Tags : Cold

The Headache

The Headache

A Story by ericdeben

Have you ever felt so sick you felt like you were going to DIE?!


A Poem by Rudie Rock

Pink clouds drift covering the blue sky.The breeze tickling the green grass.People tumbling by.Standing still amongst the life of the earth.Grounded y..
A Different Sky

A Different Sky

A Poem by Suavis_Umbra

The truth shall only set you free when you are in content with your nature.
Severed Love

Severed Love

A Poem by ~Blue Fantasy~

I am broken and I am torn by you.
Dark Lies

Dark Lies

A Poem by ~Blue Fantasy~

A dark world built by your lies.
You Need Help

You Need Help

A Poem by ~Blue Fantasy~

A Friend who needs help
Winter's Passion Fills The Night

Winter's Passion Fills The Night

A Poem by KAREN

Kisses shared 'neath the winter moon While an owl plays a tune Leaves crunch beneath our feet ..
Whistler`s Den

Whistler`s Den

A Poem by Don Shaw

A walk by the river at night can be a very frightful experience.
Georgia Dreams

Georgia Dreams

A Poem by Persephone Blum

A beautiful day in sunny Georgia.... yes?
Forgotten corridors

Forgotten corridors

A Story by Misty_Prophet

'Where is the exit? ' She kept thinking. There were no doors to the other side, in the place she is awaken. If only she could get out, until... Until ..
Fall Back Love

Fall Back Love

A Poem by Ina

A broken heart still beats.


A Poem by SarahCortland

the attitude commonly mistaken.