On the hunt

On the hunt

A Poem by The Shadow of the Dawn

On the hunt they fly,

On wings of silent grace,

On the hunt they fly,

All knowing, all seeing,

On the hunt they fly,

Over the fields,

On the hunt they fly,

Where not a blade of grass moves,

On the hunt they fly,

Through the forest,

On the hunt they fly,

Where not a leaf is blown,

On the hunt they fly,

 Towards prey that knows not

On the hunt they fly

Death comes from above

From the hunt they fly

On wing of tired grace

From the hunt they fly

Not caring, not seeing

From the hunt they fly

Full and feed

After the hunt they sleep

© 2011 The Shadow of the Dawn

Author's Note

The Shadow of the Dawn
don't know what happen here just started think and this is what came out

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Really good nature poem. Shows the beauty of it in a raw form

Posted 12 Years Ago

The owl is a amazing animal. Rarely saw and seen. Live a safe and long life in the forest. Thank you for a outstanding poem. Nice flow and story in the poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 11, 2011
Last Updated on December 11, 2011

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