Chapter 24

Chapter 24

A Chapter by KahYee.Chiang

Is it possible? No, it isn’t! The woman I saw was definitely... Marilyn Sanchez. My blood went cold. My body flew aside as Dan tugged my arm.


            “What’s wrong?” he asked. I stared at her more; she seemed to be... chasing us, looking very angry.


            “RUN!” I yelled. Dan grabbed my hand, and we ran towards the plane.


            We sat in our seats and I tried catching my breath. “What happened? Who was that?!” Dan demanded. “I...I think... that’s my ancestor, Marilyn Sanchez,” I said above a whisper. “Sasha, you do know she’s been dead for more than a hundred years right? After all, she is your great-great grandmother.”


            “Listen to me, Dan. I know what I saw, and it was definitely Marilyn Sanchez. I’ve been having dreams about her, about her trapped in a jail, wearing a wedding dress, looking horrible, she looked like she was a zombie or something.”


            “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier? I’ve been having dreams about my ancestor Edmund Diaz! He wasn’t in jail though, he was... he was tied up, with what I could only assume was bondage, in a cheap motel room. I was viewing it as a third party. There was a woman, who was definitely not Marilyn, because she has striking red hair, unlike Marilyn whose hair was black. Edmund was struggling, but every time the woman got closer to Edmund, I’d wake up.”


            “Dan, I think this means something. We’ve got to dig deep!” I exclaimed. “If she was at the terminal, she would be on this plane! We’ve got to get off it!” He yelled.


            “Excuse me, sir, please do not shout in the plane,” an air stewardess popped out of her cabin. “We’ve got to get off this plane,” Dan told her. “I’m sorry sir, we’re running on a tight schedule, and we’re about to take off,” she told him, gesturing for him to sit down.


            “You don’t understand. There’s a woman, who wants to capture my wife and I!” He yelled. “Her name is Marilyn Sanchez. Has she boarded the plane?” I cut in. “Hold on, let me check,” she rolled her eyes and walked away.


            “I’m afraid there is no such passenger named Marilyn Sanchez. I’ve checked the whole database, and there were absolutely no matches,” the air stewardess appeared again.


            “She’s using a fake ID,” Dan muttered. “Miss, I am begging you, please let Dan go check for this woman. She’s really dangerous, and worst-case scenario, she’ll bomb the plane,” I said softly. The air stewardess sighed and said, “Fine, you have 5 minutes.”




            “She’s not there! I swear!” Dan stormed into the first class section. “I’ll go look one more time,” I said to the air stewardess, who looked impatient.


            A sea of impatient looking people stared at me. I quickly glanced around the room, but no one even came close to looking like Marilyn Sanchez. Maybe she’s wearing a wig, I thought, but Marilyn Sanchez had a small mole at her temple and another mole near her mouth-chin region. It was no doubt a signature trademark of hers. No one in the section came close to looking like my ancestor.


            Maybe she’s in the toilet, I thought. I headed for the cabin’s toilet, but another air stewardess stood in my way and said, “No one’s allowed in until we’ve stabilized the plane after takeoff.”           


            “Okay,” I said as I turned around. As soon as she stepped away, I barged into the toilet; no one.


            I returned to my seat, Dan looking confused and the air stewardess looking very vexed. Dan apologized to the air stewardess, who was looking very annoyed and impatient, who then rolled her eyes and stormed into the pilots cabin.


            “I’m 100% sure it was Marilyn Sanchez, Dan. You have to believe me!” I pouted. He was in deep thought, but finally said, “Something’s not right.”


            I sighed and looked out the window, but I couldn’t. There was a unfolded napkin, and written in either red lipstick or blood was, Find it before it haunts you, and it was signed as M.S. I’m guessing that’s Marilyn Sanchez.


            Dan stared at the note for awhile, but soon enough, we were zooming down the runway, and the note flew off. Dan and I sat in silence, until he finally put his arm around me and said, “We’re going to figure this out.”


            I don’t even know what to do. It’s impossible for Marilyn Sanchez to still be alive. I just couldn’t digest the raw idea. The whole plane ride, Dan and I discussed possible outcomes of our trip and sort of entertained each other during the flight. When we finally landed, it happened again, my blood went cold.


            What happened next, I never anticipated in the 5 hours and 45 minutes of my flight. 

© 2011 KahYee.Chiang

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Added on August 17, 2011
Last Updated on August 17, 2011



Sungai Buloh, Malaysia

Bubbly and energetic, that's me. I love writing and expressing my inner thoughts. I blog, tweet, swim and worship music. more..
