Tags : transgender

You're Going To Hell

You're Going To Hell

A Poem by Juria Kurosaki

This is a mix of opinions me and my friends had on this subjects and my feelings on how people like this have treated me.
Give Paradise

Give Paradise

A Poem by Carlee Cherokeeh

Love should never be taken away.
A Collection of Times My Life Fell Apart

A Collection of Times My Life Fell Apart

A Book by Alex J.

My parents found my diary, forcing me to come out about my sexuality and my ftm transgender boyfriend. They grounded me for 6 months and in that time,..
2016 March 15

2016 March 15

A Chapter by Alex J.

A scene that happens later in the chronological story.
where do we go from here?

where do we go from here?

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

I wasn't sure how to approach this one
Microstory 288: Perspective Sixty-Three

Microstory 288: Perspective Sixty-Three

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow.
Microstory 289: Perspective Sixty-Four

Microstory 289: Perspective Sixty-Four

A Story by Nick Fisherman

This is an experimental Perspectives microstory. The introduction can be found in Microstory 225. More to follow.
Thieves and Heroes

Thieves and Heroes

A Book by R.O.A.R.

Half-orc thief Ravalynn and her partner, and lover, a minotaur named Sundu are forced into protecting the empress and her daughter from their traitoro..
Why The Caged Bird Sings

Why The Caged Bird Sings

A Poem by Tristan E

the moment i figured out that being transgender is like running away from home i released the breath i had been holding subconsciously and i let..
Trans People take on the Bathrooms!

Trans People take on the Bathrooms!

A Story by mixtape02

After discovering the TERF take on the "trans people using bathrooms" debate, I wrote this to educate people on why everyone should use the bathroom t..


A Story by Sarah Brenner

This essay is about how gender negatively impacts society and how gender related issues were viewed back in the day compared to today's society. I al..
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

A Story by Sarah Brenner

This essay is about how much hatred there is towards the LGBT community back then and today. It is also about how that hatred towards them is a comple..
They are the same.

They are the same.

A Poem by S

~This is for a section of society who are nothing less than warriors, brutally facing all battles with ease.~


A Poem by smear

and you lay there waiting for someone else to understand you're moving light years ahead in your mind
just to be of use

just to be of use

A Poem by smear

I don’t wanna be just another parody


A Poem by smear

but when im told it's your right to have an opinion, I wonder what right I have to feel
P(retty) Shy

P(retty) Shy

A Stage Play by totty

Preston really has to pee but can't work up the courage to go to the bathroom. Colt thinks he can convince his friend to relieve himself.


A Story by Bryson

It's like waking up in a dark room. Not knowing who you are, why you are here, or if you are alone. "Hello?" You call out hoping someone, anyone migh..


A Story by nightlight6

The nuclear apocalypse has occurred.... at least for a part of the world. The rest of the world has gone on its merry way.

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