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Tags : SEA

Spectrum of the Tides

Spectrum of the Tides

A Story by Treo LeGigeo

Life at sea was never supposed to be easy.
Life-Jackets Instead of Angel Wings

Life-Jackets Instead of Angel Wings

A Poem by Sweet & Tender Hooligan

Eyes to the sea. Escape is out there somewhere like our dreams. Memories leave pieces of ourselves behind in the places where those memories were made..
Baby Beluga

Baby Beluga

A Poem by Andrea Nicole Giamporcaro

A poem dedicated to the born too short. Originally written on 8/11/2010.


A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Beneath a sea which keeps the names of all that whirl in grace...........
Return to the Sea

Return to the Sea

A Story by Elle B. T.

A short story kind of based off of Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid. This is what would have been if The Mermaid had married her "prince" ..
Utopia at Sea

Utopia at Sea

A Poem by Andrew Gleeson

Serving Cosmosys' fourth exhibit "Colony":


A Book by Diomaz

A strange signal has been picked up from the Van Broughn, a SONAR marine based research facility. As some listen in awe, they remain ignorant, these s..
sandy morning

sandy morning

A Poem by Victoria

The silence laps at the waters edge make me feel one with something.The gentle morning sun caresses the cheek of a running child. The tainted air and ..
Rant#1 [Wish]

Rant#1 [Wish]

A Poem by YouoweYoupay

F**k the system...
Intricate Sea of Blame

Intricate Sea of Blame

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Can you not come back from where you hide...............


A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

A vessel for to hold the sea or a levee for to claim..........
The Sea

The Sea

A Poem by kaycee

re-worked from Wallace Stevens' "The Idea of Order at Key West"
Graveling Point~

Graveling Point~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

I beach my car at the concrete barrier between my skin and the dew of the sea Mornings collect in mist a curiously comforting shawl around old..
Curse of the Lost Girl

Curse of the Lost Girl

A Chapter by Haeshin

A Grim Reaper is sent after the Lost Boys Crew as they attack other vessels along the coast of the American colonies.
Sea's Bed

Sea's Bed

A Poem by Fallacy Pharmacy

Slightly ambiguous.