Dear Rita #1

Dear Rita #1

A Chapter by Valkyrie Warrior

Dear Rita


August 9th 1992

Hello Rita. Yes I remember you, you used to stand at my window and call my name when my parents weren’t home. It used to scare me. I still look the same, but I am taller now, I have lost some weight to. Truth is, I didn’t know you wouldn’t hurt me, you made me scared and my parents refuged to belief you existed. In fact most of the time their refuse to belief that I exist. I am lonely, but it has always been this way. I have started doing things. Things that make me feel. Cutting myself, mainly. My parents still don’t care, no matter what I do.

Although you scared me, I am almost glad to talk to you. You are, after all, the only one who ever noticed me.

I am glad to have someone to talk to who is crazier than me.

What is it like where you are? Is it like the movies? Do they strap you down and give you electric shocks? Or lock you in padded cells with an apple in your mouth? Is it horrible?




© 2015 Valkyrie Warrior

Author's Note

Valkyrie Warrior
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I'm actually disturbed. That child is disturbed but that's crazy though. I am sort of jumbled up because what I expected Alex to say something a little different. But regardless, I love it so far.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

Yeah it is kind of disturbing, but and really glad you like it!
Check your spelling in this one. Don't know if its intentional, but I caught at least 3 or 4 mistakes.

But you've got me geared up and excited to see where this is going. Great job!!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

Yeah, it intentional, but thanks!!!! I am so happy you are enjoying it.
Awe, it's sad that he thinks that way about her. I loved the questions that he asked her. They made me laugh. I feel really bad for Alex...I am really enjoying this. I can't wait to read the next chapter.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

I am glad you are enjoying it!!!! Thank you reading/ reviewing this far, it means a lot to me!
Angie Diane♥♥

8 Years Ago

Thank you for writing it! :)

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3 Reviews
Added on November 5, 2015
Last Updated on November 5, 2015


Valkyrie Warrior
Valkyrie Warrior

Vallhallah , My mind

Hello again I have decided to return to this community for real this time. Sorry to all those who sent me read requests, I am getting on to those as you read this :) more..


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