Tags : Depression

Take my heart

Take my heart

A Poem by Sam

Letting some thoughts out.


A Poem by Sidian

People Lie. It’s always gossip It’s always he said she said. It’s always drama.P..


A Poem by Sidian

Paracosm: Is a detailed imaginary world. It originates from childhood but may develop into adulthood as a creative outlet.
A Loss Leading to Addiction

A Loss Leading to Addiction

A Poem by Sidian

I see you as clear as day.So clear I think I can touch you.I remember everything about you,Every little memory with you.I see you out of the corner of..
Feeling blue

Feeling blue

A Poem by Sam

Reflecting on life.


A Poem by Wallflower

Sometimes my mind goes places and I write.


A Book by douifi dhikra

When she pierced her heart for the last time, she noticed several beautiful, vibrant red flowers spring up where her blood spilled. Amaryllis scooped ..


A Poem by K.P.H.M

verb; prevent (something or someone) from moving or operating as normal
If you see her, say hello

If you see her, say hello

A Book by Doctor Wanderer

The journalist Christopher Douglas has retired to his hometown of Lochfern, Scotland, after his life and career suffered a painful setback. This is a ..


A Poem by mads

---today, I have a million things to do.I have to fold the clean laundry.I have to finish my homework.I have to leave and replace my groceries.what wa..
konmari your brain

konmari your brain

A Poem by mads

---oftentimes I find myself perusingthe self-help sections in dusty bookstores,searching, looking for the perfect novel.I don’t understand why I..
intensive care unit

intensive care unit

A Poem by mads

---the taste of ash envelops my chapped lipsat the thought of just losing you three years ago.wish I hadn’t been there to watch you fade outas t..


A Poem by mads

---keeping up appearances on social mediaso your family doesn’t worry about your thoughtscan cause you to sometimes slip up by accident.“w..
This vanishing life

This vanishing life

A Poem by Phillip J Clayton

Experiencing change, sadness, and depression. Tormented by misery.


A Poem by Phillip J Clayton

Something found

Something found

A Poem by Phillip J Clayton

Remembrance of time.
The Hermit In Her Chair

The Hermit In Her Chair

A Poem by miceonvenus

I don't really write poetry. I just felt it would be the best medium to convey my emotional state. I think I might get into writing poetry more, but I..