Tags : Oceans

Miss Rosie

Miss Rosie

A Poem by AiH

Song lyrics/ poem


A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Sea shore contemplations on relations
Chapter (13) WHAT IS A FISH ?

Chapter (13) WHAT IS A FISH ?


What is a fish? A flashing streak across a deep blue sea, A sharp toothed tiger hunting free. Silver shoals a million strong, A Whale ..
Million Pieces of Mine

Million Pieces of Mine

A Poem by ajelly

Came back, went away.Never sure . . .. . .to go or stay.Left the shore, gone away.Has mysoul . . . . . .returned today?Wandering here, Wandering there..
Once Joy Lived Here

Once Joy Lived Here

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

honey is gone
Would you?

Would you?

A Poem by LonelyWanderer

Would you mind if I go? Would you search for me? Would you die a bit inside? Oh tell me what would you be? Would you climb mountains h..
Spell of the Restless

Spell of the Restless

A Poem by Anna

Underneath the moonlight adriftwithin my heart,resting far within the hollow veins of my intentions.Calling out from within the black storms on my lip..
Whale Bones

Whale Bones

A Poem by Dalton Lee

Random piece, just kind of a stream-of-consciousness thing centered around the idea of our world covered in empty oceans.
Love Inside The Love

Love Inside The Love

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Take a deep breath


A Poem by Ty

Numerical Oceans floating On Logic

Numerical Oceans floating On Logic

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Where numbers come from.


A Poem by Isabella Cezanne

a poem about love from afar


A Poem by Michael R. Burch

InstructionbyMichael R. BurchToss this poem asideto the filigree and the wild tideof sunset.Strike my name,and still it is all the same.The onsetof ni..
The Fiction of Being

The Fiction of Being

A Poem by Starling

When it comes down to separating truth from fiction there are only our stories memories true and untrue the results of our conviction..


A Poem by Dylan S

Do not open another bag of Cheetos.

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