Sento. 

Opal and Diamond looked at one another with a smile on their faces.  Then Topaz said. “You saw the mountains, right?” 

“Yeah,” answered Sento. 

“Well, the mountains are the Stone of Life.  The Prophets and the parents bring the child to an Ancient Shrine.  It’s even older than the City of Light,” said Opal.

“It looks like a normal mountain from out here,” said Sento.

“That’s its disguise.  Anyway, I’d say it’s probably as old as the shrine of the Oracles,” said Diamond.  When Sento heard “Oracle,” he remembered that Opal had been talking to the Oracles. 

“So anyway, they bring the child to the Shrine and put the child on a crystal pedestal.  Then one of the stones glows.  The brighter it glows, the more powerful the child will be and the bigger destiny they have from the Oracles,” said Opal.

“You see, the Oracles placed the Stone of Life on Thiethittis when Thiethittis was young,” said Topaz.  “They put it there so that life could come into existence.  Even though it doesn’t look like it, the Stone of Life runs throughout Thiethittis.  It is the very center so that no one can mine it.  It is guarded by the spirits of earth and the creatures of life.  They are basically normal mythical creatures that are made from the stone.  The Stone Clan guards the part of the Stone of Life that has reached the surface.  In return, the Stone of Life shares its secrets with us.” 

“Oh, so then you are part of the Stone clan,” said Sento. 

“Yeah.  I’m actually human.  I just prefer to appear like this,” said Topaz. 

“Hey, you guys, look what we found,” called Lazuli overjoyed. 

“Well, shall we go see?” asked Opal. 

“Sure,” said Diamond happily. 

So everyone gathered around while Lapis and Lazuli displayed their findings.  They had found a ton of things:  different necklaces, rings, crowns, bracelets, swords, shields, a few boxes full of things, one bow, and even an orb that had light and dark swirling around in it. 

“Okay, we will start the bid at two fish.  Do I hear three fish?” called Lazuli as she picked up the jewelry. 

Opal smiled and said, “Three fish.” 

Ruby looked at her and said, “Four fish.” 




Then Opal said, “Ten fish.” 

“Ten fish going once, going twice, and sold to the lady in the front row for ten fish,” said Lapis. 

They bid for the rest of the things as well.  Ruby got three swords, two shields, and a crown.  Sento got a sword, a shield, and a box of gems.  Opal got the jewelry, a big box of trinkets, the bow, and the orb.  Diamond got four swords, six shields, and a box that had a book on stone spells.  Sthy got a box that had some stones in it and a sword.  Marshmallow, Chocolate, and Flair didn’t feel like giving any fish away.  In the end, Lapis, Lazulite and Lazuli each got 500 fish.  Some of the items had really high bids. 

After dinner and everyone had paid, everyone went and looked at what they had gotten.  Opal noticed that there was a wide variety of things.  She had all of her items spread out on the floor �" including the things that she had in her pack.  In total, she had two necklaces, ten rings, six bracelets, two crowns, three swords, three shields, one staff, four bags, one orb, two books, one map, a rainbow phoenix tail feather, a bow, and an ice dragon’s scale. 

“Quite a collection,” said Topaz. 

At this point, Lapis was resting on the bed, Marshmallow was on a high shelf, and Topaz was in human form sitting on a chair.  Opal was sitting on the ground. “Yeah, no kidding,” said Opal. 

“That orb, can I see it?” asked Topaz. 

“Sure,” said Opal and she handed him the orb. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.  Opal got up and opened it just enough that whoever was out there could only see her.  “Uh, hey, Opal, I was wondering… Can anyone call upon the power of the stones?” asked Sento. 

“Yeah,” said Opal.  Then she added, “But it takes time.” 

“No problem.  Do you think you could show me?” asked Sento. 

“Sure,” said Opal. 

Suddenly the boat started to rock furiously.  “What’s happening?” asked Sento startled. 

“I wondered when the quakes would start.  After all, we are in Quakether,” said Opal, as she held onto the doorframe so as not fall over. 

“What-ther?” asked Sento. 

“Quakether.  You see, each month is named for what happens then,” said Opal. 

“So what, this month there are lots of earthquakes?” asked Sento. 

“Yup,” said Opal.  Then she added as the boat started to settle down, “Why don’t I teach you a bit as soon as I clean up.” 

“Okay, I’ll be in my room,” said Sento. 

He left and Opal closed the door, but she didn’t have a chance to sit back down because there was another knock on the door.  She went back over and there was Sthy.  “Hey, Opal, do you think you could teach me that stone magic?” asked Sthy. 

“Sure.  Just I need to clean up,” said Opal.

“Okay, I’ll be on deck,” said Sthy. 

Opal closed the door again and went over and sat down.  Then she looked at some of the items.  She tied the Gem Bag around her waist.  She put the thin silver chain bracelet with the moon on it on her right wrist.  Next she put the Ancient Shield Bracelet on her left wrist.  She put the ring that could turn into a bow with diamond headed arrows on her left middle finger.  Then she put the ring that could change into the sword with the opal in its handle on her right middle finger.  She also put on the small silver necklace that said Hope{&|Peace. 

She put the rest of the jewelry into the box that could hold ten necklaces, thirty rings, fifteen bracelets, and three crowns �" that is, all except for the silver ring with the gold moon and the gold ring with the silver sun, which she kept out.  She put the jewelry box into her pack.  Next she put all of the swords, bow and shields that were left into the trunk along with the rainbow phoenix tail feather and the ice dragon’s scale.  Then she put the trunk into her pack.  She put the endless money sack, the bag of food and drinks, the staff of elements, the oracle mirror, the indestructible moon chain, and the chain of stars into her pack as well.  All she left out was one bag, two books, the orb, the two rings, and the map.

“I think I’ve seen this orb in a book before, but I can’t seem to remember where,” said Topaz, as he turned the orb on his hands. 

“It’s weird how it had light and dark swirling in it,” said Opal, as she opened the bag.  When she did, a light shone from inside.  Inside the bag were fiery red marbles, sea blue marbles, light sky blue marbles, tree green marbles, dark black marbles, shining white marbles, and marbles that had all of those colors swirling in them.  She closed it up and tied it, then put it in her pack. 

Next she opened one of the books.  It was written in the Ancient Language.  The cover said (in Ancient Language) The Book of Stone Spells.  Opal looked at some of the spells.  They were ones that hadn’t been used for thousands of years.  Others she hadn’t ever even heard of.  She memorized some of them and then looked at the other book.  The other one was titled The Book of Oracle Secrets.  When she opened this book up, it was written not in the Ancient Language but in a language she had never seen before.  She closed it and put both of them in her pack.

Next, she put the silver ring with the gold moon on her right pointer finger, and the gold one with the silver sun on her left pointer finger.  Last, she looked at the map of Thiethittis and then put it away.  By now, it was really late.

Opal went and asked Sento and Sthy if she could show them stone power in the morning.  They agreed that would be best. 

The next day, everyone woke up and ate breakfast.  Then Opal, Diamond, and Ruby showed Sento and Sthy stone magic.  At that point, Marshmallow, Chocolate, Flair, and Topaz were flying around.  Lapis, Lazulite, and Lazuli were looking for more things, but they weren’t as successful as the day before. 

“Okay, so gems aren’t just tools; they have a spark, a soul,” said Opal. 

“You must find the soul and then merge with it,” said Ruby. 

“That goes for every element and every living thing,” said Diamond. 

“So you have to find the soul and merge with it,” said Sthy. 

“Yeah,” said Opal. 

“Well, what can you do with stones?  Like what can they help you do?” asked Sthy. 

“Well,” said Diamond, then she held an aquamarine and put her other hand out and whispered something.  Suddenly water appeared in her hand that was out. 

“Cool,” said Sthy and Sento.  They both took out an aquamarine and tried. 

“You guys need to say ‘Spirit of water, I implore you, come into my hand.’  And say it politely.  After all, you are talking to the spirits,” said Opal. 

So they practiced all day.  Every now and then, there were some earthquakes and once the boat almost tipped over.  However, that time it wasn’t the earthquakes.  Sento and Sthy said something that they shouldn’t have to the water spirit, and it got a little frustrated.  At one point, a wave splashed on board and got only Sthy and Sento.  Everyone else couldn’t help but laugh.  It even seemed as though the sea was laughing.  Everyone knew it was the spirit that time, because the wave came on board and Opal was in between the wave and Sento and Sthy and when it got to her it made a hole so it wouldn’t get her.  Another time, Sento said something he shouldn’t have said again and water came gushing out of a hole in the bottom of the boat.  Then it stopped and he realized that there was no hole.  Once again, everyone laughed.  By the end of the day, Sthy could get a few drops.  It took Sento a little longer because he wasn’t exactly used to that kind of thing, but by the time they all went to bed he got a few drops, too. 

Finally everyone went to sleep, but before Opal went so sleep she memorized the rest of those ancient stone spells. 

The next day Sthy and Sento practiced the water spell some more.  Sthy got a good amount of water, Sento a little less. 

A bit before lunch, they spotted the Island of Light and Dark where the Cave of Union was and the legendary Dragon of Light and Dark resided.  “Okay, we will eat lunch and then I will bring some of you in with me while the others will stay here,” said Opal. 

“Who will go with you?” asked Sento. 

“Everyone but you, Sthy, Flair, Marshmallow, and Chocolate.  The others will go,” said Topaz. 

“What?  But…” said Sthy. 

“Look at it this way.  Now you will have more time to practice your stone magic,” said Opal. 

“Fine,” agreed Sthy. 

“Good.  Marshmallow, you’ll look after them,” said Opal, with a smile that said ‘you know everything that could happen.’ 

“Sure,” said Marshmallow. 

“You, too, Chocolate.  Right?” said Ruby with the same smile. 

“Yeah,” said Chocolate. 

While they were eating, Sento went over to Opal and asked, “Why can’t I come?” 

“You have no idea what lives in that cave, nor does Sthy or Flair,” said Opal. 

“Well, what lives in it?” asked Sento. 

“Only we who have met the Oracles and know every truth about what has and is happening can know.  Sorry, those are the rules,” said Opal sadly.  She couldn’t tell Sento she was actually sad because she knew they all would become good friends and then he would have to leave.  After all when she first met him, she hadn’t had the heart to tell him that it wasn’t his machine that had brought him there.  It was the Oracle of Time and the Oracle of Space that had.  It was just a coincidence that he had tried out his machine when the Oracles were bringing him there.  After all, he had seemed so happy.  

“Oh, no problem,” said Sento. 

“Sorry,” said Opal. 

They finished eating and Opal’s group was getting ready to go in.  Opal was in her room with Topaz and Lapis, getting ready.  Marshmallow was outside taking watch. 

“So how are we going to convince the Dragon of Light and Dark to come with us?” asked Lapis. 

“Well,” said Opal, “it would be best if we didn’t have to fight.” 

“I agree.  I do not wish to fight the legendary dragon,” said Topaz as he changed into a human.  After all, he could do most in this form. 

“How come?  Is it strong?” asked Opal. 

“Yes, but I could win.  It’s just, well, it is the animal resemblance of the Oracle of Light,” said Topaz. 

“So where are the other dragons?” asked Lapis. 

“In the Ancient Land, the Land of Oracles,” said Topaz. 

“Oh,” said Lapis.

 There was a knock on the door and then Ruby said from the other side, “Are you guys ready?” 

“Yeah, we’ll be right out,” called Opal back.  “Um, hey, Topaz, I’ve been meaning to ask.  How, if we have to, how are you going to fight?”

“With the stone.  I have the same bag as you do,” said Topaz. 

“Oh,” said Opal. 

They went out on deck.  They could see the island very well now.  It was all dark forests.  The sky overhead looked like night, but there was one single bright light that seemed to pierce through the darkness.  It was only a little ways in.  It was the Island of Light and Dark’s cave �"the Cave of Union�" the home of the legendary Dragon of Light and Dark. 

© 2011 MirageDreamer

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Added on March 12, 2011
Last Updated on March 12, 2011



... who knows *shrug*..., FL

meow V =^-.-^= I’m an amateur writer and love writing just as much as i love reading manga, drawing, listening to music, and watching anime I write my stories while seeing them play out as.. more..
