Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Dantes true colors

           "Molly do you remember that Man I was dancing with last night? The one Lord Ralf interrupted me dancing with?" Lillian asked the next day. The two ladies were sitting on a blanket in the park having afternoon tea. 

          "No I don't why do you ask?" Molly says lazily fanning herself with her brand new Chinese fan. 

          “Well He saved me last night from a couple of drunks. Oh Molly it was simply horrid these men stole my purse and they were about to do horrible things to me!" Molly gasped. "But then the man I was dancing with He saved me. Molly He is so dreamy I've met him a few times." Lillian says.

         "Ooooh how scandalous tell me everything." Molly gushes. Lillian spills everything about her encounters with Dante.  She told her about the night before in detail and then saved the night in the graveyard for last feeling smug at her reaction to the kiss. 

         "Lillian darling I haven’t heard of any new business men by the name of Dante are you sure you got his name right?" 

        "I'm quite positive. I must find him again but I have no clue where to find him, to be frank I don’t know much about him." Lillian confesses. 

        "I know where you can find him pretty lady." a beggar says walking straight toward them. Molly makes a disgusted noise and excuses herself from the blanket. Lillian bids farewell to her friend and turns her full attention back to the beggar. He was a poor soul, with dirty clothes and the aroma of death. 
        “What do you know? How can I find him? Where does he live? Is it far from here can I go there now?" she rambles. The man whistles 

        "Calm yourself there lady. I'll tell you for the right price." He says holding up two fingers. Fishing into her purse she gives the beggar two gold pieces and demands to know the information she seeks. 

         "Alright where does he reside? How can I contact him" The old man looks at her with a strange look. 

          "Why are you so eager to contact him? You seem like such a nice lady to be doing dealings with him." 

           "What are you rambling on about? If you are not going to help me give me the gold back." 

            "Oh my you don’t know what he is do you? Oh that is precious." the man cackles. 

              "What do you mean?" Lillian says near hysterical. 

             "He is an assassin my lady. A brute of a man who kills for money." 

             "I... I don’t believe you" Lillian’s voice falters as she thinks back to the graveyard. 

             "You'll find out soon enough." the man says. 

              “Go to the old crumbling church on Saturday at 6 Pm. sit in the last pew on the right side farthest from the aisle. If he is not there within two minutes he doesn’t want any business with you and you must leave immediately." and with that the man gives her one final strange look and hobbles off. Lillian rushes home to get ready after all today was Friday.

            The next morning Lillian wakes up already counting the minutes till she saw Dante. The day goes by in a blur. Molly comes by and she tells her about her secret adventure. 

            “Oh Lillian you mustn’t go you will be deemed a Harlot if anyone finds out!" Lillian just brushes her off and puts on a silky pink dress that showed of her smooth shoulders and legs. “Lillian that is much to flirtatious for a first meeting!" Molly exclaims. Lillian just smiles and sneaks out her window. She quickly heads to the church. She walks faster as it comes into view, looking around to make sure she hadn't been followed she slips into the scarred place. 

             The quiet was eerie and almost suffocating. She sits down where the beggar told her too and waits, and waits, and waits. Two minutes was almost up and still no sign of her beloved Dante. Looking around for him she suddenly hears a voice next to her 

            “What do you need done and how much are you Offering?" Jumping slightly she turns to her right to see him sitting where he hadn’t been only seconds before. 

            "Dante you Came I didn’t think the beggar really knew you But I was Praying." 

            "Lil...Lillian what are you doing here why did you contact me?" Dante says almost nervously. 

            “I just had to see you again." She Places her hand on his. Removing his hand from under her he turns his ice blue eyes on her. 

             “Lillian it was a mistake to contact me. I am sorry for any misleading but I am not who you think I Am." with that he gets up to leave But she grabs his hand. 

             “Because you are an assassin Right?" She says boldly. Dante whips around. 
              "What did you just call me?" He demands. Looking down Lillian says 

               “the old beggar said that that’s what you are. But he was lying. Please tell me he was lying." She looks up at him with pleading written all over her face. Dante looks down and for a second she sees pain on his face. 

                “I am sorry my lady but I am no good for you." He shakes his hand free and within seconds is gone.

© 2014 Fenix Flight

Author's Note

Fenix Flight
I wrote this chapter

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
