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Chapter one

Chapter one

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

The initial meeting.

          Lillian fled from her home into the cold, crisp night air, even the mid November breeze could not cool down the fire burning inside her. Her father followed after her, yelling,
           “Any woman would be proud to marry a man with such power! You should be crawling at his feet!” Lillian did not care what her father said. She did not love lord Ralf, her heart was not for sale. Except it was in the end. Her father had already promised her hand to Ralf after numerous gifts were presented to the family, with the promise of more. She ran. She ran as fast as she could towards the one person who always looked after her. 
          “the graveyard is always so calm mother”, she said as she approached her mother’s final resting place. “why did you have to leave me alone with father? If only you were still here, you could make him see what he is doing, show him he is wrong!” She fell to her knees and began crying. She stayed there for what seemed like hours before she finally started heading home. “I can’t marry lord Ralf! I just can’t!” she kept saying to herself. She was considering leaving town, leaving it all to escape her fate, when a strange voice began to speak. 
           “You look troubled my lady”, the voice said. She whipped around quickly, afraid of getting robbed, or worse. It was too dark to make out any features; the stranger was in a solid black suit. “I’m sorry; I did not mean to startle you. It just seems a bit late for you to be wandering around here without an escort. There are many dangerous men who are not as chivalrous late at night. You looked as though something was troubling you is all. Sorry to have bothered you.” 
            “No, no it’s alright. I thank you for your concern, but it really is nothing. By the way, have we met before?” she said, still trying to make out the figures face. The man stepped forward, revealing himself. His hair was jet black and slicked back into a neat long pony tail. His frame was tall and slender but one could tell that it was a deception and pure muscle underneath his fancy black coat. 
            “No”, the man replied, “I am new in town”.  
            “What do you do here mister…?” she asked. 
            “Dante and I am a businessman… though I don’t make habit of discussing my work with others”, he replied quickly, as if almost rehearsed. 
            “I won’t keep you; you must be on your way home. If you wouldn’t mind, I would very much like to walk you.” 
            “Oh yes, please do” Lillian said. She did not know this man, but she felt as though she could trust him. There was something about him, almost a sort of super natural connection that she seemed to feel towards him. On the walk home, Lillian told Dante about what her father had done. 
           “I’m sorry that things played out as they did. You can’t blame your father; he only wants what’s best for you. He just does not see your happiness in the big picture.” Dante told her. “What of your mother? Does she agree with your father?” 
             “My mother passed over a year ago. I was heading home from her grave when we met” Lillian said, her eyes began to tear up. Dante must have noticed for he grabbed her and held her close. 
             “I’m sorry for your loss”, he said “I too know how much it hurts to loose someone close.” Lillian looked up into Dante’s eyes; they were cold and icy blue. Without even thinking, she pressed her lips to his. In an instant, she pulled away, realizing what she had done. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” she repeated, over and over. But she was interrupted by Dante pulling her back into a kiss of his own. 
             The two stood there for a few moments before Lillian realized that they were in front of her house. She turned away and stared at the door for a moment, trying to see if her father might have seen what she just did. 
            “Well this is my house, I really must be…” she turned to look upon Dante, but he was gone. No trace that he had ever been there, aside from the tingle that remained on her lips. She snuck up the pathway leading to her front door. She opened it slowly, hoping her father had already gone to sleep. The living room was still lit. He had been waiting for her. But rather than start yelling at her, he simply said,
             "you had a long night. Get to bed and we may finish this in the morning. Lord Ralf is coming over”.

© 2014 Fenix Flight

Author's Note

Fenix Flight
My Fiancee wrote this chapter.

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
