Love one another

Love one another

A Poem by willweb

I’m a believer

that time is a healer

Words speak the truth

and the sun always shines


Lost will be found

if the seeker is willing

To hold out their hand

as they follows the signs


Wrong can be right

when it carries affection

Smiles can bring

every happiness known


Just like a seed

that is planted in springtime

A flower will bloom

of the joy you have sown


Oceans are small

with the perfect connection

And distance is short

if the promise is peace


Love is the song

that the world should be singing

Arms open wide

so that hatred might cease


All that there is,

there is always a reason

Lift up your eyes,

I am sure you will find


There is no difference

we’re in this together

Love one another

and always be kind


© 2022 willweb

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If all the world stopped and loved and thought positive things even for a day or a week as a trial then the worlds collective consciousness would change from hate fear negativity which has been increased in last three years via the worlds happenings and media fear mongers and it would disrupt the elites and their evil plans for a while
I love your poem on love this is just one thing it could do even being peace if the worlds leaders follow as well

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Yep, I know my friend, if only...

Thanks so much Julie.
I too am a believer. The lost can be found in our recognition of what Lincoln called "our better angels".
This sweet poem is a clarion call to that very sentiment. Well penned Will.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thanks Ken, I am happy you stopped by
A fitting conclusion even if all is up for debate.

Enjoyed reading your thoughts.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thanks again Scott for your visit.
I agree Will.
"There is no difference
we’re in this together
Love one another
and always be kind"
if we lead with kindness, concern and we listen to each other. The world would be a better place. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

It sure would be a better place. I appreciate your kind comments.
Such an uplifting read will. So much positivity in your stanzas. Kindness costs nothing. We can all make a difference, even if it appears to be small. Fine poetry as always.


Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thanks so much Chris. You are right...Kindness costs nothing and is easy.
The Golden Rule so eloquently praised, thanks willweb,

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thanks JD. I am happy you liked this.
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I thoroughly agree and appreciate this well and wisely written poem. Your message is especially significant in the light of the Christmas Season. May live and kindness prevail everywhere.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you Divya. You have always been very kind to me and I appreciate it so much.

1 Year Ago

You are welcome dear Willweb. You have a wonderful way with words. Its a joy to read.
This poem carries such a beautiful message. 👏💛

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you Ciara. Being kind is easy if we try and the more we try, the easier it can become.

1 Year Ago

That is truth
Such a beautiful message that carries wisdom and good will. If we could only see that excuses sometimes carry the seed that may be reason, if we only took the time to understand the motivation. Understanding others with kindness is something lost in this chaotic world.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thanks so much Soren. Kindness seems to have taken a backseat to almost everything else these days. .. read more
That is the courage we live by to be kind and loving in all circumstances. And many of us as an M.O. or S.O.P. leave that off and wonder why things aren't going as smoothly as they conceivably could. Good one here!

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thanks my friend. That is so true...being kind is not hard to do.

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10 Reviews
Added on December 9, 2022
Last Updated on December 9, 2022




Hi, I am willweb. Maybe you remember me and maybe you don't. I have been writing here on and off for years. I pop in and write and read and comment and make friends and learn new things. I enjoy maki.. more..


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