A recap and recount of lockdown scenarios

A recap and recount of lockdown scenarios

A Poem by S.zaynab.kamoonpury

Global pandemic scenes and effects https://youtu.be/pQf4qIju0_E

Humans have long trespassed
and destroyed animal territories,
Humans have poached
And selfishly encroached
upon animal habitats,
cutting down trees
to build human habitations.

Now the tables have turned
Humans are quarantined in house arrest
while some lie sick in bedrest
So animals not usually seen are having a fields day
roaming upon roads,
crossing the streets.
Reclaiming the once jungle lands,
that had been turned into concrete urban jungles.

It's better that busy humans now become photoholic
than forever queueing in lines of heavy traffic.
Without human pollution,
nature is all the more photogenic.

Mother nature all a creation of God
has now had many of us grounded
as she gives us a hiding
while we go into hiding.
Extraordinary turn of events indeed!!

In several countries round the world:
Discos and casinos vacated
Pubs and nightclubs evacuated
Bars shutdown for lockdown
People are behind bars
instead of guzzling beer in bars
and in place of animals behind bars.

Humans compelled to hibernate
so animals busted their cell gate
Priorly animals were in an enclosure
Now they are getting free exposure
Self-centred humans cared mostly about themselves
but now the animal kingdom is the cynosure.
Animals were shut in cages
and now human activity is under similar closure.

Ah, this corona crisis!
Is all this mercenary stasis
for humans a roasting nemesis?

A heavy price to pay for rapacious carelessness and arrogance
where humans acted like they are in control,
like they are controllers of this planet
and they could do anything they wish with it.
It's ignorance to think all this is mere coincidence.

Im relieved our prayers can be said any place, anywhere
to kneel and bow to the one true real sustainer of the universe.
We need to invoke and supplicate to the creator who is still in control...
as prayer can really truly prevent fear, anxiety and panic in such scary times.

© 2021 S.zaynab.kamoonpury

Author's Note

Plz click on top side pic to zoom in to close up pictures .


( plz click on top side pics to see the close up pictures and click on video links to watch the fun videos

Quote and news reports related to my poem above

("I suddenly realised that coincidence is a word we use when we are ignorant of the real causes." - Albert Salvadó

(I was impressed by the news story in which Kuwait had sent a special plane to Italy to specially evacuate their nationals from there when Italy was heavily stricken with the corona virus.
I get impressed when govts spend money for their citizens.)

From latest news from past few months:
Covid-19 is 'not under control' and rates of the virus are actually accelerating, according to the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Ghebreyesus also warned that the US, Brazil and India, are among the worst affected countries in the world.

This warning comes after Donald Trump began the country's formal withdrawal from the WHO..

The virus is ‘not under control’
At the member state briefing on the pandemic evaluation, Dr Tedros said: "The virus has upended health systems in some of the world's wealthiest nations, while some countries that have mounted a successful response have been of modest means.

"But in most of the world the virus is not under control. It is getting worse. And the pandemic is still accelerating."

According to data from Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University:
The USA, India and Brazil account for the majority of new cases worldwide reported daily ( as of July 2020) and are listed as the top three countries with the most number of recorded cases.
The US is currently the worst affected country, with over three million people having contracted the virus. Almost one in every 100 people in the US has been confirmed as infected with the virus and, tragically, 131,000 have now died.
The most recent figures from Thursday 9 July reveal the number of new daily cases in the country were just short of 60,000.

Meanwhile, in Brazil, the total number of new cases has reached over 46,000.

India, a country with nearly 1.4 billion people, has reported nearly 25,000 new coronavirus infections as the disease spreads through the nation.

Coronavirus in Europe
According to data published by statista on 10 July, Europe’s worst hit country in terms of the total number of cases since the start of the pandemic remains the United Kingdom, with 286,979 confirmed cases.
According to data from CSSE at Johns Hopkins University, England is also the seventh worst affected country in the world, just behind Chile.

Serbia, has confirmed more than 17,000 cases of coronavirus, amongst its population of 6.9 million people, and a total of 341 deaths.
Recent anti-lockdown protests in Serbia have led to the authorities banning mass gatherings of more than 10 people in the capital city of Belgrade on 9 July.
Serbia's prime minister Ana Brnabic explained the decision, saying, "The health system in Belgrade is close to breaking up”.
As Leicester goes back into lockdown, the 35 other cities and counties in England at risk of being put back into lockdown next have been revealed.

News from past 5 months
All venues with alcohol licences in Guernsey that do not serve food will be closed from 18:30 GMT, the States says.
Earlier News reports
All venues with alcohol licences in Guernsey that do not serve food will be closed from 18:30 GMT, the States says.

The temporary ban on pubs, bars and nightclubs will be reviewed ....
Restaurants and pubs that do serve food can remain open, but are only allowed to serve alcohol to dining customers sitting at tables.
The government also revealed the island's second confirmed case of Covid-19, in a patient who arrived from France.

It said the decision to close alcohol-only venues was part of a "pause-and-assess strategy",
President of the Policy and Resources Committee Gavin St Pier said the "extent coronavirus may be spreading in our community" had become "less clear" due to delays to test results.
"We will not take any chances. Bars and clubs present a very real risk."

Coronavirus lockdown: Will pubs and bars be closed until Christmas?

Michael Gove believes pubs will be the last thing to open again. Picture: PA
Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove has hinted pubs and bars could be the last things to reopen following coronavirus lockdown.

Coronavirus hit the UK hard in March 2020 and saw pubs, bars and restaurants as one of the first things to close in order to help social distancing, and now it’s emerged they might not reopen until as late Christmas.

Following Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove’s speech on the extended coronavirus lockdown, he admitted pubs and bars could be amongst the last things to reopen once the pandemic has passed.
There are 48,349 pubs in the UK, all of which are considerably worried about the latest development.

Frank Maguire from Truman’s brewery has said: “Christmas is about as big as business gets for the pub industry. It will be a huge loss. January and February are dead months — without Christmas to carry us through, we will struggle.”

Other news reports:

'infections linked to one man’s night out:
Seoul has once again closed down its bars and nightclubs after an increase in coronavirus infections was linked back to the South Korean capital’s entertainment district. Most new cases have been traced back to one man.

South Korea ordered all bars and clubs in the capital city of Seoul to close after dozens of new coronavirus infections were traced back to one man's night out last weekend.
The Asian country on Sunday reported 34 new cases of the coronavirus, the first time in a month that the national daily increase has risen over 30. South Korea has registered 10,874 cases of COVID-19, resulting in 256 deaths.
Most of the new cases have been linked to nightclubs in Itaewon, a Seoul neighborhood known for its nightlife. A 29-year-old man tested positive for the coronavirus after visiting several clubs and bars there last weekend.

"Carelessness can lead to an explosion in infections,"
The mayor on Saturday ordered over 2,100 nightclubs, hostess bars, and discos to close indefinitely with immediate effect.
The governor of Gyeonggi province, which surrounds Seoul, followed suit on Sunday, ordering over 5,7000 entertainment facilities to close down for two weeks.
'It's not over until it's over'
South Korea has been held up as a model for how to curb the spread of the deadly virus and life there had started returning to normal.

SetWatch video01:56
South Korea braces ss second wave of COVID-19 pandemic
In response, South Korean Prime Minister Moon Jae-in urged people to remain calm and cautious.
"The infection cluster, which recently occurred in entertainment facilities, has raised awareness that even during the stabilization phase, similar situations can arise again, anytime, anywhere in an enclosed, crowded space,'' Moon

In other news:

Coronavirus in Italy: Kuwait to send evacuation jet, UAE issues travel advisory

Tuqa Khalid, Al Arabiya EnglishThursday 27 February 2020
Kuwait airways will send a plane to Milan, Italy to evacuate its citizens on Thursday, while the United Arab Emirates’ embassy in Rome advised its citizens to postpone travel to Italy and for those already in the country to avoid infected areas.

“Kuwait Airways announces that… in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Interior and the General Administration of Civil Aviation, it will operate one special flight to the city of Milan in Italy to evacuate Kuwaiti citizens,” the airline said on its twitter account on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the UAE advised its citizens to postpone any travel plans to Italy and for those already in the European country to avoid infected areas and to follow the Italian authorities’ instructions, according to a tweet by the UAE’s embassy in Rome ..

Read more:

New coronavirus cases in Kuwait associated with Iran travel bring total to 25

UAE fully prepared to face coronavirus: Official
Kuwait Health Ministry reported seven new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, bringing the total in the country to 25, according to a statement. Many of those infected in the country were travelers from Iran.
Passengers who arrived from Iran were moved to and quarantined in hotels.

Italy: The heart of coronavirus in Europe
Italy has recorded the most coronavirus cases in Europe, and travelers from Italy have spread the virus to nearby Algeria and Croatia.
© Copyright 2021 S.z.kamoonpuri (s.z.kamoonpuri at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.

My Review

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Many thoughts come to mind while reading this one aloud. Using two forms of meaning with the word "hiding" felt wrong though the usage was accurate.

The issue at hand is more about what governments have done to their peoples through individual greed, corruption, and downright hatred and ignorance than the presence of a few animals being seen within a civilizations backdrop. Man's - humans' - worst enemies are themselves and unreasoning fear and the pandemic was caused and continued by both.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Sightings even now are just as rare. Some pollution clears as transport sources are reduced/removed.. read more

2 Years Ago

Yeah I think too that deaths ought to be investigated. This pandemic does have fishy vibes and human.. read more

2 Years Ago

The powers that be preach to us on a daily basis yet have ignored what is happening to our planet. W.. read more
We have given no consideration to our beautiful planet, its animal species, its forests and vegetation. Money is king and now karma is paying us a visit. What goes round, comes round again. Sadly there is a huge price to pay. Good to see you again Zay Zay. Take care of you and yours.


Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Hiii dear chris, warm thanks for your invaluable thoughts that add nicely to our lament against our .. read more
Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

And you too dear poet :)
A very thought provoking poem.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

My warmest thanks for the feedback. Best wishes,
Veyr good poem, the world is becoming ruined by human nature.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Yes true, warm thanks for a fine comment!

2 Years Ago

You are welcome. I posted a new poem! Please check it out c:
One might say
"we reap what
we sow"
and alas
a covid karma
pays us a visit
your writeup here
is profoundly true

we are but mere specs
in a wide universe just as
susceptible to society s
ills ..we humans have
made a mess of things
with our greed and self
centered ways..

a very well penned
piece so well expressed

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Yep karma is the word, warm warm thanks for your lovely thoughtful and eloquent comment for the pla.. read more
Wise and true words that define this moment in time, as well as humanity's selfishness toward the world and nature around us. We falsely believe ourselves the apex animal on the planet but find ourselves fatally vulnerable to something invisible to the human eye. That's a profound statement indeed. And the imagery of animals currently roaming free in the streets enjoying their freedom from us is so evocative in its truth. We need to rise above our arrogance and come to terms we are no different then any other creature on this planet. Respect nature because if we do not she will bring us to our knees and force us too. Thank you for your poem and the important message it has for us all.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Woww another great comment well said and well put so eloquently in poetic sarcastic criticism of hum.. read more
A possibly sad but also accurate poem! The humankind really can be cruel and you fit that perfectly in here. It sucks that this whole virus had to happen in the first place. But I know that everything happens for a reason, and you got the message across here wonderfully.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Wow yes that saying fits in well with the poem, everything does happen for a reason.
Yeah we .. read more
The work involved in creating such a poem then reinforcing it with all the relevant details in your extensive Author's note is truly extraordinary and more- sincere to a point of no return.

I think we need equate data with those who love, cherish, labour for and protect the living running, swimming, flying and growing world. Tragically money and power has taken over the basic mantra - LIFE is everything. When Humankind loses its arrogance and greed - better SOONER than later - we, human beings might be allowed another Age.. Howeever that will only happen if we act now.. NOW **** - juggle that word and see another.. and accept the fact that we do not OWN this planet.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Wow thanks for that very enlightened great comment bravo well said, I think your thoughts are a fab .. read more

2 Years Ago

Tis my and many others' privilege. Thank you.
This virus is doing the earth justice by trying to destroy mankind. The worst species ever. Karma Karma Karma baby. Lovely poem makes me feel vindicated so 100/100 to you.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Aww warm thanks for that hard hitting comment, yes we humans can be the most selfish of creatures. .. read more
Quite a treatise you've written on the mistreatment of Earth's flora and fauna, and how humankind is now being punished through the Corona Virus for our uncaring actions.
I'm not so sure that we're being paid back, but I do agree that we are frightfully abusive to most all the wonders God's gifted us to protect, enjoy, respect, be thankful for, and survive through.
It would seem that once we've destroyed it all to a certain degree, we, too, shall perish … time to wake up and do what we can to repair the damage done.

Thank you, Zaynab, for sharing such an important and caring message! ⁓ Richard 🍃

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Hii Richard, thanks soo much for your great fine review, im glad you feel for the earth and its crea.. read more

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21 Reviews
Added on June 5, 2021
Last Updated on June 5, 2021
Tags: Corona, pandemic



I like to call myself a poetess even though I'm no professional or conventional at writing poetry. Have been writing poems for some time and readers say they get message and/or entertainment from the.. more..


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