Tags : EX

The Ex-Syndrome

The Ex-Syndrome

A Poem by Vanessa

Wrote this awhile ago but always find it relevent.
My Darling

My Darling

A Poem by Javan

Inspired by Eminem - My Darling, but written from the point of view of a crazy ex-girlfriend
words to an ex

words to an ex

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

erm...ya these weren't the exact words i said to her but along the lines. probably the last in the line of angry poems i have been making lately
combating feelings.

combating feelings.

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

how i felt when i had a conversation with an ex...and there is more of this to come. :(
The best

The best

A Poem by kera moondust

A poem about my... almost? Ex...?
A Loss

A Loss

A Poem by Nick M.

I am at a loss: a loss for words a loss for feeling a loss for her a loss for true meaning a loss for joy a loss for trust a loss for love ..


A Poem by Nick M.

My experience with Fate, or lack there of.
Letter to my ex

Letter to my ex

A Story by Tyler James Mathieson

No real category to put this under
still alive and kicking

still alive and kicking

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

first ex. ameena. she did a lot of bad things to me...also my first love.
Stand Tall

Stand Tall

A Poem by Sanity

A poem I started a long time ago, but never finished till now.
Last Night

Last Night

A Chapter by Speak in Silence

September 14-15Last night I spent the night with my best friend. Considering shes Bi also, I was kinda afraid she would try to make a move on me but s..
He's Gone

He's Gone

A Chapter by Speak in Silence

September 16thHe's gone. We're over. He said we couldn't be together if we couldn't see each other.No.I can't live without him.He's the one person who..
Functional w***e

Functional w***e

A Chapter by J. Viands

I saw you fall some time ago The world was younger then So who really knows? If I had fallen Then death is my only hope For I hav..


A Poem by nigrum homonculus

er...this is just feelings on paper. nothing too poetic. this is my third ex amy. the one i can safely say i learned the most about myself from.
A letter to my ex

A letter to my ex

A Story by Ibekori

This all went down last night, and my personal feelings are here. I am not sending this to him, I just needed closure. Here is a little insider about ..