Tags : Literature

the drab

the drab

A Poem by Charlotte e.e. Griffiths

the distance we walked to find ourselves was not enough.we sit in dark alleys and burn butts down to the nub in hopesof burning our fingers andwe wait..
Solitude: My Best Friend

Solitude: My Best Friend

A Poem by Adam W Redmon

Over time I'd grown fond of it-Being alone.Completely dislocated from the rest of the worldthe same world we see around usfalling to pieces.Still-Smil..
The Promised Land

The Promised Land

A Story by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

It is normal to be angry. It is only wrong if you cannot control yourself in anger. We are who we choose to be. Friendship was tested and the very iss..
Philosophies which have fascinated me

Philosophies which have fascinated me

A Story by anandbose

It's a narrative on various Philosophies.
Analysis of Heidegger's Philosophy

Analysis of Heidegger's Philosophy

A Story by anandbose

It's an analysis of Heidegger's Philosophy


A Poem by Emmiasky Ojex

What if I said I love you? Would your heart skips its stepping stones and you fall into a bottomless hole? What if I told you each time, I see your ..
Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech

A Story by anandbose

These are new figures of Speech
Analysis of Orwell's 1984

Analysis of Orwell's 1984

A Story by anandbose

It's an analysis of Orwell's 1984
Lampooning the Tarot

Lampooning the Tarot

A Story by anandbose

It's satire about the Tarot
Valley of Sin

Valley of Sin

A Story by anandbose

It's an allegorical fiction.
April 18th 2019

April 18th 2019

A Story by anandbose

It's a journal of my thoughts
Analysis of the tin drum by Gunter Grass

Analysis of the tin drum by Gunter Grass

A Story by anandbose

It's an analysis of the Novel Tin drum by Grass
Cultural Construction

Cultural Construction

A Story by anandbose

It's a new cultural and philosophical term.
Value Epistemology

Value Epistemology

A Story by anandbose

It's a treatise on Philosophy
Her profile

Her profile

A Story by Haim Kadman

A short story dealing with exceptional hunan relations.
Ontological Meanings for Truth

Ontological Meanings for Truth

A Story by anandbose

It's an exegesis of Ontology
Foucault from an Apologetic Perspective

Foucault from an Apologetic Perspective

A Story by anandbose

It's an analysis of Foucault's Philosophy from an apologetic point of view
Rodin's Thinker

Rodin's Thinker

A Story by anandbose

It's an analysis of Rodin's Thinker


A Story by anandbose

It's an analysis of Kierkegaard's Works of Love
April 28th 2019

April 28th 2019

A Story by anandbose

It's a journal.