Chapter 2 (unfinished)

Chapter 2 (unfinished)

A Chapter by cesar

“Thank you very much for coming Mr. Riley” my mouth opens up nice and wide as I show my perfect teeth and smile for the customers. I have always enjoyed doing this as it brings me satisfaction... Oh who am I kidding? I hate this piece of s**t job but in this piece of s**t town I'd take anything. The night is upon us and I bet that most of the town is at the game and I'm here stuck with Mr. Rasheed doing his best “Thank you come again” Apu impersonation.

“Mr. Rasheed, it's chilly in here” I mention it to him trying to make him turn on the heater. What a greedy bum he is I tell you.

“Hi, may I have a postcard please?” the voice of an angel resounded through my ears. It was Juliet Simms, the girl of my dreams. I haven't had the courage to say anything to her but every time that I see her I piss my pants. It's just one of these nervous reactions I guess. I prayed to God mentally that she wouldn't notice my pants were getting wetter as the warm liquid pulsed ran through my legs and into the floor. I hand her the postcard.

“Hi Juliet” I say and I hand her the postcard. She blushes and tries to flirt with me, at least I think it is flirting.

“Hey Seth, I didn't you at the game today and I wondered where were you?” she replied.

“Nah I had to work today. So what about this postcard, may I know who you're writing to?” I asked inquisitively as the fear pulsed through my body. She had a boy friend, probably outside the city or country but she definitely had it. I could not contain myself and I really let it go.

“Seth, is there a leak around? I hear something like running water or something.” she said as she hugged me and left. I was in heaven but brought back quickly as Rasheed figured out what happened and gave me hell.

“Little boy pissy his pants. HAHA! In my country, a man who pisses his pants in front of girl is a wussy but in this country a man who pisses his pants in front of girl is a p***y.” he laughed uncontrollably as he closed the store and made me mop the floors before leaving.

© 2010 cesar

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how did she not notice that...
obliviosity >-

Posted 13 Years Ago

so far really good. cant wait to see more. needs more separation between characters that's all.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 19, 2010
Last Updated on November 19, 2010



North Bergen, NJ

The name is Cesar and I specialize mostly in writing horror stuff. Writing horror stories with a twist ending is my specialty. I got into writing at a young age and I absolutely love it. Once in a whi.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by cesar