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Tags : Anime

Chapter 6 - Enter Uwei.  The test of wills!

Chapter 6 - Enter Uwei. The test of wills!

A Chapter by TOF_Matt

Escape is so close that Noal and Ella can practically taste it. Unfortunately there is just one obstacle standing in their way - Captain Uwei Dalmasac..
From Inside the Well

From Inside the Well

A Book by Amber Tasch

I made an over 60 page comic about this and though I should write it out
World of Choas

World of Choas

A Story by Matt N

This is a story I have started to write. I have worked on it for quite sometime now.. This may contain some grammar errors. Please review it with that..
Chapter 7 - The Power unleashed!  Lightning strikes thrice!

Chapter 7 - The Power unleashed! Lightning strike..

A Chapter by TOF_Matt

Captain Uwei Dalmasacus, elite Luppitan general, proud Marzian warrior. How can Noal Kai hope to stand on even footing with a man of that caliber? I..
Chapter 8 - A harsh reality.  The cost of victory.

Chapter 8 - A harsh reality. The cost of victory.

A Chapter by TOF_Matt

Bones and bruises will always heal. There are, however, scars that will stay with you forever...
Episode 1 : THE Panda Hero

Episode 1 : THE Panda Hero

A Chapter by Amber Tasch

this is like an episode of an anime
Panda Hero

Panda Hero

A Book by Amber Tasch

imma do this in episodes
Episode 2: Hidor Utopia A.K.A The City Left Behind

Episode 2: Hidor Utopia A.K.A The City Left Behind

A Chapter by Amber Tasch

My name is Gumi. Seven years ago the human race left Eart and made home on a nearby planet. No one knows why its here, or why we can live on it. We es..
Episode 3: Roll

Episode 3: Roll

A Chapter by Amber Tasch

My name is Gumi. Seven years ago the human race left Eart and made home on a nearby planet. No one knows why its here, or why we can live on it. We es..
Episode 4: Martyoshka

Episode 4: Martyoshka

A Chapter by Amber Tasch

My name is Gumi. Seven years ago the human race left Eart and made home on a nearby planet. No one knows why its here, or why we can live on it. We es..
Chapter One - Daily Routine

Chapter One - Daily Routine

A Chapter by Crimson Lotus

Ultima City, Kingdom of UltimaIt was another day in the city of Ultima. People stated to wake up and went to work or school. Ryence Hyperion woke up o..
Elysium Story

Elysium Story

A Book by Crimson Lotus

Rhea Elysia along with her guardians must awaken the other Gods of Asgard to complete the power of Elysium and stop the Dark Lord once and for all.


A Chapter by Crimson Lotus

Midgard,Year 1000. 1000 years since the Great War between gods and humans and the Dark Lord. People started to live on their own and have been living ..
Chapter Two–The God and Angel of Darkness

Chapter Two–The God and Angel of Darkness

A Chapter by Crimson Lotus

Military Base of Ultima, Ultima CityThe Military Base of Ultima is located at the eastern part of the city near the seas and covers a large part of th..


A Story by Lauren

this is a true story of me and my grandad, characters are fake though -_- :) x
Chapter Three - The Lady of Elysium

Chapter Three - The Lady of Elysium

A Chapter by Crimson Lotus

Ultima City, Kingdom of UltimaRyence was waiting for Lyte outside to tour her around the city as he promised. He also need to buy a gift for Rhea's bi..