strange enough

strange enough

A Poem by babyblue





Strange enough

By Ivonne L.


Being with you is like looking into a stranger's face complete. I can't say nothing to you but impress or hide from you.

Even thou we were one before ever since you have been a stranger to me. Yet strange enough I miss you, and I want you back.

It's such a shame that I lost you for someone who just wasn't worth it. Yet strange enough I shouldn't think twice. It’s bad luck, so I should just move on and let you be.

Strange enough I'd would rather have those precious moments we had. Then never have had you at all, so I say good bye to you and farewell.


© 2009 babyblue

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i like it, u just have a few spelling errors. very nice

Posted 14 Years Ago

Amazing job!
I loved it!

Posted 14 Years Ago

great job

Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh the heartache of moving on when your mind tells you its
time and your heart is yearning for what was.

Thank you for submitting this lovely poem to my "A Chance to
Shine Contest"~! ~ Helena

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is genuinely a great piece of writing, so heartfelt and strong!
I really loved it :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

even thou we were one before ever since you've been a stranger to me.yet strange enough I miss you,and i want you back.

I like your style. Nice work...thanks for entering the Missing Him, Missing Her contest.

Posted 15 Years Ago

This was very cool, I liked it a lot. The only thing I would change is though not tho

Posted 15 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on January 22, 2009
Last Updated on November 25, 2009



El paso, TX

Hey my names ivonne i'm 19 I wirte stores,and poems i go to college . I like scremo,punk,and classic rock bands such as bob marley bob dylan underoath,sliverstian,misfits,daed kenadys,the door,and t.. more..

With Love With Love

A Poem by babyblue

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