Tags : READ

Undying Flames

Undying Flames

A Story by Dana

Near the colossal tree that stands triumphantly towards the back of my property, a cool river flows. There is a tire swing that extends from the branc..
At My Computer

At My Computer

A Poem by Barbara Walker

A true description of trying to catch up on read requests, hopefully humorous!
I Love You More

I Love You More

A Story by Diana Dirvariu

My world became very silent a few years back, when my true love left towards the sea. I was buried deep in a pile of heartache and tears. Confusion ..
Broken Book

Broken Book

A Poem by Emma Marie Taylor

Broken BookIn the corner of myselfSits a story on our shelfA story of our love and lustThe words of love, when we mustRhythms of kisses, touches, ..
Sad Failure

Sad Failure

A Poem by Hachamecha

You're standing in the center of the room.Your choking presence gives me a sense of doom. Laughing, shaking, hand full of decapitated hair. Come, let ..
The Endless Chapters of Life

The Endless Chapters of Life

A Book by aisha-asa

She would have never thought life would take such dramatic twists but after the first few surprises life threw at her Carrie was anything but unprepar..
Farewell My Love

Farewell My Love

A Chapter by aisha-asa

Chapter 1
Crimson Chronicals

Crimson Chronicals

A Book by Brandon Lee Cochran

A book so amazing you have to read to find out. Thats all I can say.


A Poem by Rob Santana

It's up to you..
A-Musing Writers

A-Musing Writers

A Stage Play by InkedLance

A piece about how cool and uncool being a writer is with relation to the concept of a muse. ^_*
A Reader's treat

A Reader's treat

A Poem by Angel Bird



A Story by Eirinn

A Micro-Fiction Story
The 'Dad'

The 'Dad'

A Chapter by ZombieGirlSara

Mia's dad is not one of perfect sense. His mission in life is for him to be happy, not for Mia to be.


A Poem by Diana Dirvariu

black for bruisesred for bloodmauve for fingers going numbpink for healthywhite for purerainbow for what is obscure


A Story by Bexfinch

Who can be the mistress of the allusive dream master.
Think Before You Act

Think Before You Act

A Story by Monster ^.^

Jack was sure he got the test! or Did he?