The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114

Tags : Sweet

A Mothers Lullaby

A Mothers Lullaby

A Poem by Sarah

A lullaby to put children to sleep
For Her

For Her

A Poem by Tai Ryens

Of all the stars in the sky so highYou're the one that shined the most brightIt's hard to believe that just because I needed someone to open up toCoul..
Karmic Appreciation

Karmic Appreciation

A Poem by The-Win-King

Love must be earned. It's simple, really.
A Hare's Tale

A Hare's Tale

A Poem by Murtuza

All the fuss over carrot cake
Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

A Story by Aianarie (INACTIVE)

Sweet Dreams - Short Story Version It was a forest. It was a ‘how strange’ sort of forest that made Dahlia feel lik..
True Love

True Love

A Poem by PetiteGemini

This describes how love should be.
Lonely and Sweet

Lonely and Sweet

A Poem by The Scholar

Another one of those old poems I wrote years ago, stumbled upon, and felt like sharing.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Katie Cherry

"OH MY GOD, COURTNEY" Her mother let out an ear splitting scream as she rushed to Courtney's bed, shaking her daughter. She collapsed over her daught..
Little Spider, Little Spider

Little Spider, Little Spider

A Poem by ~Dragon X

A curious person finds a curious spider. A curious love ensues.


A Story by HaruHau-Chan

Sweet moments spent between best friends.


A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

We cannot stop the sunrise.

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