31. Dinner

31. Dinner

A Chapter by Lynaelee

Pat shook behind me with laughter, but he wasn't the only one in the room laughing. "I'd love to see that," he remarked.
"Oh stick around long enough, I'm sure Jess will have another disastrous outfit for me to sport. She loves to play pranks. Then she met Noah and it got better, but worse. Seriously. That family is trouble," Tyler chuckled.
"Leave my family alone," I slurred as I looked back into the room. Josh was sitting at my feet, an amused smirk on his face. I looked at Tyler; he was sitting in the recliner. "I'm sure whatever you did, you deserved the punishment Jess handed out." I slowly sat up and put my hand to my head. The room was spinning, so I took several deep breaths trying to orient myself again. Pat rested his hand on my back, inching his hand to my right hip; I appreciated the effort as it was helping ground me as well. Things were not adding up. That and the dream I had was making me woozy. I looked at Josh to my right. "When did you move there?"
"After your check up. You looked right at me," Josh replied, his brow furrowing.
"My head's fuzzy. Sorry," I replied as I rubbed my head.
"How was your nap, doll?" Pat asked softly behind me. 
I turned and looked at him, then gasped. His cheeks were flushed. "Fine, but you didn't have to let me burn you out. I must have been like a heating blanket; you're quite flushed," I stated dropping my hand to my leg. 
"You didn't bother me at all, doll. You asked to be selfish for a change. I let you. How often do you care for yourself? Let me guess, not very often. You're always looking over your shoulder. You don't have to here. While you slept, Josh and I played Xbox. Tyler came back about twenty minutes ago. Everyone keeps saying you're a light sleeper, so I just let you sleep. You need it. You have dark circles under your eyes. You've been through an emotional shock. You need to just sleep, and that's okay," Pat reassured me.
"All I do is sleep anymore," I grumbled as I slid my left leg off the couch and set it on the floor. My right hip was stuck. I scowled at it and supported my leg with my arm, turning my body slowly and with great difficulty. I rested my elbow on my knee and rested my head in my hand.
"Doll, what are you trying to do? How can we help?" Pat asked as he rubbed my back.
"Nothing. I'm fine. Why'd the conversation and jovial banter stop?" I breathed as I place my hand on the couch and moved to stand up. Pat and Josh immediately closed the distance between us as they steadied me and pulled me back into a sitting position. Josh held my hand and Pat held onto my back and hip. "I'm fine, guys."

"Do you know you're swaying?" Tyler asked in concern.
"I don't care at the moment. I just want to stretch my muscles. I can't exactly do that sitting down. The longer I don't stretch, the stiffer I become," I whined as I used Josh's shoulder as a crutch, stood up tall, took a deep breath, and collapsed as my eyes rolled into my head in pain. Pat stood up with me and caught me. "Told you... Breathing... will be... the death... of me... My ribs." I gasped.
"Go get the oxygen tank! There's an ace bandage in my bathroom!" Pat ordered as he helped me lay on the floor. Josh and Tyler took off. Pat stroked my cheek and lifted my head so he could prop a pillow under it. "Annette, stop trying to rush everything. I know when you sleep, your body naturally takes shorter breaths. Apparently, they were too shallow. I should have caught that. You're healing. You have to take it slow. And you have to let us help. You said that you faced a bamboo rod; you shouldn't be standing at all."
"Fine. I'll let you, only if you'll let me cook tonight. I'm don't need the mask. Plus, this shirt is tight enough, no bandage wrap," I bargained as Josh came out. He looked at the bandage in his hand, looked back at me, and stuck it on the end table.
"Why are you being so difficult?" Pat teased.
"I'm not used to people helping me," I admitted. "I have to use the bathroom. Can I please sit up?" 
"Are you going to try and run?" Tyler asked as he sat the oxygen tank down beside me.
"Most likely. Great way to keep my muscles working like they're supposed to," I admitted, semi-joking.
"Then no. You're staying put. I'll go buy you adult diapers," Pat teased. I glared at him.
"Won't stop me from trying," I mumbled as I tried to roll to my left hip. Pat grabbed my right shoulder and pushed me back down. "I'm not slurring my words. I am going to sit up, and by golly, I'm heading to the bathroom. With or without your help," I stated as I tried to get up again, using my abs to do a sit up.
"You're really going to try and get past all three of us? You're nothing but trouble, doll," Pat murmured behind me. I sighed and leaned onto him as he stood up, pulling me up with him. He trapped my right arm and held onto my shoulder and my waist. "There now you're up. You're very stubborn, Annette."
I looked at him over my shoulder. He was grinning and so I teased, "yet you still love me."
"And all your quirks," he added with a chuckle. I smiled and leaned forward, losing my balance. Yet Pat remained a steady and firm base. He wrapped his right arm around my waist as I leaned into him and tried to catch my breath and test my mobility and balance, bouncing on my toes. Pat tightened his arms around me, making it nearly impossible for my toes to touch the ground. I looked forward again, keeping my eyes on the couch. I was trying to figure out if I could reach out and grab it. His shoulders moved behind me as he scooted infinitesimally closer to me.
"I'm not being difficult. I'm just being me. I don't like to be cooped up, tied down, or stationary. Why are you shrugging? Did I miss something?" I inquired. He just chuckled behind me. "Now, where's that blasted chair? I'll make my way to the bathroom myself," I stated as I tried to stand tall. Once again, my leg buckled under me and I lost my balance. Pat stood firm as I fell back into him. I looked down at my leg in disbelief. "I don't understand. What's going on?"
"Physics," Tyler stated. Josh had disappeared.
"What like a body at rest stays at rest?" I asked. Tyler nodded.

"Something like that, Annette. Even your body is telling you to slow down and take it easy. Come on. It's not like you let yourself heal from all those escapades. Let me guess, your leg feels like jello?" Tyler asked.
"It didn't. It doesn't, but it keeps buckling out from under me. I hate this! Pat, please I really have to use the restroom," I begged.
"Here, Net," Josh exclaimed rolling the wheelchair into the room.
"We know you have to use the restroom, Annette. But no more hopping. You need to let us help you," Pat insisted.

"I told you I would-" I began.
"-if I let you cook tonight." Pat interrupted. "I can't do that, doll."
"That's your bartering chip?" Tyler asked; he seemed amused. I rolled my eyes but didn't make eye contact.
"At least she isn't bartering to go on a run," Josh stated. I perked up. A run meant the outdoors, using all my muscles, and I was all for that. I tried to place my weight on my foot again.

"No, doll. One thing at a time," Pat insisted as he pushed me into the wheelchair. He lifted my right leg and put it on the foot rest. I pouted. "I'll put the other one up too if you don't behave," he warned. I bounced my left knee nervously but nodded. 
"Annette, I'll make you a deal. If you tell me what to cook, will you let us help you?" Josh offered. I looked at him skeptically. "I'm not a bad cook. I started on the stove, not on the floor. What are we cooking? I'll go shopping." I bit my lip.
"It's too late for lasagna now. Grilled chicken strip sandwiches sound good. So does meatloaf or baked pork chops. Ooh! Enchiladas. No. Spaghetti is easy. But then again so is tacos," I said indecisively.
"Stop, Annette. I'll go with the first thing you said: grilled chicken strip sandwiches. They sound interesting. What do I need? Do we have a deal or are we going out for dinner?" Josh inquired. I thought for a moment and nodded.
"We have a deal. Bread. Any is fine, but thicker is better. Breaded chicken tenders, two per sandwich. Bacon. Cheese. Butter. I prefer tomatoes and jalapenos on mine, but mushrooms and onions could add some nice texture too," I replied.
"Got it. And as a side?" He asked.
"All those carbs? A salad is best, but fries pair well with it too," I declared. Josh nodded and walked out the door. "Okay. You guys win. Can I please use the bathroom now?" Tyler had a big grin on. I couldn't see Pat's face but imagined it to be the same as Tyler's as he began to push me down the hallway. He paused outside of his bedroom and went inside. He came out with one of his heathered gray t-shirts.
"Put this on, doll. It'll give you some modesty. You agreed to let us help you. Unfortunately, you aren't able to stand at the moment, which means absolutely no hopping. That means I'm going to have to depants you now and move you to and from the pot," Pat stated quietly as he handed me the shirt. I blushed as I grabbed the shirt. 

"I can take my own pants off. I'm not okay going commando. Believe it or not, this is not the first time I haven't been able to stand," I retorted.
"But I'm betting it is the first time you didn't have both arms," Pat countered as he pushed me into his bathroom. 
"Just stick me on the toilet and get out. I can do this," I demanded. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you for being so thoughtful. I don't know very many people who would take into consideration my comfort."
"Yes, doll. And you're welcome," he replied as he tugged my hair gently and then moved me to the toilet. I blushed in embarrassment as he shut the door. The wheelchair was within arm's reach. I put his shirt in the seat. Then I put my hand against my hip and wiggled out of my pants. I put on his shirt as I relieved myself. I wiped and attempted to put my pants back on. They kept getting tangled up. I rolled my eyes in frustration and kicked them against the far wall. I pulled his shirt so that it covered both my hips then used my elbow to flush the toilet. Pat rushed back into the room. 

"What?!" I asked. "I didn't get up. I hate feeling so helpless."  He picked me up and turned me around. I was grateful that he was tall and I was short; his shirt easily covered down to my mid-thigh. He held onto me by my waist and took me to the sink. He supported most of my weight with his left arm, his right arm turned on the water and helped me with the soap. I washed my hand and looked at him in embarrassment in the mirror. "Thanks. Do I have a dirty hamper?" I asked, eyeing my shorts and underwear in the corner. I looked back at him in the mirror, he had turned his gaze towards the corner. 
"You do, doll," he replied softly as his right hand moved to my hip. I winced and tried to keep it from him. I didn't want him to feel guilty; he already had done so much for me. Thankfully he didn't turn his gaze back to me immediately. I rubbed my right knee down my left thigh, feeling self conscious. My toes brushed against his leg too. I lowered my leg. I met his eye in the mirror again as I turned off the water.
"So now what? You going to take me and throw me in bed? It wouldn't take much to overpower me. After all, isn't it every guy's dream for a girl to be in his shirt with nothing else on?" I asked. It came out a lot more harsh than I meant it too, and tears threatened to spill. I caught the brief sadness that passed through his eyes, but he smiled.

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tempting, but you wouldn't enjoy it. You deserve someone who will respect you, doll. Not someone who would force his way with you. Even if you were begging me to do that right now, I couldn't," he whispered as he looked down. I nodded, put my hand to my face, and wept. He turned me around and embraced me, crushing my arms against his chest. I leaned into his chest and sobbed. He softly stroked my hair. "Would you like to find something to put on, doll?" I nodded, my head still buried. "Well let's go find you something to wear. I'm going to take you to your room and put you in bed. I won't even touch the bed, okay?" I nodded again. He picked me up by my waist and walked out of the room. I kept my head on his chest and tried to calm down. 
"No more tears, 'Nettie," I rebuked myself mentally. "He's been gracious and kind. He won't hurt you. You're safe." The word sounded foreign and painful to think as it bounced around in my head; I knew it shouldn't be. Pat set me down the bed. I pressed my knees together and tugged on the hem of the shirt I was wearing. I looked up at him with blurry vision. Quickly I wiped the tears away and tried to think rationally. Thankfully, Pat's back remained turned to me and he couldn't see me break down more. He was rummaging through the dresser drawers. "Pat," I stated quietly. Quickly, he turned around and held my gaze with concern. "Thank you." He grinned and turned back around and kept rummaging. "Not for just treating me like a decent human being, or for offering me a safe haven, but just for overall being a good friend."
"You'd do the same for me, doll," he divulged as he brought me another pair of shorts and another pair of underwear. I picked up the shorts and sighed. "Something wrong, doll?"
"Any chance I could just wear a pair of yours? I have a feeling Jess has only bought shorts that are a little short; I feel indecent. While they're comfy, they could be longer," I explained.
"Of course, doll. I'll be right back," Pat replied.

"Please close the door behind you!" I begged. He chuckled but obliged. "Thank you!" I threaded the underwear on my legs and hiked them up. When I got them up to my thigh, I laid back on the bed. My leg still had no strength, but I managed to push on the bed long enough to pull my underwear up around my hips. I sighed in exhaustion and tugged the shirt down again. I closed my eyes and took slow deep breaths. A knock on my door startled me. 
"Can I come in, doll?" Pat asked. I tried to sit up. I just felt weak.
"Come in," I mumbled. Pat came in and chuckled softly he held a pair of maroon gym shorts in one hand and my dirty laundry in the other. He walked over to the closest and took out the hamper, setting it up in the corner between the window and the bathroom door after he deposited my laundry into it. "You can't keep your word about not touching the bed," I said wearily. "I can't even sit up, but I'm covered." He laughed.
"Here, let me help you," he stated. I nodded. He walked over to the edge of the bed. "These are the smallest pair I own. Do you mind if I put them on for you?" 
"Go ahead," I sighed. Pat knelt down and picked my left leg up. I looked towards the window and bit my lip. "If you're asking, yes I can feel that. I just don't understand why my body is quitting on me. Even the simplest task drains me of all my energy. This has never happened to me before. I don't like it. Do you know why my body would just quit on me like this?"
"Sorry, doll. I wish I knew. After they removed all my shrapnel, I didn't even try to move, let alone get dressed. There was a time that I just gave up. Therapy sucked. However, doll, you keep fighting and keep trying to move. I think your body is trying to tell you something. I think your brother is onto something when he mentioned not letting your body heal from the past week," Pat murmured as he pulled the shorts up. Gently he lifted my hips and pulled them the rest of the way on. Again, I bit my lip in pain but tried to keep it subtle; I didn't need him to fret any more. When he grabbed my hand with his right hand and cradled my right shoulder with his left hand, I looked back at him as he began to prop me up. "One, two, three. There you go. You seem to be able to hold yourself up. Do you need nutrients?" I shook my head. He stepped back but kept his hand on my shoulder. 
"I'm just weak. I don't feel hungry. I'm tired even if I deny it. And I'm in pain. Doesn't exactly give me a reason why my body is quitting. I've been in severe pain before. That about sums it up," I stated.
"Sounds like the crash we've been waiting for," Tyler spoke softly from the doorway, pushing the wheelchair. I looked up at him in shock as he continued, "Annette, Noah and I expected you to crash last week; shortly after your second visit. You've impressed us all with your strength. You just need to let your body heal. We have no problems catering to your every need and whim."
"And you all are okay with this? Need I remind you, I'm a female and things are going to get a lot more complicated. I deal with things that are considered normal for me but I don't want to describe that or even talk about it with you! Girls have way more emotions than guys ever try to express. Right now, my emotions are extremely sporadic and I don't know what will upset me or why. I'm not in control. I don't know how to accept your help, but yet here you remain. I trust you, but I don't know how I can not be a burden for you. And having you cater to my every need, desire, and whim, it just! I can't! It sounds like I'm using you. I don't want to take advantage of your hospitality, or your help. But I'm not going to expect you guys to be there around every corner waiting and looking at me like I'm going to break or something. I can't do that. I can't even pull myself together long enough, to convince you otherwise," I sobbed, unable to hold it back any more. Then I did something I never did: I kept looking at both of them instead of trying to hide my face and tears.
Pat brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Doll, we don't want you to put on a brave facade to try and convince us that you're not okay. You've been given several blows - mentally, physically, and emotionally. I'm not leaving. Neither are your brothers. You even have Josh on your side. And many, many more people if you would let them step up to the plate. Annette, you are not taking advantage of my hospitality or my help. We won't think less of you if you break down. We knew that we would face some challenges with this arrangement. You're worth being taken care of because your life means something. You mean something to 95% of the people who truly know who you are. I need you to carefully think about this. Not just for my sake, but Noah's, Tyler's, and yourself too," he ordered, gazing intently at me. I nodded and gave him a confused look. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Think about it, doll, where would you be if we weren't here to help you? In the river? Morgue? Laying on the floor bleeding? Or unconscious because you collapsed and hit your head? None of those circumstances are ideal. We care deeply about you, doll. Just let us take care of you. Okay? You need to take it easy. You need to trust us and our help. Above everything else, you need to relinquish all control otherwise you may not heal. We just want to help you succeed. It all starts with a safe environment to heal with great support. You have it. Please don't ever think that you are a hindrance for us," Pat begged as he wiped my tears away. I nodded again. He offered me his hand and I took it. He gently pulled me to standing position, supporting all of my weight. My foot rested lightly on the ground and he hugged me tighter, effectively taking my foot off the ground. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "We know you're not going to break, doll," he whispered in my ear. "But we are going to be here for you, around every corner, around every bend, and through every twist. You're not alone," he stated firmly as he kissed my temple and carried to the wheelchair and positioned me comfortably. Once again, he dried my tears.

"We do care about you, sister dear," Tyler voiced as he wheeled me back to the front room. "Now, what do we need to do to get the kitchen ready for dinner?" He asked, wheeling me into the kitchen. I grinned.
"Preheat the oven to 350°, so that means turn the knob until it reads 350, then turn the second knob to bake. Make sure that the oven is empty. We'll need a large skillet, two cookie sheets, a cutting board, and a knife," I ordered. Both men bustled about the kitchen. I paused and began to cough. I crossed my arm over my chest and leaned forward. "Ow," I gasped. Both men looked at me with concern. Pat moved to the breakfast bar and opened a cupboard above on the right. He pulled out some Tylenol and handed me two pills. I smiled at him, then looked at the pills in my hand with disgust, and made a fist, hiding them from sight. "Now on the stove top with that skillet," I continued.

"Hold up, doll. I told you, you could have those a few hours ago. You're in pain and you refuse to dull it. Why?" Pat asked.
"I hate taking pills," I admitted. "Now, the skillet," I tried again.
"Annette," Tyler warned. I shot him an annoyed look. "Your body will continue to fight you. All that pain is going to cause you to black out. If you want to keep bossing us around, take the pills."

"Fine," I conceded. "Can I have some water please?" Pat left the kitchen and walked over to the sofa. He picked up my water glass from earlier and brought it over. He dumped it out, rinsed it, and filled it again before giving it to me.

"All of it, doll. You haven't drank much since you got here. Dehydration is not allowed," he ordered. I nodded and took the glass from him. I drank half of it before sticking the pills in my mouth. Then I finished the water.
"Happy?" I asked. Pat gave me a curt nod as he took my empty glass and stuck it on the counter. I took a deep breath and prepared to continue.
"Why do you do that?" Tyler inquired. I gave him a quizzical glance. "Take a sip then take the pills. It's backwards from how everyone else seems to do it. It was one of my first thoughts after you were awake in the complex. I'm genuinely curious."
"Haven't you noticed? I'm not like everyone else. I don't care for the taste on my tongue, it always lingers. If I hold the water in my mouth before taking the pills, I never taste them. It makes it easier to swallow too. Now may we continue?" I replied. Both men nodded. Pat continued to dig out the items I listed. "Tyler, it would be beneficial to warm up  the skillet before we start to cook on it. Stick it on the biggest burner in the front. Turn the burner for that spot on the stove on low. We'll gradually warm it up. Oh! Pat I just remembered I told Josh mushrooms. If he gets them, they have to be cut on a different board or very last. It's usually best to cut the jalapenos last but yeah. Otherwise I can't enjoy my jalapenos. I already have a hard time breathing, I'd rather not add to it."
"You're allergic to mushrooms?" Tyler asked in awe. "That's a rare one. Is that why you didn't eat your pizza yesterday?"
"Pizza Hut is good. They don't use mushrooms in their sauce. I just wasn't hungry. My stomach was still queasy from earlier," I confessed. "My throat will itch, burn, and swell shut if I ingest mushrooms directly. I take precautions when cutting them fresh, just to be on the safe side though. We cook deep fried mushrooms and french fries in the same oil at work. I've never had a reaction when eating the fries or chicken strips. Mushroom burgers, that's a different story. The juice spills into the other burgers on the grill. If I order a burger, I make sure the grill is fairly empty. I've been fortunate as to not have any problems. I'd hate to cause difficulties in the kitchen."
"Doll, if you asked, any of the cooks would have made sure their grill was clean. Or actually used the grill versus the flat top where they usually cook them," Pat emphasized.
"I know. I didn't want to be a pain," I reiterated. I leaned over and began to cough again. "Can I have a pillow please?" I begged between coughs. "Ow."

"How about something better?" Tyler asked, handing me the bear Noah had gotten me.
"Noah!" I exclaimed as I embraced it tightly. Josh and Linda came in the door at the same time. "Hey, guys," I acknowledged as I had another coughing fit. They both waved. Linda walked back to my room and Josh carried several bags into the kitchen.
"I think it's time of some oxygen," Tyler stated as he rolled me into the living room.
"Josh said I could help," I protested through another coughing fit.
"I told you that you could tell me what to make, I didn't say anything about you helping. Now, I didn't get any oil and I see you started the oven. So grilled cheese, baked chicken, baked fries, and fried bacon? I think I got it. Tomatoes and jalapenos on your sandwich. I also got mushrooms and onions like you suggested. Tell me what you want, people!" Josh stated as he unpacked his bags; Pat helped him. Tyler parked my wheelchair between the couch and the recliner. He moved to place the mask over my face, I stopped him. 
"Don't fry the tomatoes. Everything else can get a good seer," I instructed then nodded at Tyler. He put the mask over my face. Linda joined us in the living room. She patted my shoulder sympathetically and sat down next to me on the couch. I gave her a small grin.
"Yes, ma'am," Josh retorted. I chuckled and started to cough again, hugging Noah's bear tighter. 
"Slow deep breaths, 'Nettie. We get to take care of you. Remember?" Tyler insisted. I nodded. "Can I start a movie, Pat?"
"Sure, man! Mi casa es su casa!" Pat insisted with a chuckle. "Annette! No worries. He bought pre-sliced mushrooms. I'll make sure he keeps them far away from your sandwich. He also cheated and got pre-sliced jalapenos." I waved my hand nonchalantly. Those will work just fine.
"King Arthur?" Tyler asked. I looked at him with a confused glance. "Would you like to watch King Arthur?" I gave him a thumbs up sign and he put in the player. I hugged the bear tighter and coughed again. Tyler sat down in the recliner next to me. "Let me guess, ow this sucks?" He predicted. I nodded. "You're doing just fine, sister dear. No pneumonia. That's the goal, right?" I nodded again and pointed to the tv. The movie had started. Pat came behind me and squeezed my right shoulder gently. I looked up at him and he reached over and dried my cheeks with a sympathetic smile.
"Dinner smells delicious, doll. Good choice. Are you staying, Linda?" Pat asked politely as he sat on the far side of the couch.
"Sure as long as you don't mind. I figured Annette could use another female amidst all of this testosterone," Linda jabbed. I chuckled. "Besides, Elliot is away for another week; I hate eating alone."
"Oh, Mama-two, you know you're always welcome. I get lonely and nobody ever comes to see me," Pat teased. Linda hit his arm playfully.
"Don't call me that! Joanna was like a sister to me; I will not have you tarnish her name," she rebuked.
"Sorry. My bad, Auntie! You will always be Mama-two to me," Pat chuckled. Linda shook her head. "You've been like a second mother to me ever since I first met you. Uncle El would like to know that I'm taking care of you too. It's not just Annette who needs looking after right now," he remarked in a loving manner. I grinned and Linda looked back at me before winking at Pat.
"She's already making a difference. A home-cooked meal with no extra grease. Pat, Joanna would be so proud," Linda said sincerely. Pat smiled and looked at his lap. Then he looked up at me and seemed to melt.
"Mom would have loved you," Pat murmured. I nodded and left him alone. He sat there quietly and reminisced. I tugged on the shirt Pat gave me and stroked the shorts he put me in. I smiled. I would have loved to meet her too, let her know how good of a son she raised. I looked back at the movie and watched it in silence. 
"Alright, peeps! Last chance or I'm making them all the same. Tomatoes and jalapenos! Just like Annette requested. I also have onions and mushrooms. Speak up, people!" Josh ordered about half an hour later.
"All!" Tyler replied.
"Just tomatoes and mushrooms," Linda requested.
"No 'shrooms for me," Pat insisted as he stood up. He took my mask off and stroked my cheek. "Better, doll?"
"I think so. Thanks," I replied. He walked around me into the kitchen.
"Milk, water, or beer?" Pat offered.
"Beer," Linda and Tyler confirmed at the same time.
"Water," I confirmed. I yawned and leaned into my bear, wincing in pain. Pat brought out three beers and a glass of water. He handed a beer to both Linda and Tyler and set the third one on the end table by the end of the couch. I eyed all of the beer and timidly took a sip of water with a sigh. Pat headed back to the kitchen and brought out two plates and a glass of water. Josh followed with three plates. I took another sip of water. Pat handed the plates in his hands to Tyler and Linda then crouched in front of me. He removed my water, placed both glasses on the floor beside me, and wrapped his hands around mine.
"Annette, your hand is shaking again. What's wrong?" Pat asked. Josh sat in the far seat by the end table, setting two plates down to his right. He placed the third plate on his lap and took a swig of the beer from the table. I released my breath slowly and shook my head. 
"Nothing. Must be low blood sugar," I insisted as I played it off. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand and set the bear on the floor by the couch. He stood up and handed me a plate.
"Then eat, doll," Pat insisted as he placed my water glass in between my legs. I balanced my plate on top of it and picked up my sandwich. 
"Thanks, Pat," I murmured. He nodded and moved to the middle seat in the couch. "Thank you so much for making one of my favorite meals, Josh," I said earnestly as I took a bite. I chewed it slowly, savoring the flavor. I smiled. "You did good, sir." Josh grinned at me, finished his bite, and winked.
"I can see why you said thicker bread is better," he replied. I giggled and took another bite. I was happy with the wheat bread, but he was right. Thicker was better; it filled you up more.
"This is really good. Annette, great suggestion!" Pat praised. I blushed and looked back at the movie.

"I might have to add it to the menu," Linda added. "You make this often?"
I shook my head. "No. I had to improvise dinner plans often at home. Kitchen was often lacking in essential dinner items. This became one of my favorites. The extra spice was nice, but I was the only one who liked the jalapenos. Often I went without it," I explained and took another bite.
"Well it's amazing," Tyler praised.

"I never would have thought of it," Josh confessed. "It would be a really good seller, Lin."
"The Sarah-berg," I muttered under my breath. Tyler choked on his beer, looked at me and smirked. 
"Surely you can come up with a better name," he teased. I tilted my head in a noncommittal shrug, looked back at the tv, and sighed. The movie was nearing it's end. I found myself really enjoying the movie and was wishing the night would continue.
"My turn," Josh stated as he made his way over to the movie player and put in Wedding Crashers. I picked up my plate and tried to hold it with my left hand. Because of the shirt covering my left arm, I was unable to grab it firmly. Tyler noticed my discomfort and held my plate while I grabbed my glass and finished the water. I put it back in my lap and grabbed my plate. I took another bite and set it down. Half my sandwich was gone and I felt stuffed. I stared at my plate, turning the sandwich around. I reluctantly picked up a french fry and ate it.
"Doll?" I looked up at Pat. "You don't have to finish your dinner."
"I know I'm not eating much. It's delicious and I love it. But I feel guilty not finishing it." I confessed. "And I couldn't finish the pie earlier. Or my lunch before that. Even at breakfast I barely ate half. This can't be good," I stated. Tyler squeezed my leg.
"You said you had a total of four meals in a week. You were starved. Your stomach shrank. Your appetite will return in due time," Tyler promised. "As long as you keep eating, we'll be pleased." I nodded and he took my plate and glass away. I picked up the bear again and stroked it mindlessly as I watched the movie. Eventually, I felt myself nodding off. Not quite ready to fall asleep I looked around the room and found nothing to keep me awake. I thought back to the earlier conversations.

"Yeah, doll?"
"What happened to my pie? I don't remember bringing it back with us," I remarked. He chuckled, stood up, and took everyone's empty plates to the kitchen. He came back with a fork and a go box. He opened the box. There sat my pie. I looked up at him and grinned. He set it in my lap.
"Here you go, doll. We saved your pie for you." 
"Thanks," I beamed and took a bite. "Still just as good!"
"I need to call it a night. It's already 9pm and I open in the morning. Good night, guys. Thanks for the wonderful meal, Josh. Annette, excellent suggestion," Linda yawned. 

"Thanks for coming, Linda. I enjoyed your company," I told her sincerely. Pat gave her a side hug then helped her stand.
"I better call it a night too. Welcome home, Annette," Josh stated as he stood up and stretched. I smiled at him. 

"Thanks for cooking," I genuinely expressed. He grinned.
"Don't make a habit out of it," he chided playfully as he wagged his finger at me. He came over and gave a hug. "See ya around." I nodded in agreement and took another bite. They left and the three of us finished watching the movie. When it was over, I sighed.
"It's no King Arthur, but that was fun. Now that's a movie I could watch over and over again," I confessed. Pat looked at me in surprise. I laughed. "It's well made. Good storyline. Good plot. And their accents, while not perfect are still fun to listen to," I blushed.
"You got a thing for those British accents, eh, doll?" Pat teased in a British accent. I flushed a deeper shade of red.
"Maybe, but it's probably the closest I'll ever get to the real thing. Your's is less forced. So, if we weren't disrupting your schedule, what would you usually do now?" I asked curiously.
"Well, I prefer to run at night. If I was at the restaurant, I'd be bs-ing the night shift as I let my dinner settle. But seeing as how we ate here, I'll go do the dishes. I can bs you two though," Pat explained.
"I'm sorry. You have such an immaculate home. I was foolish and insisted on making a mess. Can I help?" I asked.

"NO," both men scolded. I slunk back in my chair with a small grin. "You're going to rest, 'Nettie, or I'm calling Jess," Tyler threatened.
"Oh no! Anything but nurse Jess!" I teased around a giggle. Tyler snorted then went back to a serious face.
"She's a stickler for the rules, 'Nettie. She'd make you behave."

"Like this morning when I didn't come back?" I snickered. Tyler stuck his tongue out.
"I'll go get your book. You can rest on the couch," he insisted.
"And under no circumstances are you to try and stand up on your own," Pat instructed as he lifted me out of the wheelchair. "In fact, to insure your safety, you're going to lay down. This way," he teased, setting my head down on the far arm rest, the right side of my body was on the edge of the couch. "The light's better over here anyways. With the mobility difficulty I've seen, you're less likely to put your leg down and try and stand. If you do, you'll hurt yourself and be confined longer to bed rest," he explained kindly as he bopped my nose. "Behave, doll."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," I chuckled. He grabbed the go box and fork out of my hands and walked to the kitchen. Tyler brought me the book I was reading on the porch, leaned over, and kissed my forehead. "Thank you, Tyler," I whispered, causing him smile. I opened it up and began reading again where I left off. He slowly disappeared into the kitchen as well. 
When I finished my third consecutive chapter, I closed the book. Pat sat by my feet and Tyler was in the recliner. Both were silent and grinning at me. "Um. Huh. Yeah. How long have you guys been there?" 
"About 15 page turns. You really immerse yourself into your literature, don't you?" Tyler asked. I blushed and nodded sheepishly. I tried to sit up.
"Under no circumstances," Pat reiterated.
"I wasn't trying to stand. I was trying to sit up," I sassed. He chuckled and reached for my hand. I gave it to him and he pulled me up. Then he took my left foot into his lap and began to rub it. "Won't your girlfriend get mad at you for this?" I asked.
"I don't have a girlfriend," Pat confessed as Tyler yawned. My jaw dropped in shock and then I quickly lowered my chin to my chest.
"I hate to be rude, guys, but I'm going to retire early. My sleep schedule is still caddywhompus. Thank you for the hospitality, Pat. 'Nettie, here's your next oxycodone pill. Take it whenever you're ready," he insisted as he placed it in my hand and kissed my head. "Love you, sister dear. Good night." 
"Good night, Tyler. Thank you," I replied sweetly as I lifted Pat's over-sized shirt and tucked the pill into my left hand, then pulled the shirt down, over my hand again. Tyler shook Pat's hand and headed down the hallway. I looked back at Pat. "I find it hard to believe that you are currently single. Your mom raised a good son. Any girl would be lucky to have you," I told him truthfully. He smiled at me. "Has one caught your eye?" I inquired. 

"And heart," he confessed a small nod.
"So why aren't you dating her then? Is she not single?" I asked. He looked at my feet and smirked.
"No. She is. It's just she just got out of a really bad relationship. The last thing she needs is another quick start up relationship and I fear that I could break her heart. If I asked her out now, I'm afraid it would be more like a rebound and I'll eventually lose her to another guy," he murmured. I strained to hear him speak since he spoke so softly.
"Tell me about her!" I pleaded. He looked me in the eye and grinned.
"She's absolutely gorgeous, but she denies it. Guys flock to her. Her eyes light up like Christmas time; they're always sparkling. Her smile, it warms the room. Her laughter is musical and contagious. She's a private person, but I hope she'll open up to me. She's absolutely breathtaking and doesn't even try. She is confident and strong, but guarded and cautious. She's younger, but quite wise and mature for her age. I've never met anyone like her," Pat confessed. 
"Your eyes soften and have a spark or a twinkle when you speak about her. She'd be crazy not to notice you. Any girl would love that kind of devotion," I told him. He grinned and looked at my foot again.
"I'll be patient. She needs time," Pat stated.
"And me being here isn't going to complicate things?" I asked. He shook his head.
"No. You can help me find the courage to talk to her," he said softly looking back at my eyes.
"Talking. Yeah. Guess that could be problematic, especially if she holds your heart and doesn't even know it. One word, look, or touch can silence you, make your day or absolutely crush it. Or so I've heard. But don't ask me. I'm no expert in the dating world," I confessed as I bit my lip and looked down at the shirt I was wearing. I picked at the hem again. "I don't want to send her the wrong message when you do make your move. Me wearing your clothes is a big no-no. Pettiness and jealousy will surely follow."
"Given the circumstances, I'd think she'd understand," Pat chuckled as he began to rub up my calf. "I know this isn't the same as stretching all of your muscles, but before I keep climbing, is this okay? I'll stop at your knee, but I can do your back, arm, and neck too," he offered. I smiled. 
"It feels good," I admitted. "Thank you. I keep forgetting you kind of know first hand how to deal with all of these injuries."
"Not these injuries exactly, but I do have an idea of some of the pain. I didn't have such a good attitude towards those that helped me though," he confessed. "I suffered from survivor's remorse and was a complete jerk after I found out that nobody else survived. I was in a bad place, doll. From the moment I woke up until I came home. Seeing my mom so sick humbled me."
"I can't picture you as a jerk," I said sweetly with a smile. He returned it.

"I have my moments. If I didn't see you snap at the doctor -witness firsthand you being cross, even if it was just for a moment- I wouldn't have believed it. You're entitled to some out of character moments too. You're still the sweetest person I know," he replied as he lowered my foot onto the couch and moved behind me. He leaned into my ear and whispered as he began to massage my arm. "Are you sure you're okay with this, doll?" I nodded. It really felt good. "Good. So I've told you about the girl that caught my eye. Has anyone caught yours?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I dated a guy named Will about a year and a half ago. He called me childish because I said having kids wasn't big on my mind at the time. Some reason, he thought kids would make life complete. At 15, I wasn't ready for that type of commitment. I think I would love being a mom, but not until I'm like 25. Because of him, I don't date. It's not that there's no interest; I have been asked several times by my classmates. It all comes off as a big joke though. If they can't even talk to me as a friend, then the only reason they want to date me is for the physical aspect. I don't want to date someone just for sex. I learned from Will; if a guy just wants to makeout and not hear about my dreams and desires then he's not the guy for me. If he wants to force his way on me, or demand I do things only his way and he removes a part of my identity, then he's wrong for me. I know that I have to look out for myself above everything else. The only reason I would agree to a date with someone is because I could see a future with him as my husband. Kids. A home. Fights about money and bills and who has to cook dinner or pick up the kids. Things that we could work out and still be able to say I love you at the end of the day. I want to be the couple everyone else admires. Most of all, if I can picture him still sitting by my side, hand in hand when our hair is gray and our skin wrinkled, then I know I can find happiness for a lifetime. Everything, Pat. I want everything with the man I date next, but I don't want to scurry around dating every guy that asks to see if I could force that vision of the long haul. I want a deeper connection. I want a man who wants to be my friend, not just my lover. I know that looks aren't going to last. So if I'm only attracted to his body, I've lost. Eventually, I'll lose interest in his body. I've mentioned that a few times and it's intimidated the guy too much that they left," I admitted as Pat worked on my shoulder and neck.
"That type of dedication is too much for people these days. Hearing you say it, I really think she's my one. I can see all of that. The wedding, the baby, the grandchildren. A fulfilling life," Pat crooned.

"Then don't let her slip through your fingers. Otherwise, you'll always regret what could have been," I replied softly and leaned forward as he began to work on my back. "I'm already jealous of her. She's going to get an excellent masseuse," I teased.
"I'll make sure her's are more special," Pat chuckled. I joined him as I looked around his living room. The tv was hooked up to the wall, no cords were visible. Beneath the tv was a shelf full of movies. Off to the right of the tv was two shorter shelves with a game console and game controllers on one shelf and all the games that went with it on the shelf below it. To the left of the tv mounted on yet another shelf was the dvd player. A coffee table was pushed flush against the wall under the tv. Someone had placed my oxygen tank on the coffee table. I looked to the right of the tv where there was a door that I hadn't seen opened yet. A small three and a half foot nook was beyond that where the front door opened. The soft beige carpet covered the whole front room was thick and looked soft. I thought back to when he had laid me on the floor trying to remember if it was. I bit the corner of my lip. "What's on your mind, doll?"
"Oh. Uh. It's kinda foolish. I was just looking at your carpet. I've known I felt it , but I can't recall if it's soft. Everything here is so warm and comfortable. I feel slightly out of place," I replied. Pat chuckled. I looked over my shoulder at him and gasped. "The stars are out!" Pat chuckled again, looked over his shoulder out the window, and stood up. 

"Would you like to star gaze, doll?" He asked gazing into my eyes. I grinned. He scooped me up and carried me through his dark kitchen to his patio. We sat down on the swing in the dark. He sat closest to the house, directly behind me and positioned me sideways. My right side of my body hugged the swing. I draped my arm over the back and leaned into his arms as I looked up at the sky. I got goosebumps and smiled. Pat wrapped both arms around my waist. "Tell me something, doll."
"The stars give me hope," I stated.
"That's not what I was expecting. So the daylight gives you your energy, and the nighttime gives you hope? You really are something special, doll," he chuckled.

"I just take time to appreciate the pretty things. It helps take my mind off off reality. Reality is full of grief, pain, and sorrow. I hate wallowing in it. The sunrise is always amazing to watch. A new day has begun, anything can happen. Afterwards, I always give myself a pep talk, ending with today is going to be a good day. What I say usually varies, but for the most part, I tell myself I have the power within myself to change the world around me. If I can put a smile on one person's face, my day was successful. At the end of the day, no matter how bad, I can look up at the sky and see all of those stars shine. They're light-years away, but even though they're so far away, they still shine bright. They remind I can shine too. They give me hope because life is so frail, but it only takes a moment to make it better. Like now," I elucidated. 
"Out of everyone I know, you still surprise me the most. I never would have guessed before last week that you need reminders like the sun or stars to shine. I knew you had a horrible secret, but I was never going to ask. Thank you for sharing, 'Nettie," Pat whispered in my ear. I shivered, but covered it with yawn. "Come on, doll. I'll help you get ready for bed," he insisted as he picked me up again and walked back inside. He carried me down the hallway and into my room, turning on the light as we entered. He set me down on the bed. "Do you care for pajamas?"

"These are comfortable enough to sleep in, but I am going to need to take off this green shirt. I'm done with the constriction all through my torso. You were going to ask me something outside," I reminded him. He nodded as he helped me pull the gray shirt off. He set a pillow beside me on the left side and unfastened my sling. 
"Did you lie to me at dinner time? I don't really think you were having low blood sugar issues. You paled at the sight of the beer," he accused softly as he set my left arm on the pillows gently. I bit my lip and looked down, refusing to look at him.
"Nothing good has ever happened when people drink beer around me. It made me nervous. Dad liked to get drunk then find me. A 2x4 across my back was the worst, and also happened to be at the time of that picture you guys used on the coffee cans. Lionel was drunk when he tried to rape me. My classmates were heavily intoxicated, and Adam was hitting on me. It made me sick; I couldn't do it," I admitted as a tear trickled down my cheek. Pat wiped it away and lifted my face so I was looking at him.
"Doll, we would never hurt you. If it will make you feel better, I'll get rid of the rest of the beer in the fridge. We won't drink around you," he promised. Another tear fell down, he caught it.
"I can't ask you guys to change your habits for me. I know you guys would never hurt me. I had a few moments today that I had to remind myself that I was safe. Safe just doesn't feel right. I don't like new. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get past this speed bump," I confessed.

"Doll, like I said we're here for you. Every twist, turn, bump, bend, dip, and any construction along the way. We're on this journey with you and together we'll all get through," Pat promised. I pulled him in for a hug. I rested my hand on his right shoulder after wrapping my arm around his neck. I lowered my head into my hand as I wept. He wrapped me in his arms, holding me, stroking my hair, and rubbing my back until I calmed down. I sat back up and wiped my eyes. "Doll, the beer will be gone," Pat repeated.
"Thank you, but really you can leave it. Can I use the bathroom?" I asked.
"Let's get you out of this shirt first. We have to put your sling back on too," he retorted. "How can I help you? And still make sure you're comfortable?"
"You're such a gentleman. Thank you. When I put it on earlier, I couldn't pull it down all the way. It rolled and got stuck. So I think I'll try something different. Can you pull the sleeve up please?" I asked he obliged. I bent my elbow back and threaded my arm through as he released his grasp. "Thank you. Now that shirt," I instructed, nodding to the shirt on my left just out of reach. He nodded, grabbed it, and he opened it up. I picked my left arm up and weaved it through the sleeve before resting my hand in the head hole. I quickly slung my other arm through. 
"I see where you're going with this, doll!" Pat exclaimed as he rested my arm back on the pillow and put the shirt over my head. As he pulled the gray shirt down, his fingers pulled the lime green one down to my waist. I blushed. He surprised me as his fingers barely grazed me and his eyes stayed on my face the whole time.
"Thank you," I whispered. He grinned and put my sling back on. My hand still clasped around the pill. Pat helped me stand up, keeping one arm around my waist as he slid my shirt off. The shorts fell with it. He held my right hand with his left and loosened the grasp around my waist. I tested my weight on my foot; my leg didn't buckle beneath me causing me to grin. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He set me next to the toilet and I held onto the wall as he stepped back. His arms ready if I were to fall. He looked at me and pointed his finger. "No hopping," I confirmed. He grinned and shut the door. "Better safe than sorry," I mumbled under my breath as I opened the panty liners and applied one to my underwear. The garbage can was in the corner to my right. I grinned, I wouldn't hurt myself disposing of my garbage at least. I hung up the bag over the toilet paper holder for easy access later. I braced against the wall and stood up. After I pulled up my underwear, adjusted my shirt, turned slightly, and flushed. Pat came back in. I looked at the pill in my hand as he picked me up set me in front of the sink. I washed my hand as he opened the medicine cabinet, pulling out a toothbrush and toothpaste. He got them ready for me. "Are you ready for bed?" I asked noticing the hairbrush. 
"I won't be able to sleep for a while yet, doll. Why?" Pat asked.
"I was hoping not to go to sleep yet, and wondering if we could watch tv while you brushed my hair," I stated as I took the toothbrush from him and began brushing my teeth. He grinned.
"I'll brush your hair and get a show on for you, but I was planning on going for a run. Will you be alright?" He asked in concern.
I nodded then leaned over the sink so I could spit into it and stood up tall again. "Tyler's here. I can wake him if I need anything. I just don't want to sleep yet. I do that too much," I replied and finished brushing my teeth. I spit into the sink again and rinsed my toothbrush. "I'll take my pill before you leave - you know just to make sure I don't have any goofy reactions, but I don't want to sleep."
"You got it, doll," he smiled as he put it away and grabbed the hairbrush. He scooped me up and carried me to the living room. He set me down on the couch and went to the kitchen. The water turned on for a moment and he came back with a half glass. I smiled, took the glass, drank some water, and popped the pill in my mouth. Pat gave me the remote and I turned it the USA channel. NCIS was playing. He began to brush my hair. "There, doll, done. Do me a favor? Lay down." I nodded and he helped me lay down. He propped my leg up with a pillow. Then he got a light fleece blanket and another pillow out of the closet by the door and covered me. I sat up slightly as he tucked the pillow behind my head. "I'm going for a run. I'll be back shortly," he promised. I smiled and focused on the tv. I ended up closing my eyes before the second set of commercials.

"Today was a good day. I'm finally safe," I slurred as I drifted off to sleep.

© 2017 Lynaelee

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Added on December 2, 2016
Last Updated on August 2, 2017

If only



Sometimes I feel like I need an outlet to express myself. I have never been good with verbal communication, but I have always found an out in writing. I hurt. I bleed. I make mistakes. I cry. Yes,.. more..

If only If only

A Book by Lynaelee

1. *Prologue* 1. *Prologue*

A Chapter by Lynaelee