Tags : Dreams



A Poem by shadowtigers

Sometimes hearts remember what minds do not.


A Poem by Jane Lockheart

Gone Standing in the field Wind kissing your face Night begins to fall Stering into space Stars dance up in the sky Keeping a steady pace And..
My Choice

My Choice

A Poem by Effie

I will cherish dreams realized and look to tomorrows...
Together Forever

Together Forever

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A poem to a man's long lost love.
Beneath Still Waters

Beneath Still Waters

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Beneath still waters lie lost memories, Of sullied dreams cast into seas. Yet mine lost in a thousand days, By my foreknown separate ways,


A Poem by Katharine Eilene

I slumber peacefully only to find myself afraid
diet coke and silence

diet coke and silence

A Story by stolireality

Friday, August 28, 20098:11 PMIt's passed 8pm on a late summer evening, and the room is slowly submerging into the darkness of a hot Austin night. The..
Tangerine Sunfish

Tangerine Sunfish

A Poem by Marie Harrison

An Asian fantasy poem
The Dream Cell

The Dream Cell

A Story by Barry Thomas-Brown

Lucid Dreaming or Insanity?
Morbidly Weird

Morbidly Weird

A Poem by Hello, Goodbye

..The Joker of Angels..
The Future I See

The Future I See

A Poem by luke312

I had to do a reflective piece for a project on Ecotechnology and the rock music was turned up read on
Critical Point

Critical Point

A Story by luke312

Another story i had to do for An I.A so see something wrong or know something that would go better please feel free to tell me.
Ode to LA

Ode to LA

A Poem by Zoe Jay

So, LA, city of which so much is written and said Of the good, the bad, and the beautiful If New York never sleeps, then LA never wakes For th..
How Many Times...

How Many Times...

A Poem by Ian Faraway

A little love poem