Word like Fear

Word like Fear

A Chapter by J. Viands

Well I can’t hold anything back now

Not a damn thing back now

Look at me dying here

I can’t help hiding here


There’s something in the stratosphere

Something in a word like fear


Something’s really hiding now

Someone’s really dying now

I can’t speak a word right here

Not a single word


There’s something in the candle light

Something in the word delight


Mutilating and suffocating

As a matter of fact it may be exasperating

Tantalizing and capturing

Now that I have spilled the beans

I must take my leave            

© 2012 J. Viands

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dying, fear of death, hiding, speechless with fright....i liked all that, nice flow, etc, ...

Posted 11 Years Ago

I would take my leave, too, if I were dying and hiding. Like the lines...There's something in the stratosphere, something in a word like fear.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Spilling the emotion with metaphorical ease and claustrophobic tension!
Awesome xo

Posted 11 Years Ago

J. Viands

11 Years Ago

Thanks the story for it will be posted eventually

11 Years Ago

Most welcome xo

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3 Reviews
Added on October 2, 2012
Last Updated on October 2, 2012
Tags: Murder, insanity, fiction


J. Viands
J. Viands

Leesburg, VA

My writing is refined in to portfolios I write to much to be able to post all my poetry separately don’t feel obligated to read the whole thing just what you would like… or the whole thi.. more..

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