Tags : evil

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box

A Poem by Treo LeGigeo

When Pandora let out the evils of the world, she managed to close the lid just before the last evil escaped: foresight.
Uma and Deke: The Gods of Creation

Uma and Deke: The Gods of Creation

A Story by AJV

This was a Genesis tale. It tells a story about two gods creating and of their characteristics.
The Monster

The Monster

A Poem by .quan.011.

This is my first and last peom probably
Meet your worst fear come true.

Meet your worst fear come true.

A Story by Crystal

Preface to The crazed and the Deviants
HEAVEN  XI ...and on the 8th day God created Football.

HEAVEN XI ...and on the 8th day God created Footb..

A Story by HoWiE

Bill Shankly once said, "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serio..


A Book by Shallowed

A 14 Year Old Boy Named "Jason Colt" is suddenly swept away from his life to become a mercenary in a war with humans against the supernatural.
Razor Witch

Razor Witch

A Poem by Marie Harrison

A bloody witch poem.
The Bible Was Wrong!

The Bible Was Wrong!

A Story by Rose Downing

This is the REAL bible! We arrogant ignorant humans mistook everything to think it was about us AND IT WASN'T!
Til I Die

Til I Die

A Poem by James Johnson

Its not really hate...its jus my message to Satan :D


A Poem by Raccoony

Dark vs. Light...


A Poem by Sean M. Addams

a poem about evil....
With evil on her mind

With evil on her mind

A Poem by Inkcognito

She...the devil's daughter...
JVL: Chapter Eleven

JVL: Chapter Eleven

A Chapter by r

Grasses brushed merely as high as halfway up black legs, making the black form exposed, and violent wind full of chill ruffled he..