

A Poem by Esana Bridges

What do you see?


Red - for those who don't know red,
Green - to those who see not green,
Blue - for those who can't find blue.

I am the light - for those looking at the sun,
I am the dark - when candles are blown out,
A sound - at a concert,
A touch of sweetness - after an entire cake.

Look at me - taste me, touch me, hear me, smell me
What is it you're looking for?
What do you hope to find?
That's it. That's me. I am, I am, I am -

I am the rainbow to those who are colorblind.

© 2011 Esana Bridges

Author's Note

Esana Bridges
Please give me advice/criticism and if you like it or not.

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I really liked the who idea of this. "I am the rainbow to those who are colorblind." such a beautiful line that means so much.

Posted 12 Years Ago

unexpected but nice...

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love the concept of this. It's very different from what most have done...rainbows prove that there is beauty in this world and it brings out a different side of us when we decide to talk about it. We talk about the different colors and how we see them, how others might see them...we might not see each color the same way, but they all mean something to us...either on a deep or shallow level. Colors have a meaning to us...

Posted 12 Years Ago

Unexpected nice very unusable

Posted 12 Years Ago

I agree this is worth reading again & again --first to get focused, then to solve a riddle. You are the writer who paints colors with words; makes reading worthwhile to the colorblind, to all those who lack senses, you are the poet! Very well done and excellent concept.

Posted 12 Years Ago

this is amazing! at first with the green i thought it was for thosewho were color blind, tht was a good hint (ddnt no they couldnt c red nor blue) i like how u added the sences, i had to re read it a few times to get what they were there for , bcause ur missong sight i ddnt c how they related but then i did (blonde moment) , and i like how the poem gives me sympathey, kinda hurts to read it once ya understand it, but its something wrth reading again and again :))))

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Fantastic write ......

Posted 12 Years Ago

so well written. very very nice indeed

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nice. Thats cool.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Added on October 29, 2011
Last Updated on November 18, 2011


Esana Bridges
Esana Bridges

I love mysterious things that send shivers down my back. I like emotion. I love craziness. Fairy tale rewrites or something to do with Alice in Wonderland will draw me in immediately. Feel free to .. more..

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