Silent Speaker

Silent Speaker

A Poem by Chris Shaw

(one from the archives)

Oh, silent speaker let me say,
it hasn't always been this way.
What game is this you like to play?

You starve me, yes you do indeed.
You starve me of the words I need
and I'm not one who's prone to greed.

So little do I ask of you,
it seems a simple thing to do.
Why can't you hold me close to you
and tell me that you love me?

© 2019 Chris Shaw

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Ah, the enforced silence, I remember it well. psychological torture never ends well, does it? It's what control freaks do when they have run out of answer... You know, like four year olds do.
(sorry to any four year olds reading, no offence intended)

Ps...Perhaps that is why it is now impossible to shut me up. I was just saying that the other day to the lady in the newsagent, shortly before she barred me from the shop and threw me out the door. :)

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Ta Lorry. Yeah that old chestnut enforced silence. Sounds like you've had a basin full of that. That.. read more


In some ways it's silence that I crave, in others it's the worst of all tortures

Posted 10 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

10 Months Ago

Thank you DM for reviewing this old poem. Silence can be both welcome and torture. All the best. read more
dear Chris... writing poetry is like an Egg that will Crack when
the moment arrives to burst open and fly into a Sky of innuendoes...
Be blessed. softly, Pat

Posted 1 Year Ago

Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Dear Pat a very old poem resurrected surprisingly out of the blue. I have to say I like my eggs cra.. read more

.. those pregnant pauses seem to stretch for eternity don't they .. or so I'm told .. I can feel it is still here tho' surely .. Neville

Posted 1 Year Ago

Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

I remember …. borderline ……..nothing borderline about the poem though ….

and.. read more

1 Year Ago

I think summat needs jigging :)
Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Lol it ain’t my memory that’s for sure :)
How silence strikes a chord that hurts the heart.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Thank you Andrew for giving this oldie a much needed airing. All good wishes.

emotional blackmail of sorts, their silence drives you to breaking point and then you become the bad guy for losing your temper... mind games !

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thanks Stella. Mind games indeed. All good wishes on a dull winter morning. Keep warm.

.. read more
Stella Armour

5 Years Ago

Good morning Chris it's white over here with brilliant sunshine ... so the promise of a nice day ☼
Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

All our white has gone Stella Temperature increasing. Very wet now outside. Enjoy your day.
<.. read more
You express well the complexity yet the banality of relationships, and how we handle them badly at times, in this soulful, sad plea Chris.,

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Sadly there are some who delight in this sort of behaviour. What:s more they know what they are doi.. read more
Unfortunately I know all to well of what you speak. To hear those words, sweet music to one's ears. Haven't heard them - in years.

Take care - Dave

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thank you so much Dave. Pleased this poem meant something to you. I appreciate your thoughts. All g.. read more

5 Years Ago

It did and thank you.

Take care - Dave
Yes . . . this character has a habit of going off on vacation (holiday).
Sometimes you just have to raise the window and shout out for him to return!
Watch out though! You might lose some sleep if he does.


Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Thank you Tom and smiling at your response. All good wishes.

great read for me..captivated by the poet musing on her "speaker" ... and in closing brings it round to the very shy lover in love ... that secret admirer many never give thought to ... wonder if i had any????? ;} my oldest daughter uses silence that way .. drives me nuts because she is the one that always calls me to vent .. usually i can't get a word in edgewise and then all the sudden .. dead air space ... i use to break it after a minute or so ... now i am ...........silent ;))))))))))))

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

Dear Mr E, thank you so much for reading and advising what my lines meant for you. Lovely to hear.Al.. read more
Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

:) .................
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Such is the nature of love. It needs reinforcement and reassurance, moment to moment. Silence then is a double edged sword which must be used judiciously in love. What works for each relationship is different as each equation is unique. I loved this simple yet direct poem. Such clarity of thought. Vulnerability too 💕

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

5 Years Ago

I'm glad you picked up on the vulnerability DIVYA. When I wrote these lines, it was certainly there... read more

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 12, 2019
Last Updated on January 12, 2019


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..


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