Fancy That

Fancy That

A Poem by Chris Shaw

( a spontaneous write)

when we converse
about verse and so many
other matters
on life and tattered
nattering away as though
we have known each other
it never crosses my mind
we won’t ever sit in the
same room together
well it didn’t until today
when a tidal wave of dismay
swept over me
and for a moment
i was swimming in sea
afloat but the boat had sunk
whoever would have thunk

© 2023 Chris Shaw

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What we lose is touch, not only physical but aural and visual. Those things ghat make us human. We may as well be conversing with a machine, a machine, a machine, a machine….


Posted 6 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Yes, there are machines here but thankfully not many yet. I appreciate you Winston.

.. read more
We'd need extra security, but would probably not be required for the trolls at least. They are all hiding behind their keyboards and talking something that rhymes with Forse hhit and thinking themselves so superior.
But we'd all know the truth if they did turn up, with their computer screen tans and lack of eye contact.
It should be members only and a cover charge by credit card would scare them off anyway, in case we find out they aren't what they said they are, but if invited I'd go for sure.
I do wonder though if all the wordsmiths would do at all these events and sit in awkward silence until the booze kicked in. 😊
By the end of the night, you wouldn't be able to shut us all up though, just like a great Christmas get together 😊

Posted 6 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Now there’s a thought. What about a Christmas party online lol. I can always be sure to get a wa.. read more

6 Months Ago

Or, as a Scotsman... What about a hogmonay party, where we all see in the bells together and by one .. read more
Dear Chris,
We'll never be in the same room and we don't need to be. Friendships know no borders and online friendships can be very special. With the passage of time, online friendships have become quite significant for me. I often wonder, if online friends would like each other as much if they met in person or that if some friendships are better being online (virtual) and others, real. Its a very interesting subject you brought up in a memorable way.

Posted 6 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you dear Divya for your interesting share. You are so right online friendships can be special... read more

5 Months Ago

I'm fine, dear Chris and busy with offline commitments. I'm so happy to see you today.
Have .. read more
Chris Shaw

5 Months Ago

You too my friend. Have a great day. Keep busy, but make sure you are kind to yourself too 🌺 Your.. read more
So fun, Chris. I'm not very well versed in verse which might be adverse when we converse but perhaps our thoughts might traverse the literary universe. So I'll confess the obverse and say we should just use telepathy. ;)

Posted 6 Months Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Ha Fabian. Thanks for the rhyming response. That was fun too. I appreciate you. All the best.
.. read more
Yes, omline friends for certain. We sit in sepearate rooms at seperate times but on the same page.
Words that come on the spur of the moment are welcome. To send them off into the ether expecting naught in return takes faith.

Well donr Chris

Posted 6 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you Ted for your encouraging review. Pleased you stopped by.

It is funny, isn't it, how online friends can quickly worm their way into your everyday life and feel such a part of it, just as real as those friends IRL. Sometimes even more so, for I reckon many of us say a whole lot more here than they would dare express in their day to day. It does feel like a real place sometimes, even when you are "new" and you walk through the door, and not sure of the reception you will find, if you are in the right place, or if everyone is casting quick glances your way and making you feel self conscious . LOL. Excellent write, and I know the feeling of which you speak.

Posted 6 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Pleased you could understand and I thank you for your review Starbaby. All the best.

.. read more
Fancy that. Elegantly written in the cafe why sipping coffee or tea. Eating a biscuit. Nobody wants to meet me. I scare people

With love,


Posted 6 Months Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

You don’t scare me. Thanks Matthew for stopping by. I appreciate you.

I know all those feelings with friends I know on here but could not explain it as well.

Posted 6 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you dear Ken. Pleased you stopped by. All the best.


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28 Reviews
Added on December 2, 2023
Last Updated on December 2, 2023


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..


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