Tags : Loss

What You Learned When You Were Twelve

What You Learned When You Were Twelve

A Poem by Ally Ann

I hurt so much at this age it almost killed me
Hope (Higher Power)

Hope (Higher Power)

A Poem by breakthebrokenone

All I can ask is that you are watching over me and keeping me safe with a Higher Powerand guiding me down the straighter pathwhere the treesare sparse..
Passing Feelings

Passing Feelings

A Poem by breakthebrokenone

Written in lieu of death
Dancing in Brazil - Poem #28

Dancing in Brazil - Poem #28

A Poem by toritto

I am satisfied with my daily bread a pinch of salt a cup o’joe a little touch of you at night. A sweet dream while drifting on sleep&rsquo..
Forsaken - Poem #29

Forsaken - Poem #29

A Poem by toritto

Sit not in your darkened room alone and brooding feeling forsaken by the Fates the sounds of the living rising from the streets. Mourn not useless..


A Story by Hugo J Allen

He’d been awfully agitated at first, but not anymore. A terrible dread had taken hold from the moment he’d started auguring that a muggy..
The Last Time I Seen You

The Last Time I Seen You

A Poem by Royce

More of a memory than anything else, but I like it.


A Poem by Ally Ann

Who was I before pain changed me?
Too Young to Feel This Old

Too Young to Feel This Old

A Poem by Ally Ann

How do I feel so old when I am still so young?


A Poem by Reimyth

A short poem, depressing and sad.


A Poem by Reimyth

Poem about Innocence


A Poem by Dominik D. Rites

Once a love is lost, it is hard to love again.
Sun City - Poem #45

Sun City - Poem #45

A Poem by toritto

In dreams I walk in furrows of deep crusted snow with you where once we walked in slow motion Autumn amongst nodding twigs and leaves of ma..


A Poem by Ally Ann

let yourself out of your cage
Winged Victory - Poem #49

Winged Victory - Poem #49

A Poem by toritto

The fields are fully green again where only yesterday was shed wild blood of exuberant youth beauteous youth their blood staining the earth still,..
Spanish Wood - Poem #50

Spanish Wood - Poem #50

A Poem by toritto

Memories of furniture and lamps a most familiar room where someone else now lives and loves, the house and all it’s walls embracing strange..
Shell  Shock

Shell Shock

A Poem by Gee

No PTSD back then..
The Sun Will Rise

The Sun Will Rise

A Poem by Ally Ann

Even at your lowest point, the sun will always rise again