

A Chapter by Angel of the devil

about a girl who finds her mate and her struggles of her life. her struggle to fit in and accept that she has finally found someone who accepts her for who she is......

Angel always felt like an outsider. Granted, she had a lot of friends, but she always felt like she didn't belong. So she put on a fake smile, and a fake happy face. She would fake a laugh and many things but one thing she never fake was how she felt in her heart. If she loved someone, truly loved them, and cared for them, truly, she never faked her emotions/ feelings about them.
Angel knew if she told anyone her secret, no one would believe her. So she told no one about what she could do and what she was. And so she lived like that for years, until now. 
**********************Present day*****************
Angel sat there, grumbling. She didn't want to be here, especially didn't want to deal with another alpha. Angel's pack has been through a lot of alphas recently and no one knew why. It was starting to get on everyone's nerves. The pack would have lost control if it wasn't for angel. Angel was the glue that kept everyone from tearing out each other's throat. Thanks to Angel, the pack was in order and ready to receive the new alpha. Angel sighs, hoping that the new alpha would get here soon because after this meeting, she had to have one with the new alpha, fun for angel.  Angel was just about to give up on this new alpha showing up when he walks in. 

The first thing she noticed about him was his eyes. The new alpha eyes were the color of ice blue, he had pale skin with long, black hair that covered part of his right eye. He had brown wings, much to angel's surprise.  Angel glanced briefly, looking to see if anyone else  noticed his wings before she got up to welcome this new alpha. From everyone's looks, they couldn't see his wings, thank goodness. Because if they could see his wings, Angel would have a major problem on her hands, and that was the last thing Angel needed to deal with right now. She had enough problems on her plate right now. The others seeing this alpha having wings, would just be to much, too much.  Angel could only hope that this meeting would go over well. 

Angel heard the other females, without mates, gasp at how beautiful he was. For some unknown reason, this ticked off angel.  She had no possible reason to be acting this way. Angel started growling softly, but loud enough that everyone in the pack to stop staring and show more respect to the new alpha. Alphas were and are to be shown respect. That was one of the first lessons we are taught at birth. It was one of the many rules they were taught: Alphas are to be respected and feared, Bettas are to be respected and feared, Omegas were to be respected, pups were to be taken care of by the mother, father, siblings, pups are to be protected by the pack, etc. 

Angel glanced around, noticing that no one got her message so she glared at everyone till they got her message. The males backed off right away, they knew better than to disobey angel. The females did to, but they never liked to listen to angel. "she is mine"  

As those words were spoken in angel's mind, she tried not to gasp out loud. All angel could think was, "wait, what? The new alpha was FEMALE!" Angel looked over at the new alpha, noticing that she was watching her completely. Angel had a feeling that she knew....about her and everything

© 2017 Angel of the devil

Author's Note

Angel of the devil
"Angel heard the other females, without mates, gasp at how beautiful HE was." read that line carefully and tell me if u can get what i am hinting at.


and this is the end of chapter 1

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Featured Review

Some good descriptives you have here in this piece. In particular - the new alpha was good in its brief yet vivid description. Towards then end i felt that there is going to be trouble to come for Angel and the new alpha. I guess time will tell and i will have to follow this chapter up to see what happens next in this unqiue and different story.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Angel of the devil

7 Years Ago

thank you very much



Some good descriptives you have here in this piece. In particular - the new alpha was good in its brief yet vivid description. Towards then end i felt that there is going to be trouble to come for Angel and the new alpha. I guess time will tell and i will have to follow this chapter up to see what happens next in this unqiue and different story.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Angel of the devil

7 Years Ago

thank you very much

Lovely ambivalence and strength of feeling

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Angel of the devil

7 Years Ago

thank you!
very good story my dear keep up the good work

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Angel of the devil

7 Years Ago

thank you! i am writing more on it as we speak. i am going to add more on here today
Angel of the devil

7 Years Ago

on the next chapter
This is good and a fast read. It makes the read want to read what ever is next just to learn more about Angle. Can't wait you read more. This is good. Yours truely a mad lord

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Angel of the devil

7 Years Ago

i will added more soon
Lord of mad men

7 Years Ago

okay i will read it soon.
Angel of the devil

7 Years Ago


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4 Reviews
Added on November 8, 2016
Last Updated on January 26, 2017
Tags: angel of darkness, alpha and omega, mates


Angel of the devil
Angel of the devil

East Anglia , United Kingdom

I am bi-sexual. AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT. GO F*** YOURSELF If you want to know more about me, message me or ask for my gmail. more..


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