Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Becoming one

          She stares at him in pure horror frozen to the spot. .
          "Lillian." he begs his voice thick with regret. Suddenly she can move and she flees from the scene. The way home blurred and barely noticed.scrambling through her window she falls to her floor crying harder then she had ever cried before. She knew what he was but had been pretending it away tonight shattered that fantasy leaving it all to real. 
          Still crying she hears a barely audible thud and looks up. Dante was sliding through her window But freezes as her eyes fell on him. 
          "Lillian please." he begs. she gets up as he slides all the way into her room. crossing the small space in two strides he come face to face with her. They stand there looking at each other for what seems like hours when in reality it was mere seconds. Dante lifts his hand to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ears only to draw back quickly at the sight of her flinching away. He lets his hand fall back to his side. 
          " I am soo sorry Lillian. I will leave you alone forever." he says. He heads back to the window. 
         " NO Don't go!" She cries. 
         " I must Lillian. You are in Great pain and I cant bare the thought of knowing I am who caused it." He whispers. Lillian rushes over to him flinging herself into his arms. 
          "Please don't go It would be the worst pain of all if I could no longer see you. Please dont ever leave me."
          "Anything for you my love." He says putting his arms around her. She looks up at his and kisses him. Stunned Dante doesn't kiss her back right away but recovers and kisses her back hard. Feeling her body under his hands his desire to show her just how much he loved her consumed him.
           He slowly eases her down on her bed.  She kisses him with much passion and is elated when she feels him kisses her back with the same intensity. Suddenly he pulls back. 
           "I cant this is wrong you're already promised to another man." he says through clenched teeth his hands turning into fists. sitting up on her elbows she puts her hand on his check turning him to look at her. 
         "It isnt wrong when it is for love." She whispers. And for the first time since she met him she could see all the emotions raging inside him clearly on his face. 
        "I love you." He whispers as his lips met hers. Looking into her eyes he silently asks her permission for what was about to happen next. As a way of responding she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him to her. Then they were expressing their love to one another in the most intimate way possible.
         Lillian opens her eyes confusion filling her head. Then last night comes flooding back to her mind. The feeling of pleasure burning her skin where he had touched it, the feeling of his lips on her stomach, of his tongue on her her bare skin.  
         Shuddering with pure delight she rolled over Only to see another Tiger Lily on her pillow and her bedroom window open letting a slight breeze in Dante nowhere in sight. she cups the Lily in her hand and crushes it to her chest weeping with a mixture of happiness and despair

© 2014 Fenix Flight

Author's Note

Fenix Flight
I wrote this Chapter. *snicker* my fiance was uncomfortable doing the love scene and felt that I being a girl would have a better understanding of a girls first time.

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
