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Tags : miles

Dreaming Dreams

Dreaming Dreams

A Poem by Chris Micha

I dream...dreams.
Counting Numbers to the Sky

Counting Numbers to the Sky

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Only God Knows
What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come

A Poem by Chris Micha

The title is of a movie starring the late and great Robin Williams.


A Poem by gabiaimee

"With cars and trains and planes, you can traverse the Earth, but with a book in your hand you can travel a million times farther."
Be Careful

Be Careful

A Poem by Johanna

What do you think?
40 Miles A Day

40 Miles A Day

A Poem by G.O.

Found this in an old backup of a backup of a backup, obviously unfinished.
A Hundred Miles Away

A Hundred Miles Away

A Poem by GreenEyedPoet

Written 1/20/15 Inspired by someone very close to me.
Nearest Smile 500 Miles

Nearest Smile 500 Miles

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

a long walk to happiness


A Chapter by Madeline Derujinsky

I was the type of girlfriend to pack a gorgeous lunch with expensive sparkling drinks and take you to the place I go to get away from the world.I was ..
Walk Toward Sunshine

Walk Toward Sunshine

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

robin & squirrel inspired by Pryde
198,000 Miles

198,000 Miles

A Poem by Emily Rose

My adventures in loneliness
East Devon Beacon

East Devon Beacon

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

East Devon Beaconby Michael R. BurchEvening darkens upon the moors,Forgiveness―a hairless thingskirting the headlamps, fugitive.Why have we come..

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