Tags : Teachers

What Makes a Good Teacher?

What Makes a Good Teacher?

A Story by Stephe R. Seede

In an industry with such a mixed-bag of colorful personalities, one would have to wonder... "What REALLY Makes a Good Teacher?"


A Poem by Onyeuche Godson

This poem describes exactly what students do in the class while lectures are going on. While the teacher teaches they're busy playing. At last the out..
The Stars That I Look At

The Stars That I Look At

A Poem by Christian Bonoan

Walking pencils and dancing minds That’s what I see always in you Your wit kills and your heart inspires We’re clays waiti..
Creators psych

Creators psych

A Book by Nami FallingDewdrops

coming soon...
Very Common Phrases

Very Common Phrases

A Poem by Désiré Des..

Phrases spoken from adult to kid. What I noticed and still notice, since as long as I can remember.
The Book of Prevost

The Book of Prevost

A Story by firabelle

This is written about a teacher at my school, by a student that loves Mr.Prevost dearly. Don't judge! It's funny.
Do We Really Need An Education

Do We Really Need An Education

A Story by CEOCaples

The current education system
Interracial Dating- Big Deal or No Deal

Interracial Dating- Big Deal or No Deal

A Story by CEOCaples

How do you view the current state of interracial dating?
If You Can Look Up, You Can Get Up

If You Can Look Up, You Can Get Up

A Story by CEOCaples

Providing motivation for anyone that may be having a hard time keeping going.
Just Keep Fighting

Just Keep Fighting

A Story by CEOCaples

As a person who pushes to inspire, I want to help you grow beyond your comfort zone.
Writing for Writers

Writing for Writers

A Story by CEOCaples

Write as much as possible, write daily about anything that interests you. I don’t even know what I’m thinking until I start writing. It wa..
An Ode To Teachers 💐

An Ode To Teachers 💐

A Story by Sonakshi Arora

A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touched a heart. I write about my transition form middle to senior school.
The system

The system

A Poem by Firemay

This is a poem I wrote because school annoyed me.
Pass Time

Pass Time

A Story by Beth Lindsay

The protagonist struggles to make it to her next class due to fear of another student. Inspired by real-life events.


A Book by Charisja3

Humanity’s oldest story is one of temptation—and a fall from grace. In 2014, Ava understands, as Eve did, how one can still be restless in..
Yesteryears School Days....

Yesteryears School Days....

A Poem by Onlyme
