![]() The Big Bang 2A Chapter by Sylver MarcusMarmee lightly tapped the brass knocker on her heavy oak door of her home. The door was slightly ajar something that stood out as unusual and unsightly to Marmee. She took a step back to observe this misplacement in her pre-set nature. there was a door jam blocking the door from closing and Marmee slowly pulled it out and threw it into the freshly cut shrubs. Then slid her key into the padlock and pushed open the door to a very disturbing scene. “What in the world is going on here?” yelled Marmee at Rosaline, her mum who was packing away old keepsakes from the family room, brown cardboard boxes laying around the clean room some in piles reaching excessively to the high ceilings above. “oh pooch, sit down here we’ve got somethin’ to tell ya” Rosaline pat the crème colored sofa, motioning to her daughter to sit down next to her. Marmee didn’t even bother taking her coat off or her mittens, her knee boots or earmuffs. She usually could sense when there where important things about to take place. Rosaline fidgeted on the sofa and tried to get in a comfy position to tell her daughter what she had to say. “Marilyn,” Rosaline started off then cleared her throat and started again. “Marmee my dear, it seems we have some news for you.” Rosaline rubbed her roundish sort of tummy. “well it seems two very important things, one were moving. And two,” Marmee tried to digest what else was coming before Rosaline said it. “I’m pregnant.” Rosaline exhaled deeply as if she were holding her breath for an extended amount of time. “oh Rosaline why didn’t you tell me you were preggers? I would have bought you some baby booties at the baby auction at Ramon’s house last month!, how far are you anyway? Fifth month, sixth? Plus, I’ll need to know if it’s a boy or girl before I go baby shopping!” “Is that what you dolls call pregnancy these days? You make it sound like a pleasant thing at your age!” Rosaline said and chuckled at her daughters excitement. She was expecting at a rather angry response than this bubbly side of Marmee Rosaline scarcely got to see. Then Marmee’s excitement was drowned in a pool of dread. With raindrops falling harder as Marmee’s face clouded over even more with Dark puffy clouds of madness. And Rosaline only thought to herself “Marmee’s excitement wouldn’t last for a butterfly on a sunny day. I knew it was too good to be true. But good thing thought of this dilemma earlier! For I bought her the new EnV2 cell phone she’s been hinting on for a week or longer.” Rosaline quickly acted before Marmee could lose her temper and start gibbering about how unfair life was, and how she never got her way… and so on. “oh Marilyn, why do you always have to get so moody? It hurts me to see you like, you don’t think it does? So it’s a good thing I got you something to cheer you up about the whole moving thang dah-lang” Rosaline reached behind the sofa and unveiled the EnV2 cell phone box. “Here you go poochy. Hope you like it I got it custom colored rose-beige for you” Marmee grinned from ear to ear. “so I get first picks of bedrooms?” Rosaline caught on and golf-clapped herself for being so smart and dandy for thinking of getting her youngest daughter the newest and most stylish phone. “What about Marie? And Nora, and Cassandra? Did they get this cell phone too?” Marmee’s face exposed her true intentions of the question. She was hoping the answer would be no so she could prance around frolicking about her new phone, the one her three elder sisters didn’t have. “No, Marmee, this phone was a special perk for you. I was hoping it would get me out of the mud for the whole moving fiasco.” Rosaline looked hopeful that would be enough for her endlessly curious and klutzish daughter. But her hope was wasted because Marmee’s tounge was tied tightly to a string of questions about to be pulled free.
© 2008 Sylver Marcus |
1 Review Added on August 3, 2008 Author![]() Sylver MarcusAboutHey peole I'm Sylver and i love reading, writing and weekends! i grew up in a small town with a strong and close community, with my younger brother, and my parents. I started reading a lot in firs.. more..Writing