The Friendly Mask

The Friendly Mask

A Poem by Cynthia

Everything seemed to be clear,
like the truth was reveal,
but it wasn't true,
you were hiding,
under your mask,
to show everyone,
how friendly you were.

Will anyone,
trust you?
After lying to me,
hurting me,
breaking my heart,
will any girl,
still believe,
you are the man,
of their dreams?

Will anyone,
stilll believes,
who you try,
to pretend,
to be?

Get your mask off,
I want to see,
the real you,
cruel and mad,
it is the true you.

© 2011 Cynthia

Author's Note

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First off this is a very powerful message. Many people hide behind masks. And are not who you think they are and in the end they always tend to get seen through. Though that's after all the hate they cause with their lies. This is excellently written and it grabbed attention from the start to the end. I did however notice a couple of mistakes. 'Reveal' seems awkward in the second line shouldn't it be revealed? And 'still' in the last but one stanza as got too many l's. Other than that this is written really well and its thought provoking.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Nicely done.
So many people hide behind 'masks' - not truly being themselves... for whatever reason - I think it is something we all do at one time or another - but at what expense? it can cause much trouble and hurt to people... but then again some may feel the need to hide behind a mask...

Nice work here

Posted 13 Years Ago

Any of us can be like that, I reckon, from time to time...wearing a mask, I mean, whether we do at work, or among strangers. We shouldn't be that way with the ones we love, though.

Good write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very emotional, bravo. I can relate to not seeing the real person. Some people confuse confidence and changing who they are, it's a tough balance.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Hard to see the real face of most people. Most people hide behind walls of safety. It is sad we allow so few into our mind and heart. I like the feel and emotion of this poem. A very strong ending to a excellent poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was pretty good. Simple pace and structure but solid point where the choppiness helps the theme. This was good!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I agree with QC here.
So many hide behind masks, and we never get to see or know the real person.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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It's good. The format is a little screwey though. Love, love, loved it though! Especially the lines:

Get your mask off,
I want to see,
the real you,
cruel and mad,
it is the true you.

It felt so real, almost as if you were talking to me yourself.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Like giant masquerade party. The only problem is under the first mask, there are 50 more as we change our personalities like dirty draws.

Nice job

Posted 13 Years Ago

Some where masks to hide the ugliness they feel inside, others as a ruse to deflower young maidens and set their hearts on fire, they laugh as they watch them burn, whilst carving another notch on their bedpost.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 16, 2011
Last Updated on January 16, 2011



Hong Kong

Sorry everyone, but I didn't go on this site regularly, I also turn off my read request, but will be up as soon as I find this site... worth spending time on Hello! My name is Cynthia, I'm from Ho.. more..

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