Tags : Metaphor



A Poem by The Pilgrim

It has always been there, the burning deep inside. Some days, it is welcoming, like the warmth of a heart-fire in the bleak cold of winter. ..


A Poem by Lost

he smells like cigarettes and beerand he tastes like a reflectionI think we have the same kind of hurtripping through our chestsbits of shrapnel traum..
Tom Thimbleton

Tom Thimbleton

A Poem by Willem Gray

I tried to be clever
The Beauty of the Night

The Beauty of the Night

A Poem by Keanenr5696

This is a poetic description of a beautiful setting. I hope you enjoy!
Query from the heart.

Query from the heart.

A Poem by Verse

A sonnet about love and loss.
Green envy.

Green envy.

A Poem by Verse

A silly little acrostic, a cautionary tale.
My collection.

My collection.

A Poem by Verse

Sensuous wordplay.
Outside the castle

Outside the castle

A Poem by Verse

A bit of a twist on a classic tale.
A robin sings.

A robin sings.

A Poem by Verse

A robin sang to me, oh my,three simple chirps, his tiny trill.And standing near the fence was Iwhen scarlet song begged hearts to thrill. At first, t..
Il sottocodice delle farfalle.

Il sottocodice delle farfalle.

A Poem by Verse

Kind of a carpe diem piece, but the English translation (beneath the write) leaves some nuance on the table.
Fenced away from the springtime.

Fenced away from the springtime.

A Poem by Verse

A refugee’s story.


A Poem by Reeling and Writhing

“Above it is pain, Below it, I’m alive.” When you stand above heaven and look up at hell, Your mind knows 18.5.
Louder than words.

Louder than words.

A Poem by Verse

The tale of two tornadoes.
Black Flies

Black Flies

A Poem by Dominik D. Rites

I saw them today.
Precious Stones of Water

Precious Stones of Water

A Poem by Verse

For someone special.


A Story by Verse

Bear with me as I learn how to write short stories or prose poems.
The Plant

The Plant

A Poem by bigballofwords

We didn't talk about the plant in the corner of the room.We didn't talk about how it wilted, how it folded inward, how it became brittle and frail.We..


A Poem by bigballofwords

I have been running every day of my life.I have run down rocky roads,dark paths, shaky groundsI have run uphill, around corners,and right back to the ..