Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by SM Davis


April 19, 1986

Though the dose of Luminal sedated both her mind and senses, Maggie was awake enough to hear the doctor speaking to her mother.  She felt as though she was in a dream, but the stabbing pain in her abdomen told her otherwise.  She heard her mother's calm, deceptive voice as she spoke in a whispered tone to the doctor, and tried to move to find that her arms and legs had been strapped to the bed. She struggled with the restraints for what seemed like an hour, but gave up in defeat as she strained to hear their conversation. Her arms felt very heavy and the minimal amount of movement it took to adjust her wrists caused her to flinch in pain.
"Mrs. Vorelli,” the doctor said, “we don't know the extent of the damage that has been done to your daughter.  We would like to keep her under observation for a few days."
Joan Vorelli, mother to six children, including Maggie, listened to the doctor with a blank stare.  Almost as if she had better places to be than at the hospital with her daughter.
The doctor continued, "Whatever happened to her, she's lost a lot of blood and even though she’s sedated, she goes into violent fits of rage anytime someone tries to touch her.  Any information that you can give us will help us to understand what happened to Maggie." 
Maggie felt herself dozing off. She wanted to yell out to the doctor that he was wasting his time, but all that came out of her was a deep, sleepy groan.
The doctor heard it, and looked Maggie's way before continuing his report.
"Because she's only sixteen, we'll need your permission to continue with her treatment."
Mrs. Vorelli looked at the doctor’s name tag, and spoke with a thick cut soft southern charm. 
“Doctor Lichman,” her mother continued, “please understand, I wasn’t aware that my daughter was here until thirty minutes ago. I received a frantic call from someone in your emergency room. I’ve had very little sleep and I paced the floor for hours worried sick about her."  
She looked in Maggie's direction to make her point and patted the back of her hair as she turned her attention toward her daughter.
"The damage cannot be THAT bad,” she continued, “or you would have examined her already.  The only thing I know is that she went to the beach with some friends. Against my advice, I might add." 
Her eyebrows furrowed as she said those last words; almost as if they were an afterthought.
“Now if you don’t mind, my daughter needs me, and she needs rest. If I can get any more information from her, you will be the first to know. I promise," she said, her voice trailed off.
"As of this moment, you are finished poking and prodding my very traumatized daughter.  I'd like to have some time alone with her.  Thank you kindly for all that you've done so far."
As if he were a fly, Mrs. Vorelli shooed the doctor out of the room and promptly closed the door.  She wasn't sure what had happened to her daughter, but she knew regardless of what it was, no one could ever find out.
She walked over to the bed where Maggie was restrained and whispered into her ear. 

"Miss?  Excuse me, Miss?  Are you alright?"
Maggie shook her head feeling a bit disoriented.  She looked up at the stewardess and said "OH, I must have fallen asleep.  No.  Thank you.  Really, I'm fine.  Just a bit tired." She shook her head lightly hoping to quicken her senses.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed anyone."  
"Are you sure?" the stewardess asked again, this time with a stronger hint of concern in her voice.  "You were crying out in your sleep.  Is there anything that I can do for you?"
Maggie shook her head again, thanked the stewardess and assured her that she was fine.  Once the stewardess left a heavy feeling fell upon Maggie; one that she hadn't felt in a very long time.  
"Where did that come from?" she sighed out loud.  Still feeling disoriented, she remembered that she was on a transatlantic airplane. 
"Geez, mom," she thought. "Even dead, you’ve got a knack for ruining a peaceful moment."  Her thoughts lingered on that dream. That was another lifetime ago and that girl didn't exist anymore.  She allowed herself another few minutes to think back...

© 2009 SM Davis

My Review

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Featured Review

Really interesting hospital scene and interaction between Maggie and her mother. Again, as with the characters you presented in the prelude, there is an authenticity to your writing which loads the piece with drama. I like non-linear story-telling also. Taking us forward and backward in time to slowly reveal your story is a great device when done well, and so far, so good.

A bit short, though... but that is a compliment more than a criticism. You should always leave us wanting more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Really interesting hospital scene and interaction between Maggie and her mother. Again, as with the characters you presented in the prelude, there is an authenticity to your writing which loads the piece with drama. I like non-linear story-telling also. Taking us forward and backward in time to slowly reveal your story is a great device when done well, and so far, so good.

A bit short, though... but that is a compliment more than a criticism. You should always leave us wanting more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow, looks like someone came through to make all of us look like poor reviewers. :(

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Superior writing. I confess to being hooked. Excellent start. You've set your bar high. I'm interested to see if you can maintain the intensity, through out. I believe in your talent. Rain..

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a really strong start. It's really emotional and made me feel a lot of things. Kudos to you for writing something that I know is personal to you.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Almost filmic, in its telling. In fact I feel I could film this. you have directed the action so well and so completely, flawlessly in fact. Just the right amount of tension and relief. Superb story telling. It could almost be true....More, please, more.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

great flow and dramatic pull. you kept me reading and wanting to see what happened next.
i'm going to try and leave some notes.

during the mom's long dialogue, why not break it up and have the mother do something? some gesture...

i'm wanting to read more!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Good so far. But I am concerned here. Knowing what happened in your life, are you sure you want to write this story? If I am being too forward, I apologize and understand if you tell me to "bugger" off or worse, but just felt a sense of apprehension here perhaps. Anyway, the story is off to an attention grabbing start.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on May 18, 2008
Last Updated on September 6, 2009
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SM Davis
SM Davis

One step from the depths of Hell, AZ

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