Creature by the same Name

Creature by the same Name

A Chapter by J. Viands

Do you see what lies at your feet?

A creature by the same name as me

You wonder why I don’t speak

When I approached you broken and bleeding

All this is my own deceit


Big fish in a little pond I must repeatedly think

When I see a weak points in your sanctuary

It is my nature to destroy such things

Flee from me

When I’m hungry I will eat all you ever loved


Lay waste to all you have ever known

Bleed dry your whole entire soul

Let me know the liberation you feel in the wake of me

Beg and plead for death when you have lived like me


Just a seething shadow

Destroying everything senselessly

With utter lack of greed and reasoning

Living only to follow the leader’s lead

© 2012 J. Viands

My Review

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Ahhh man, you should a left this a riddle. You should get rid of the bit about the shadow at the end. I think it's a really cool poem, but I liked the mystery of what the creature was. I figured it out at about the middle, but it's more enjoyable without the answer. Regards,

Posted 11 Years Ago

J. Viands

11 Years Ago

I don’t usually realize what I’m writing until it’s over and sometimes not even after I’m do.. read more

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1 Review
Added on September 23, 2012
Last Updated on September 23, 2012
Tags: self, monster, deceit


J. Viands
J. Viands

Leesburg, VA

My writing is refined in to portfolios I write to much to be able to post all my poetry separately don’t feel obligated to read the whole thing just what you would like… or the whole thi.. more..

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