Tags : Prejudice

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

A Poem by Devons

Black can be whiteand white can be blackwith a shadowy greynessof indecision in betweenWhere diplomacy liesand honesty hidesLike the child in our soul..
Race Relations

Race Relations

A Poem by Kash Ryan

A poem I wrote about race, inspired by recent events throughout the U.S.
Beach Bodies

Beach Bodies

A Story by CWP

A short scene about a kid on the beach watching a family.
My Heart Stills

My Heart Stills

A Poem by Deidre

A poem on injustice.
The Door

The Door

A Story by daninstockholm

My first story, in 3 parts, taking place here in Stockholm
A Letter to a "Dark Girl."

A Letter to a "Dark Girl."

A Poem by NumbNotBroken

Your skin is dark... Are you of less value? Your hair is thick and curly... Does this make you unwanted? Light, dark, does it really matter? Have..
When we cry

When we cry

A Chapter by Royal Martinez

Geo is plagued by insecurity. At an age where many were already settled, here he was feeling alone and disengaged from the few people he considered fr..
 Civilized incivility

Civilized incivility

A Poem by Royal Martinez

Ask anyone on the streets of NY, "What's your ethnicity?" You'd get a multitude of answers. Whether Irish, Puerto Rican, Trinidadian, German, African,..
We Need Change

We Need Change

A Story by Sarah Doe

The state of this country right now is appalling, and I feel that this needed to be said. Black lives matter.


A Poem by DevKass92

This poem is about the eternal weight we carry as a species as a consequence for the prejudices we have.
Bowing to the secular deity of correct

Bowing to the secular deity of correct

A Story by Lyn Anderson

an Essay in thought
The Prince of Kyria: Ade's Prayer

The Prince of Kyria: Ade's Prayer

A Book by Haeshin

Tragedy sets a boy free of one world and sends him to another, where the gods demand he take his place as king. But a magical desert royal? Him? As if..
Reapers of Thorns

Reapers of Thorns

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This piece symbolizes the cycle of systemic oppression though a love poem.
White Bailed

White Bailed

A Poem by B

The plaintiff rings a dogmatic known bellAs the satiny bars start to tightenMountains of handsome sea greenBreaking the towering sharp edgeSkies seem ..


A Poem by Margaret M.

Maybe it was untainted Far back before the birth of history. But I don’t know that. I do know as far as it goes My bloodline is tainted with..