Into the Field of Peace

Into the Field of Peace

A Poem by Your Tasty Field Advisor

Bombs going off in the city far away

As politics and policies argue over inequalities of unimportant matters
Green pieces of paper burn through each rich man’s pocket
As the pour are sucked dry by the pig’s lust for what they have
The innocent get blown away by bullets and explosions
As the lazy people sit and watch it on their television
Far away the sound of chaos resounds over every wall within the city
As the grass whispers to me in its unusual language
The trees wave with a sigh as each gust of breeze passes by
As the grass gently touches my hand in the field of peace
The sun above circles around the planet through misunderstood forces
As the sky whistles with the sound of bird songs
Each sings out with their song but all together as a symphony orchestra
As I wonder through the through the field of peace
Bombs go off
Politics are judged through hypocrisy
Economy falls apart
The pour die pour
The rich die lost in greed
The innocent die on the television
In the field of peace I can find my serenity
My peace of mind
Peace from the sorrow
The lust and greed
I can lose myself in an unbelievable haven
Through my own mind’s doorway
Into the field of peace.

© 2008 Your Tasty Field Advisor

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I am in awe. Up to this point, I have rarely read a poem other than my own writing about how disgusted and corrupted this society has become. Truly, I have felt a real connection and reality in this poem.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Your whole approach to this subject ... the "matter of factness" of your approach is demanding of your reader and makes him/her take a closer look. This line:"Green pieces of paper burn through each rich man's pocket" is the best line, I love it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Well said and written, my friend. May the field of Peace be there for everyone and before it's too late. Peace to you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Everyone should have such a place to be safe among the hords of selfish self centered individuals. There is so much suffering in this world and so few answers to our dilemma .Yet here you are starting a useful trend.... awareness. Great job.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 31, 2008


Your Tasty Field Advisor
Your Tasty Field Advisor

dad, if you read this, you should know the facts before you start assuming that all the dark poems are about you. just saying that you arent always my muse to write thoes dark poems about. so, dont .. more..


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